Elisabetta Di Giovanni

Processi resilienti e controversie culturali nel care leaving

The work moves in the field of applied anthropology and addresses the issue of the resilience of care leavers: young people who, after a long stay within residential structures, are preparing to enter society at the age of eighteen. Considering that resilient processes are not without pitfalls and threats, some conceptual axioms are proposed that are useful for considering the multi-dimensionality and cultural relativity that revolve around the resilient process within residential communities. All this will take place within a socio-cultural research and intervention perspective based on participatory and bottom-up approaches aimed at encouraging negotiation practices and settings between m…

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Who are children in care and care leavers

The chapter focuses on the characteristics and experiences of minors accepted in public structures and care leavers. Most of the children housed in the facilities come from problematic families, punctuated by recurrent crises. Precisely for this reason in many European countries the awareness has matured that the minors accepted in the social-welfare structures are strongly disadvantaged compared to their peers, as their life is generally marked by traumas and contexts of educational poverty and psychological poverty which they do not allow adequate psycho-social development.

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L'opera di Filippo Guastella. Un riuscito esempio di traslazione lirico-dialettale.

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Processi migratori e stereotipi: l'esperienza cinese

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The Complex Role of the Tutor for Autonomy in Care Leaving Processes

This article discusses some of the critical elements related to the taking care of adolescent leaving care. To this end, Bronfenbrenner’s socio-ecological perspective will be adopted, taking up suggestions from the notion of chronosystem and applying it to boys and girls leaving care. In this way, it emerges how the process of building autonomy and the transition to adulthood does not begin at the age of 18, but is already built up during the child’s care. In the light of these considerations, the key role of the autonomy tutor is analyzed with respect to the national experimentation conducted in Italy, highlighting the tools and skills he/she should have.

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Vivere ai margini. Comunità rom tra i borderscapes

Il presente saggio presenta una sintesi della ricerca etnografica condotta a Palermo, presso il campo rom, dal 2005 al 2010 (Di Giovanni 2015). Il focus d’indagine prescelto è quello di mettere in luce le pratiche di attraversamento fisico-metaforico degli spazi urbani, adottate da alcune famiglie rom nel loro quotidiano fatto di invisibilità e di discriminazione. A partire dagli studi condotti da Leonardo Piasere (1991, 1996, 1999, 2004) e da Nando Sigona (2002, 2005, 2009); la ricerca prova a delineare la molteplice fisionomia di questa minoranza etnica nella città di Palermo nel riorganizzare e condurre un’esistenza ai margini della città, con un riferimento comparativo all’Italia e all’…

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"Antropologia dei media"

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Children in Diaspora: Some Anthropological Reflections on Oppression, Hunger and Malnutrition

Over the last few years, the link between health and migration has acquired an increasingly clear and precise social and political significance in the context of relations between Italy and the undeveloped areas of the world.

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Strategie di sopravvivenza: il caso dei Rom di Palermo

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Going Beyond Social Maternage.The Principle Of Brotherhood In The Community Psychology'S Intervention

The aim of this paper is to study in depth some methodological aspects of social interventation, focusing on desirable passage from social maternage method to peer advocacy method. For this purpose, we intend analyze social and organizative components, that affect operator's professional action and that are part of his psychological environment, besides the physical and social one. In fact, operator's interventation should not be limited to a pure supply of techniques, nor to take shape as improvised action, but “full of good purposes".

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Anti-ziganismo e mass media

Il saggio focalizza l'attenzione sul fenomeno dell'antiziganismo nei media, quale vettore di fenomeni di stigmatizzazione sociale.

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Gypsies in mass media

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I minori migranti tra vulnerabilità ed estraneità: quale mandato sociale per la comunità accogliente?

I grandi flussi migratori che caratterizzano il nostro tempo e il nostro spazio-mondo che muta così rapidamente ci conduce all’interrogativo su come si possa vivere insieme, come si possa coabitare pacificamente, pur nel rispetto delle pluralità culturali, della profonda diversificazione di nazionalità, etnicità, linguaggi, equilibri tra genere, età, capitale umano e statuti legali. Il mondo globalizzato è fortemente segnato dalla superdiversità, quale esito di spazi urbani sempre più complessi e più definiti dalle mobilità umane in continuo divenire.

