Online Positive Interventions to Promote Well-being and Resilience in the Adolescent Population: A Narrative Review
Numerous studies have shown an alarming prevalence of depression, anxiety, and behavior disorders in youth. Thus, prevention of psychological problems in this population becomes crucial. According to the World Health Organization (1), prevention should also include the promotion and development of the individual’s strengths in order to reduce vulnerability to suffering from mental disorders. In addition, other key elements of prevention are the reach, adoption, implementation, and maintenance of interventions. The information and communication technologies, especially the Internet, have much to offer in terms of the prevention and promotion of positive mental health in adolescents. This pap…
Smiling is Fun, an online intervention for the prevention and treatment of emotional disorders
Los trastornos emocionales representan una problemática en Salud Mental que conlleva un elevado costo personal y social, por lo que diseñar herramientas para su tratamiento y prevención es uno de los desafíos actuales de la psicología clínica. El programa Sonreír es Divertido es un sistema online diseñado bajo la perspectiva transdiagnóstica y el protocolo unificado de Barlow. En este trabajo se presenta una descripción del programa y datos preliminares de su eficacia, obtenidos en un estudio piloto llevado a cabo en España. El programa se muestra capaz de disminuir la sintomatología depresiva y ansiosa, así como de mejorar el afecto positivo y negativo de los participantes. Estos datos pre…
An Internet based intervention for improving resilience and coping strategies in university students: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Background The literature shows a high prevalence of depression and anxiety in young people. The university represents a change in the lives of students, and is considered a stress factor. Therefore, it is particularly relevant to develop interventions specifically addressed to students and foster supportive environments and resilient communities. As students are “digital natives”, online interventions offer several potential advantages in doing this. This study aims to develop and evaluate the efficacy of an Internet-based intervention (CORE: Cultivating our Resilience), based on the Ryff model of well-being, to promote resilience and coping skills, decrease symptoms of depression and anxi…
Internet-Based Intervention for Secondary and Tertiary Prevention of Depressive Symptoms
Depression is one of the most disabling psychological disorders worldwide. A very important challenge today consists on addressing the issue of depression from a preventive perspective. A growing body of research supports the efficacy of Internet-based treatments. We have developed an Internet-based program (Smiling is Fun) with the objective of helping people in prevention of depression and anxiety symptoms. It is based on classical cognitive behavioral techniques, such as behavioural activation, and also includes other positive psychological strategies to improve coping ability and positive mood. We applied this intervention program in people who had to cope at least with one stressor in …
An Internet-based treatment for flying phobia (NO-FEAR Airlines): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Background: Flying phobia (FP) is a common and disabling mental disorder. Although in vivo exposure is the treatment of choice, it is linked to a number of limitations in its implementation. Particularly important, is the limited access to the feared stimulus (i.e., plane). Moreover, the economic cost of in vivo exposure should be specially considered as well as the difficulty of applying the exposure technique in an appropriate way; controlling important variables such as the duration of the exposure or the number of sessions. ICTs could help to reduce these limitations. Computer-assisted treatments have remarkable advantages in treating FP. Furthermore, they can be delivered through the I…
The acceptability of an internet-based exposure treatment for flying phobia with and without therapist guidance: Patients’ expectations, satisfaction, treatment preferences, and usability
Daniel Campos,1 Adriana Mira,1,2 Juana Bretón-López,1,3 Diana Castilla,1,3 Cristina Botella,1,3 Rosa Maria Baños,3,4 Soledad Quero1,3 1Department of Basic Psychology, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain; 2Department of Psychology and Sociology, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, Universidad de Zaragoza, Campus Universitario de Teruel, Teruel, Spain; 3CIBER de Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBEROBN), Barcelona, Spain; 4Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment, Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain Purpose: Internet-based treatments have been tested for several psychol…
An Internet-based program for depression using activity and physiological sensors: efficacy, expectations, satisfaction, and ease of use
Cristina Botella,1,2 Adriana Mira,1 Inés Moragrega,2,3 Azucena García-Palacios,1,2 Juana Bretón-López,1,2 Diana Castilla,1,2 Antonio Riera López del Amo,1 Carla Soler,1 Guadalupe Molinari,1 Soledad Quero,1,2 Verónica Guillén-Botella,2,3 Ignacio Miralles,1,2 Sara Nebot,1 Berenice Serrano,1,2 Dennis Majoe,4 Mariano Alcañiz,2,5 Rosa María Baños2,31Department of Basic, Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology, Universitat Jaume, Castellón, Spain; 2CIBER Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition, CIBERobn, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Santiago de Compostela, Spain; 3Department o…
Exploring the Incorporation of a Positive Psychology Component in a Cognitive Behavioral Internet-Based Program for Depressive Symptoms. Results Throughout the Intervention Process
Traditionally, evidence-based treatments for depression have focused on negative symptoms. Different authors describe the need to include positive affect as a major target of treatment. Positive psychology aims to fill this gap. Reaching everyone in need is also important, and Internet-based interventions can help in this task. The present study is a secondary analysis derived from a randomized controlled trial aimed to test the efficacy of an Internet-based intervention for patients with depressive symptoms. This intervention consisted of an 8-module Internet-based program that combined four modules based on cognitive-behavioral therapy strategies and four modules based on positive psychol…
