Elina Nykyri
Yritysten tilinpäätöstietojen toimipaikkaistamisen ongelma : yleistetyn regressioestimoinnin sovellus rekisteritutkimuksessa
Effects of the School-to-Work Group Method among young people
Abstract This study examines effects of the School-to-Work Group Method among 17–25-year-old young people facing the transition from vocational college to work. After baseline measurement ( N = 416) participants were randomized into experimental and control groups. The results of ten month follow-up ( N = 334) showed notable beneficial impacts of the group method on both employment itself and on how well it matched participants’ education and personal career plans. The group method also had a significant preventive effect on psychological distress and depression symptoms among those initially at risk of suffering from mental disorder. Moreover, it considerably increased participants’ pers…