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Per un'antropologia del design

In questo articolo abbiamo l’intenzione di fare chiarezza sulla natura e significato del concetto di design research e di antropologia applicata al design, ponendo l’attenzione sulla relazione che questa disciplina ha con le scienze tradizionali; in particolare guarderemo all’antropologia con cui ha un rapporto diretto: la design research attinge ampiamente da questa scienza, utilizzandone i metodi e modificandoli per le proprie esigenze di ricerca. L’obiettivo è quello di offrire una riflessione teorica sulla natura della design research, sulle sue applicazioni teoriche e pratiche, e sulle metodologie di ricerca

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Fare antropologia: una nota introduttiva

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Jacqueline Bhabha, Andrzej Mirga, and Margareta Matache, eds. 2017. Realizing Roma Rights. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press

Book review

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Introduzione (Conversazioni sull'immigrazione)

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The volume is the result of the eighth edition of University of Palermo International Summer School on “Migrants, Human Rights and Democracy”, bearing the human mobility and hidden geographies theme held in Favignana (Italy), in July, 2014. Moving from Kumar Rajaram and Grundy-Warr’s volume Borderscapes. Hidden Geographies and Politics at Territory’s Edge (2007), the interesting and relevant contributions by participants (outstanding scholars, academics and humanitarian practitioners) from different Eu and non Eu countries investigate the new mobility paradigms (Cresswell, 2006; Hannam et al., 2006; Sheller and Urry, 2006), providing a comprehensive and multidisciplinary overview of contemp…

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Like suspended particles: The long way to social inclusion of a Roma community in Sicily

The ethnographic research conducted since four years focuses on the case of a nomad camp in Palermo, town in Southern Italy, where three Roma groups live since twenty-five years, in condition of ghetto. This nomad camp constitutes a world out of the city, better an encompassed microcosm, even if it is located inside the downtown. This means that there are not interrelations between the camp and the rest of the external space. Specifically, the three different groups (Xoraxane, Cergara and Serbians) represent for the outside a generic nebulous whole, confined in a green area, surrounded by a high wall. Don’t see them signifies don’t care about them, about their living conditions, about their…

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L’allattamento tra cura e cultura: dall’Africa all’ipertrofia tecnologica

L’allattamento è una pratica finora poco studiata dall’antropologia culturale e medica, atto che si colloca tra la natura e la cultura, tra la sfera privata e quella sociale della donna e che, come la nascita e la gravidanza. Esso esprime in dinamiche biopolitiche che denotano l’organizzazione della società stessa, le gerarchie nei ruoli e i rapporti di genere. In quanto pratica culturale, l’allattamento si differenzia in base all’appartenenza sociale ed etnica della madre e del neonato, portando con sé delle differenze rituali come nella legge della “parentela di latte” nelle società musulmane o nei tabu apotropaici dell’Africa subsahariana. Il saggio propone alcune riflessioni su quanto t…

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Ethnically Unprivileged: Some Anthropological Reflections on Roma Women in Contemporary Italy

This chapter focuses on the conditions of extreme poverty and uncertainty of Roma women in Italy, and on the consequences they have on their children. The present analysis starts from the living context and from the organizing of families in ghettos. Finally, it proceeds to the women’s economic activity and to the debate on the ethnicity of this community.

