A Nucara

Il progetto integrato degli edifici: prestazioni indoor e criteri di ecocompatibilità dei materiali

research product

Analisi dei parametri antropometrici di etnie diverse ai fini del comfort termoigrometrico indoor

In questo lavoro vengono presentati i risultati di uno studio volto a verificare se l’algoritmo, proposto da P.O. Fanger, relativo allo scambio termico radiativo tra corpo umano ed ambiente indoor, possa essere utilizzato per tutte le popolazioni mondiali: un erronea stima dello scambio termico radiativo può condurre infatti ad una erronea valutazione delle prestazioni di comfort indoor. In queste condizioni risulta pertanto importante valutare, con elevata accuratezza, i parametri coinvolti nel calcolo del flusso termico radiativo tra corpo umano e ambiente indoor circostante, tra i quali ritroviamo quelli dipendenti dalle caratteristiche propriamente geometriche del corpo umano: area proi…

research product

An algorithm for the assessment of subjective adaptive thermal comfort conditions based on multi-agent systems

Thermal comfort conditions in the built environment are strictly related not only to the thermal and geometric building features and to air-conditioning systems, but also to the building destination, to its using profile and to the biological-metabolic-psychological characteristics of users. As a consequence, there is a strong claim for new models, both subjective and adaptive to the environment, in a particular holistic vision of the problem, with regards to the novel tern user-plant-building system. In such a frame, through the paper the characterization of an algorithm aimed at subjective adaptive thermal comfort evaluations, enriching the one proposed by Fanger with an adaptive approach…

research product

Multi-Agent Systems as Effective Tools for the User-Based Thermal Comfort: an Introduction

Through the paper the characterization of a comfort model, enriching that proposed by Fanger with an adaptive approach, is carried out using a Multi Agent System (MAS). This is a well suited coordinated set of Intelligent Agents, that are software applications interacting in order to follow user in his own needs and preferences in relation to indoor comfort, adapting to the changes of context variables. As a matter of fact, MAS are systems aware of the scenery where users live, following them in their own needs and preferences and adapting to their expectations. Indeed, thermal comfort conditions in the built environment are strictly related not only to the thermal and geometric building fe…

research product