Anu Järvensivu
Mistä syntyy mielenterveysdiagnoosi?
“Once an entrepreneur, always an entrepreneur” : positioning analysis of written narratives
PurposeThe negative stereotypes concerning late-career workers are found to prevail and lead to negative circulation of narratives and actions between individuals and societies. Using the context of late-career entrepreneurs, the paper aims to find an alternative and a more positive narrative concerning late-career work by focusing on entrepreneurs and the narrative positioning related to them.Design/methodology/approachThe authors used a narrative-positioning analysis, cycling through three levels of analysis and then returning to level two, in order to study our sample of seven narratives written by Finnish late-career entrepreneurs. The authors present in detail one story-telling narrati…
Varieties of agencies during working life changes
The aim of this study is to shed light on the varieties of workers´ agencies in working life change situations, which is an under-researched topic in the literature of workplace learning and in working life studies. The research questions are what kinds of agencies there are to be found when workers encounter changes and how the different kinds of agencies are connected together. The understanding of agency is grounded on the subject-centered socio-cultural approach, whereas the methodological approach is based on applying life-course perspective on research material consisting of 48 working life narratives written by Finnish adults. The narratives are analyzed by abductive content analysis…
Multiple job holding, societal change, and individual careers: Contributions to the chaos theory of careers
The chaos theory of careers was applied to identify the connections between multiple jobholders’ careers and societal change. Multiple job holding is a form of employment that consists of two or more overlapping jobs. Six interviews with men born in the 1960s in Finnish North Karelia, whose multiple job holding included agricultural and forestry work, were analyzed. Our results showed that multiple job holding career development has societal connections and that the experiences of multiple job holding varied across individuals. Moreover, multiple job holding experiences and further career development endeavors were influenced by whether the multiple job holding career developed in line wit…
Ongelmia työssä ja toimeentulossa vai sittenkin järjestelmissä?
Kirja-arvostelu teoksesta Suoranta, Anu & Leinikki, Sikke (toim.) (2018) Rapautuvan palkkatyön yhteiskunta. Mikä on työn ja toimeentulon tulevaisuus? Vastapaino. 178 sivua. nonPeerReviewed
Tutkimusetiikka yhä tärkeämpää työelämän tutkimuksessa
Työura : yksilön valintoja vai monimutkaista kehkeytymistä?
Artikkelissa tutkimme työurien kaaosteorian potentiaalia yhä moninaisemmiksi muuttuvien työuri-en ymmärtämisessä sekä työurien ja koetun terveyden välisten kytkösten hahmottamisessa. Kaaos-teoria tuo esiin työurien erilaiset muodot ja niitä värittävät monenlaiset epävarmuudet, satunnaisuu-det ja siirtymät. Aineistomme muodostuu kahdestatoista pohjoiskarjalalaisen miehen haastattelusta. Löysimme aineistosta kaikki teoriassa esitetyt neljä työuramuotoa, mutta ne limittyivät ja muoto saattoi myös vaihtua. Havaitsimme terveydentilan kytkeytyvän monisuuntaisesti työuran rakentumi-seen, ja taloudellisten kysymysten välittävän kytköksiä. Esitämmekin, että yksilön vapaata valintaa ja lineaarista ty…