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Empowering Gypsies and Applied Anthropology

Abstract This work focuses on the case study of the nomad camp of Palermo, in southern Italy, where Roma Cergara and Roma Xoraxane have been living for twenty-five years, in ghetto-like conditions. This camp represents a world outside the city, or rather a confined microcosm, without any interrelationship with the outside world. Moving ethnic minority groups from poverty to social inclusion represents a very difficult challenge. Moreover, since these communities are used to arrange themselves through an economy that is borderline between an underground economy and a subsistence economy, sometimes helped with assistance attitudes of external social actors, the way towards community action is…

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Anthropological reflections on breastfeeding between care and culture

Breastfeeding is a practice so far unobtrusively studied by cultural and medical anthropology, an act placed between nature and culture, between private and social women spheres and which, like birth and pregnancy. It expresses hierarchies in roles and gender relations among biopolitical dynamics which denote the organization of society itself. As a cultural practice, breastfeeding differs itself on the basis of the social and ethnic belonging of the mother and the child, leading to ritual differences such as the law of the “kinship of milk” in muslim societies or the apothecary taboo of Sub-Saharan Africa. The paper reflects on how much this is occurring in Western society where breastfeed…

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Confraternite, maestranze, corporazioni di orafi in Sicilia

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How to Empower Gypsies? An Ethnographic Study

The work focuses on the case of the nomad camp of Palermo, in southern Italy, where three groups of “Gypsies” have been living for twenty-five years, in ghetto-like conditions. This camp represents a world outside the city, or rather a confined microcosm, with, except for volunteer workers, sporadic contact with the people of the city or the public administration. . This means that there is no inter-relationship between the camp and the outside world. On the contrary, for the so-called host society, the three different groups represent a sort of generic and nebulous whole, cut off in a green area, surrounded by a high wall. Not seeing them means not caring about them, their living condition…

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Progetto Tales at Home. APP-rendere attraverso il linguaggio delle emozioni nelle famiglie multilingue

‘Tales at Home’ (Talking About Language and Emotions at Home) è un progetto Europeo finanziato nell’ambito della KA2 “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good praticies” del programma Erasmus+ 2015-2016 e nasce con l’idea di fornire strumenti e tecniche di supporto alle famiglie multilingue, al fine di favorire l’apprendimento delle lingue e la promozione del benessere in un’ottica di inclusione sociale. "Tales at Home" is a European project funded under KA2 “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good praticies "of the Erasmus + program 2015-2016 and is born with the idea to provide tools and support techniques to multilingual families, in order to foster language learni…

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Ritualità rom e dinamiche di dis-identità. La festa di Ðjurdievdan/Herdelezi a Palermo.

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Nota al testo

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This religious feast is one of the most important in the Mediterranean area. It attracts a very large number of the faithful, especially young people, who live out this commemorative moment like an casual appointment with the patron saint of Catania, a town in the Sicilian region of southern Italy. This analysis shows how the event represents not only a religious feast, consecrating the annual encounter between the saint and her local community, but also a kind of modern youth initiation rite. Verski praznik sv. Agate je eden najpomembnejsih na sredozemskem obmocju. Privabi stevilne vernike, posebej mlade, ki doživijo ta komemorativni dogodek kot priložnostno srecanje z zavetnikom Catanije,…

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Devotees, A New Ordeal and A Sense of Belonging: Ethnography and Nethnography of Saint Agatha

In 2004 and in 2008, the author conducted ethnographic research in Catania (Southern Italy) on one of the most important religious feasts in honor of Saint Agatha. This chapter relates Agatha's story, which is that of a Sicilian virgin martyr persecuted in the fourth century by a Roman proconsul. At the feast of St. Agatha, the three elements: the extra-ecclesial nature of popular religiosity, the transmission of knowledge through vehicles other than seminaries and other official religious institutions, and the expression of popular religiosity with signs and symbols that transmit the presence of the supernatural in everyday life, can be found. A starting point was to identify and understan…

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Fenomenologia zingara. Etnografia di una comunità rom a Palermo

Il volume, esito di una ricerca etnografica, prova a fornire un quadro esaustivo della fenomenologia zingara a Palermo, come caso idiografico, con costante riferimento comparativo all'ambito nazionale, per un possibile assioma nomotetico. Il focus tematico è centrato sulla marginalità dei gruppi rom, sulle loro strategie di sopravvivenza negli interstizi della società maggioritaria e sulla riproduzione dei loro etnemi. Il testo si sofferma, inoltre, sulle prassi di insediamento, adattamento e conservazione dei principali tratti culturali della più grande minoranza etnica europea. Un esempio della trasmissione culturale è l'analisi ermeneutica del rito festivo di San Giorgio (Herdelezi), la …