Capturing the Severity and Impairment Associated With Depression: The Overall Depression Severity and Impairment Scale (ODSIS) Validation in a Spanish Clinical Sample
Background: The Overall Depression Severity and Impairment Scale (ODSIS) is a self-report scale designed to evaluate the severity and functional impairment associated with depression. Objective: This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the online version of the ODSIS in Spanish outpatients with depression and anxiety disorders. Method: Patients with a main diagnosis of a depressive (n = 283) or anxiety disorder (n = 191) and a mean age of 38.15 (SD = 12.06) were evaluated with a clinical diagnostic interview and measures assessing depression, anxiety, positive and negative affect, and quality of life. Factorial structure, internal consistency, convergent, and discriminant validit…
An Internet-based program for depressive symptoms using human and automated support: a randomized controlled trial
Adriana Mira,1 Juana Bretón-López,1,2 Azucena García-Palacios,1,2 Soledad Quero,1,2 Rosa María Baños,2,3 Cristina Botella1,2 1Department of Basic, Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology, Labpsitec, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón de la Plana, Spain; 2CIBER of Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition CIBERobn, CB06/03 Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Santiago de Compostela, Spain; 3Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the efficacy of an Internet-based program for depressive symptoms using automated supp…
Interventions for Family Members and Carers of Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder: A Systematic Review.
Carers of patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) experience high levels of distress. Several studies have been carried out on interventions designed to decrease their burden. However, the evidence from these studies has not been summarized. The objective of this work is to explore the clinical utility of interventions developed for family members of patients with BPD. A systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines (registration number CRD42018107318), including psychological interventions focused on relatives of patients with BPD. The following databases were used: PsycINFO, PubMed, EBSCOhost, and Web of Science. Two independent researchers reviewed the studi…
Cultural adaptation of the Smiling is Fun program for the treatment of depression in the Ecuadorian public health care system: A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Background Depression is one of the world's major health problems. Due to its high prevalence, it constitutes the first cause of disability among the Americas, where only a very low percentage of the population receives the adequate evidence-based psychological treatment. Internet-Based Interventions (IBIs) are a great alternative to reduce the treatment gap for mental disorders. Although there are several studies in low-and middle-income countries proving IBIs' feasibility and acceptability, there is still little evidence of the effectiveness in diverse social and cultural contexts such as Latin America. Methods Two studies will be described: Study 1 is focused on the cultural adaptation o…
A low-intensity internet-based intervention focused on the promotion of positive affect for the treatment of depression in Spanish primary care: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Background: A large number of low-intensity Internet-based interventions (IBIs) for the treatment of depression have emerged in Primary Care
Additional file 1 of Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS): psychometric properties of the online Spanish version in a clinical sample with emotional disorders
Additional file 1. PANAS (Spanish version).
Online interventions to prevent mental health problems implemented in school settings: the perspectives from key stakeholders in Austria and Spain
Abstract Background Schools are key settings for delivering mental illness prevention in adolescents. Data on stakeholders’ attitudes and factors relevant for the implementation of Internet-based prevention programmes are scarce. Methods Stakeholders in the school setting from Austria and Spain were consulted. Potential facilitators (e.g. teachers and school psychologists) completed an online questionnaire (N=50), policy makers (e.g. representatives of the ministry of education and health professional associations) participated in semi-structured interviews (N=9) and pupils (N=29, 14–19 years) participated in focus groups. Thematic analysis was used to identify experiences with, attitudes a…
Smartphone Apps for the Treatment of Mental Disorders: Systematic Review
Background Smartphone apps are an increasingly popular means for delivering psychological interventions to patients suffering from a mental disorder. In line with this popularity, there is a need to analyze and summarize the state of the art, both from a psychological and technical perspective. Objective This study aimed to systematically review the literature on the use of smartphones for psychological interventions. Our systematic review has the following objectives: (1) analyze the coverage of mental disorders in research articles per year; (2) study the types of assessment in research articles per mental disorder per year; (3) map the use of advanced technical features, such as sensors…
Efficacy of an internet-based exposure treatment for flying phobia (NO-FEAR Airlines) with and without therapist guidance: a randomized controlled trial
Background Internet-based treatments appear to be a promising way to enhance the in vivo exposure approach, specifically in terms of acceptability and access to treatment. However, the literature on specific phobias is scarce, and, as far as we know, there are no studies on Flying Phobia (FP). This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of an Internet-based exposure treatment for FP (NO-FEAR Airlines) that includes exposure scenarios composed of images and sounds, versus a waiting-list control group. A secondary aim is to explore two ways of delivering NO-FEAR Airlines, with and without therapist guidance. Methods A randomized controlled trial (RCT) was conducted in which 69 participan…
Opinion of the Patients About an Internet-Based Psychological Treatment Protocol
