Matti Parikka
Tietoyhteiskunnan haasteita yrittäjyys- ja teknologiakasvatukselle peruskoulussa
[Johdanto] Summary submission is electronic only. The submission process consists of entering the paper title, author(s) and affiliation(s), and an abstract no longer than 35 words. Authors are prompted to state their preference for presentation type (oral presentation, poster or data workshop poster) and for session. Details for the submission process will be provided later on. The final category of all papers will be determined by the Technical Program Committee, which is responsible for selecting final papers from initial submissions. Papers accepted for oral or poster presentation at the technical program will be eligible for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. Sele…
Challenges of the Information Society to Entrepreneurial and Technology Education in the Finnish Comprehensive School
Even if the concept Information Society has versatile menings for its details, there is an approximate agreement about its general essence. There is an understanding e.g. about its emphasis on utilizing the computers, software and networks diversified and about the participatory, self originated activity culture of the citizens. As a result of these the central essence of Work has been changed from reproduction to thinking, understanding and planning. This is seen e.g. in many industries as transfer of the route works to the countries of cheap labour as increasing focus for research and development of new products in the home country. Today emphasized are teamwork, spontaneous, self-directe…
Technology Education - the Ethical Challenge
Introduction: In everyday thinking and discussion, the concepts of technique (technical methods, as in a craft or in scientific research) and technology are often regarded as synonymous. On closer analysis, one realizes that this is not the truth of the matter. On the contrary, the difference in the concepts introduces the ethical viewpoint. Technique, which generally refers to tools, equipment and machines or know-how about their use or control, is an instrument which, as such, does not does not inherently have good or bad qualities. However, the results depend on where and how it is used (Parikka & Rasinen, 1994). Technique becomes technology when it is applied to a certain task. Thus, on…
Koulutuksen kulttuurit ja hyvinvoinnin politiikat : Verkkojulkaisu
Entrepreneurship- and technology education in the context of the information society
Introduction: In Finland, a national “Entrepreneurship decade 1995–2005” project was implemented. The purpose of this project was to emphasize the importance of local work and production to the survival of the locality, as well as to stimulate cooperation between schools and local enterprises. At the same time there was increasing discussion about the information society, its essential, and characteristics, and what kinds of changes it necessitates at all levels of education. As a consequence of these, new subjects were introduced into comprehensive and upper secondary school curricula. These subjects were called: Entrepreneurship and active citizenship, Humanity and technology, and Technol…