Sara' M.
Geographic variation of the Greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula Hermann, 1780 Mammalia, Soricidae)
A multivariate morphometric study of the Greater white-toothed shrew (C. russula) throughout its Palearctic range was carried out to search for patterns of geographic variation within the species boundary. Burnaby's and multiple group principal component analysis allowed the adjustment of raw data with respect to within-sample allometric variation. Multivariate 'size-free' results show a stepped cline with the phenotypical trait reduction and shape change from the eastern to the western Maghreb. Pleistocene fossil mandibles proved to have low phenetic distances with eastern populations (Tunisia, east Algeria) and it is argued that their character set is the primitive condition. The ancestra…
The colonization of sicily by the Black Kite (Milvus migrans)
I describe the colonization of the black kites (Milvus migrans) in Sicily. The ancient ornithologists of the ninth century considered this species as occasional and rare in Sicily. The black kite has been classified as the second mosto common species observed in the Strait of Messina in spring and is also most abundant during fall migration. Habitats suitable for nesting are available along the migratory route. This species is reproducing and remaining during the winter in an approximate area of 100 kmq located in the center of Sicily. The first confirmed reproductive data was reported in 1979, later a more extensive colonization followed. Stadia tardla was recorded during vehicle censuses …
Body size increase in insular rodent populations: A role for predators?
Insular mammalian populations living in areas of small size are often characterized by a drastic change in body mass compared to related continental populations or species. Generally, small mammals (less than 100 g) evolve into giant forms while large mammals (up to 100 g) evolve into dwarf forms. These changes, coupled with changes in other life, behavioural, physiological or demographic traits are referred to generally as the insular syndrome. We tested in this study the relative contribution of three factors - area of island, numbers of competitor species and number of predator species - to changes in body size of the woodmouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Our …
First evidence by satellite telemetry of lanner falcon's falco biarmicus feldeggii natal dispersal outside sicily, and a review of existing data
The Italian population of the threatened European Lanner Falcon is mainly sedentary. Thanks to satellite telemetry, we recorded the first evidence on natal dispersal of a juvenile male (Falc36) outside Sicily. Falc36 was deployed with a GPS-GSM device in May 2017, after an initial phase of movements close to the natal cliff and of short wandering in Sicily crossed the Messina Strait in mid July and arrived in Apulia (south Italy). There we were able to follow his displacements and settling until the end of November when the transmitter broke up. Falc36 used mainly open habitats composed of arable field and heterogeneous agricultural areas firstly north of Altamura and Gravina, and from late…
Falcon Conservation: azioni pratiche per la tutela del lanario Falco biarmicus feldeggii
Il progetto Falcon Conservation nasce nel 2014 e dal 2016 è supportato dalla fondazione Nando ed Elsa Peretti, con lo scopo di acquisire nuovi dati sulla biologia e la conservazione dei Rapaci ed in particolar modo del lanario Falco biarmicus feldeggii e del pellegrino Falco peregrinus brookei. Falcon Conservation si basa sulla ricerca scientifica e sulla Citizen Science ed ha tra gli obiettivi la divulgazione e il coinvolgimento degli studenti universitari e dell’opinione pubblica in genere. Le azioni pratiche del progetto si sono concentrate sul monitoraggio di popolazione in tre aree-campione che corrispondono alla Sicilia occidentale, centrale ed orientale. I censimenti sul campo sono s…
Strategies of migration and wintering of Italian lesser kestrel Falco naumanni populations.
Avian migration is naturally a plastic trait, and tracking migratory birds is problematic because of distances and areas involved. Electronic data loggers (e.g. light-level geolocators, GPS/GSM tags, etc) provide a means to directly follow several individuals and understand migration routes and geographic patterns of population displacements in overwintering areas. Thanks to the collaboration between different projects (PRIN, LIFE+ LIFE11/NAT/IT068), we tracked lesser kestrels equipped with GPS/UHF and GLS devices and we analyzed the migration data of more than 20 individuals breeding in different populations of Sicily (Gela Plain) and Southern Italy (Altamura, Gravina). The weights of comp…
Genetic variability and population structuring in the European Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus feldeggii
We analysed variation in 10 polymorphic microsatellites and a variable portion of control region of mtDNA in 24 specimens from 3 populations of European Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus feldeggii living in Sicily, continental Italy and the Balkan area to assess species' genetic diversity and population structure in the poorly investigated range of this threatened subspecies. We considered also a dataset of previously published mtDNA sequences of the other Lanner Falcon subspecies and of Hierofalco subgenus members (F. cherrug, F. rusticolus and F. jugger) to outline the genetic variation in the region on a wide-ranging basis. Regard with mtDNA we identified 6 haplotypes from our 24 European La…