Emotional disorders (depression and anxiety disorders) are highly prevalent. Currently, there is evidence showing the efficacy of disorder-specific cognitive-behavior therapy for emotional disorders. However, high comorbidity rates among emotional disorders have led some researchers to shift the focus to treatment strategies that might be more widely effective across these diverse conditions (transdiagnostic approach). Another important line of research in the literature is Internet-based psychotherapy. An increasing number of meta-analyses have shown the efficacy and effectiveness of Internet-based cognitive-behavior treatment protocols for emotional disorders. Nevetherless, little is know…
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS): psychometric properties of the online Spanish version in a clinical sample with emotional disorders
Abstract Background The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) is the most widely and frequently used scale to assess positive and negative affect. The PANAS has been validated in several languages, and it has shown excellent psychometric properties in the general population and some clinical samples, such as forensic samples, substance users, and adult women with fibromyalgia. Nevertheless, the psychometric properties of the scale have not yet been examined in clinical samples with anxiety, depressive, and adjustment disorders. In addition, the proliferation of Internet-based treatments has led to the development of a wide range of assessments conducted online with digital versions …
Online prevention programmes for university students: stakeholder perspectives from six European countries
Abstract Background Students beginning university are at a heightened risk for developing mental health disorders. Online prevention and early intervention programmes targeting mental health have the potential to reduce this risk, however, previous research has shown uptake to be rather poor. Understanding university stakeholders’ (e.g. governing level and delivery staff [DS] and students) views and attitudes towards such online prevention programmes could help with their development, implementation and dissemination within university settings. Methods Semi-structured interviews, focus groups and online surveys were completed with staff at a governing level, university students and DS (i.e.…
Efficacy of an internet-based psychological intervention for problem gambling and gambling disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Gambling Disorder is a prevalent non-substance use disorder, which contrasts with the low number of people requesting treatment. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) could help to enhance the dissemination of evidence-based treatments and considerably reduce the costs. The current study seeks to assess the efficacy of an online psychological intervention for people suffering from gambling problems in Spain. The proposed study will be a two-arm, parallel-group, randomized controlled trial. A total of 134 participants (problem and pathological gamblers) will be randomly allocated to a waiting list control group (N = 67) or an intervention group (N = 67). The intervention program i…
A brief online transdiagnostic measure: Psychometric properties of the Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale (OASIS) among Spanish patients with emotional disorders.
The Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale (OASIS) is a self-report questionnaire designed to evaluate the severity and functional impairment associated with anxiety. Given its transdiagnostic nature, it can be used indistinctly across anxiety and depressive disorders. In this study, the psychometric properties of the online version of the OASIS were evaluated in a Spanish clinical sample with emotional disorders. Patients (n = 583) with anxiety (n = 250) and depression (n = 333) with a mean age of 37.21 (SD = 12.22), underwent a diagnostic interview and questionnaires assessing anxiety, depression, positive and negative affect, and quality of life. Factorial structure, internal cons…
Exploring the Relationship Between the Acceptability of an InternetBased Intervention for Depression in Primary Care and Clinical Outcomes: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial
Background: Depression is one of the most prevalent psychological disorders worldwide. Although psychotherapy for depression is effective, there are barriers to its implementation in primary care in Spain. The use of the Internet has been shown to be a feasible solution. However, the acceptability of Internet-based interventions has not been studied sufficiently. Objective: To assess the acceptability of an Internet-based intervention (IBI) for depression in primary care, and explore the relationship between expectations and satisfaction and the improvement in the clinical variables in primary care patients receiving this intervention. Furthermore, it offers data about the effects of some s…
Additional file 1: of An Internet-based treatment for flying phobia (NO-FEAR Airlines): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
SPIRIT 2013 Checklist: Recommended items to address in a clinical trial protocol and related documents. (DOCX 61 kb)
Access to autobiographical memory as an emotion regulation strategy and its relation to dispositional mindfulness
Mindfulness research has extensively focused on mechanisms that make it work. Emotional regulation (ER) has been proposed as one of the mechanisms to explain the effects of mindfulness on health. ER is composed of a broad set of strategies, such as the use of autobiographical memory (AM), which refers to the recollection of personally experienced past events to regulate the emotion (i.e., remembering a positive past event in order to calm anxiety). Authors suggest that mindfulness and AM are related. However, few studies exist to explore this relationship that could promote a more adaptive ER. The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between the mindfulness trait and the use of …
Additional file 1: of Efficacy of an internet-based exposure treatment for flying phobia (NO-FEAR Airlines) with and without therapist guidance: a randomized controlled trial
NO-FEAR Airlines. Video about NO-FEAR Airlines, an Internet-based Exposure treatment for Flying Phobia. The video includes a description about the online program, how it works and on how it has been assessed in an RCT. (MP4 58734 kb)