Orlando S.
Assessment of vineyard vigour and yield spatio-temporal variability based on UAV high resolution multispectral images
Accurate, timely assessment of the vineyard on a field scale is essential for successful grape yield and quality. Remote sensing can be an effective and useful monitoring tool, as data from sensors on board Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) can measure vegetative and reproductive growth and thus directly or indirectly detect variability. Through the images obtained from UAV, the Vegetation Indices (VIs) can be calculated and compared with various agronomic characteristics of the vineyard. The objective of this study was to evaluate the multispectral response of the vineyard in three specific phenological phases and to analyse the spatial distribution of vegetative vigour. A multirotor UAV equi…
Pneumatic press equipped with the Vortex system for white grapes processing: First results
The interaction between mechanical, computer and electronic technologies offers nowadays highly innovative solutions to be applied to the oenological machinery industry. Grapes pressing for the extraction of must from the grapes has a fundamental role for obtaining wines with high quality. The pneumatic presses commonly used work with a discontinuous cycle, taking on average about 3 hours for the extraction of the juice from the grapes. During this period, the presence of oxygen in contact with grapes can modify the qualitative characteristics of the future wine. The aim of the research was to study the “Vortex System” applied to a pneumatic press and to evaluate the quality of wines obtain…
Il ruolo delle precipitazioni occulte nella formazione e mantenimento della vegetazione forestale: il caso studio di Pantelleria
Le testimonianze storiche indicano per le isole circumsiciliane la presenza di floridi boschi che sono stati distrutti a seguito dei processi di deforestazione. In alcuni casi, dopo gli interventi di rimboschimento, la vegetazione riesce a ricostituirsi con difficoltà come a Lampedusa mentre in altri casi i processi di recupero sono molto rapidi. Un ruolo non indifferente viene svolto dalla presenza di piante in grado di diffondere propaguli ma anche dalle condizioni climatiche locali determinate sia dalla morfologia delle singole isole come, ad esempio, la presenza di rilievi montuosi, che dal particolare contesto oceanografico. I dati medi riportati dalle stazioni climatiche in termini di…