C. Grillo

Meccanica del volo dei velivoli ad ala rotante

Si definisce elicottero un aeromobile che trae la propria sostentazione e propulsione dalla forza prodotta da uno o più rotori azionati da un motore ed aventi asse verticale

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Architettura generale degli aeromobili ad ala fissa

Si definisce aeromobile ogni tipo di mezzo capace di muoversi nell'aria. A seconda del tipo di sostentazione si hanno gli aeromobili a sostentazione statica e gli aeromobili a sostentazione dinamica.

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The Kormendy relation of early-type galaxies as a function of wavelength in Abell S1063, MACS J0416.1-2403, and MACS J1149.5+2223

The wavelength dependence of the Kormendy relation (KR) is well characterised at low redshift but poorly studied at intermediate redshifts. The KR provides information on the evolution of the population of early-type galaxies (ETGs). Therefore, by studying it, we may shed light on the assembly processes of these objects and their size evolution. As studies at different redshifts are generally conducted in different rest-frame wavebands, it is important to investigate whether the KR is dependent on wavelength. Knowledge of such a dependence is fundamental to correctly interpreting the conclusions we might draw from these studies. We analyse the KRs of the three Hubble Frontier Fields cluster…

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Meccanica del volo dei velivoli ad ala fissa

La meccanica del volo studia le traiettorie e le caratteristiche del moto di un aeromobile sotto l'azione delle forze aerodinamiche, propulsive e inerziali.

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Aim of the present paper is to propose a procedure to afford an accurate automatic path following in turbulent air. The technique is based on the simultaneous employment of two different EKF. The first estimates disturbances, the second one estimates deflection that are necessary to reject the estimated disturbances. The first EKF uses measurements gathered in turbulent air. The second EKF obtains command laws able to follow the desired flight path rejecting disturbances. To purchase the objective, aerodynamic coefficients have been modified by adding entirely new derivatives or synthetic increments to basic ones. The modified aircraft parameters are determined by augmenting the aircraft’s …

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Aim of this paper is the preliminary design of an harmless fixed-wing unmanned Aerial System. To improve application fields, endurance has been selected as fundamental performance and the blended wing configuration has been chosen. So the fuselage has the same airfoil of the wing and contains all the payload. In this way the drag has been reduced. Because of the blended wing arrangement, to control pitch and roll elevons have been introduced. To guarantee the directional stability, winglets have been used; besides winglets increase the equivalent aspect ratio and consequently reduce the drag and improve the endurance. The selected propulsion system has been based on an electrical brushless …

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