Anicet Yalaho
IT-supported international outsourcing of software production
A Conceptual Model of ICT-Supported Unified Process of International Outsourcing of Software Production
This is an ongoing research in international outsourcing software production. This research examines how Software production through the ICTsupported unified process of international outsourcing could be executed and managed effectively. To address this research question, the results of an in-depth literature review in the areas of outsourcing, international outsourcing, information technology, and international software production is presented. This study proposes the information communication technologies? (ICT) - supported unified process model of international outsourcing of software production (SUPMIOSP). ICT-SUPMIOSP provides a detailed guideline on how to manage the entire process of…
Risk management in offshore outsourcing of software production using the ICT-supported unified process model: A cross-case study
Successful execution of ICT-supported unified process of offshore outsourcing (ICT-SUPOO) of software development can offer various important benefits. However, ICT-SUPOO of software development is very complex and risky, and often fails. Almost no empirical studies are available on the risk factors that affect the ICT-SUPOO. The objective of this study is to investigate the key risk factors associated with ICT-SUPOO, understand how they create risks, and how the risks can be alleviated. We carry out a multiple case study from both of the vendorpsilas and clientpsilas sites, where professionals with extensive experience in managing offshore outsourcing of software development were interview…
Managing offshore outsourcing of software development using the ICT-supported unified process model : a cross-case analysis
Länsimaiset teknologia-alan yritykset siirtävät ohjelmistojen ja oheispalvelujen tuotantoaan kasvavassa määrin kehitysmaihin. Ulkomaille etäulkoistamisen riskit on syytä tuntea, jotta yritykset voivat hyödyntää liiketoimintamallin mahdollisuuksia. Etäulkoistamisesta ja sen johtamisesta on tehty lukuisia tutkimuksia. Suurin osa käsittelee tietotekniikan etäulkoistamista asiakkaan, ulkoistavan yrityksen näkökulmasta. Tietohallintojohdon tarpeisiin on luotu useita viitekehyksiä IT-järjestelmien etäulkoistamisen toteuttamiseksi käytännössä. Viitekehykset kattavat osa-alueita, mutta yksikään niistä ei ohjeista kokonaisvaltaisesti ohjelmistotuotannon ulkomaille ulkoistamisen johtamista.Anicet Yal…
The ICT-Supported Unified Process Model of Offshore Outsourcing of Software Production: Exploratory Examination and Validation
Various important benefits can be achieved through the successful management of offshore outsourcing. Numerous studies exist on outsourcing in general, yet the vast majority of extant literature on offshore outsourcing has dealt with information technology (IT) outsourcing from the client's perspective. Several frameworks, focusing on guiding information systems managers in relation to IT outsourcing, have been developed. However, none of these frameworks attempted to provide a holistic guideline to manage the entire process of offshore outsourcing of software production. There is a significant lack of studies dealing with the management of offshore outsourcing of software production from …