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Demologia e Cultural Heritage

L'attuale offerta di una cultura uniformante, esito della globalizzazione e della massificazione della comunicazione, impone di custodire maggiormente anche a livello istituzionale,il senso della propria identità culturale e territoriale. Il prerequisito affinché la tradizione e la cultura identitaria divengano risorsa per gli uomini e i territori, è la conoscenza dei beni culturali, tradizionali e non, che ogni comunità/territorio possiede a sua caratterizzazione. Da qui, il riconoscimento del valore sistematico delle ricerche sulla cultura popolare, dei folkloristi italiani dell’800, tra i quali spiccano i nomi di Pitrè e Salomone Marino, ai cui studi è dedicato il volume.

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Il pluralismo religioso come etica civile.

This paper proposes to think the category of religious pluralism as an essential mindset of contemporary society. Religions, even today, go to war; sometimes it happens that a religious representation turns its prophetic vision in an extremist perspective to be applied against a perceived enemy. Often conflicts, never dormant, come back on presenting a new look and the cause is not a difference of belief or doctrine; as evidenced by Enzo Pace (2004), conflicts become an important symbolic device in identity politics. However, it is the duty of civil perspective reasoning on a proactive and inclusive perspective for the construction of the common good and the compresence of religious culture…

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Un calcio all'anti-ziganismo

Combattere il pregiudizio contro i gruppi Rom, ma anche favorire la socializzazione: nasce con questa esperienza l'idea di lavorare con la "pallastrada". Allo stesso tempo si sviluppano competenze linguistiche, si abbattono barriere , si gioca. Un percorso che guarda ai pregiudizi e alla possibilità di utilizzare la Peer Education anche nella prevenzione degli stereotipi etnici.

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L’occupazione come fenomeno d’integrazione sociale e di sviluppo. Un’analisi quali-quantitativa del mercato del lavoro degli stranieri in Italia.

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Popular Religiosity and Collective Effervescence in Contemporary Sicily

This paper focuses on the religious feasts of St. Agata, one of the most important religious feasts in Southern Italy, in the city of Catania. Drawing upon participatory observation and a netnography of virtual communities of devotees, the Christian popular religiosity towards this female Saint can be seen to represent an annual consecratory encounter between the Saint/Sacred and the local community, and also a kind of contemporary ordeal for young people. As Durkheim suggested, religion is what brings people together by reinforcing social relations and moral norms through a “collective effervescence”. This group energy, when felt by the individual, is not recognized as the result of commun…

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"Antropologia di comunità: la struttura narrativa"

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Social intervention from social maternage to peer advocay

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Diario di una giornata interculturale

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Manuale di formazione per operatori di prima linea con MSNA

il volume consiste in un manuale operativo di buone prassi per i front-line workers impegnati nel sistema di accoglienza dei MSNA, che offre competenze e strumenti per l'assistenza psico-sociale ed educativa.

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Figli di zingari. pratiche di accudimento tra povertà e discriminazione

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Clima scolastico e variabili soggettive dei docenti di scuola secondaria

The theme of our research is understanding why many aspects of school climate are interrelated and how such relations influence subsequent scholastic functioning. The research is oriented towards the determination of personal and environmental factors that provide to explain several aspects of the construct. We administered a test battery to analyze: Scholastic Climate; Personal and Collective Efficacy; Organizational Commitment, Involvement, and Job Satisfaction. Findings confirm the constant influence of personal efficacy on determining of the level of job involvement and satisfaction. If teachers’ personal efficacy convictions play a significant role on stamp their scholastic perceptions…

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“Qui non c’è niente, la città è lontana”. Il terzo spazio dei Rom in Italia

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Religione nei ‘borderscapes’. Diritti umani e dis-integrazione religiosa delle comunità rom in Italia

This paper proposes an anthropological reflection on the connection between social inequality and Roma/ Gypsies’ religious experience in Italy, focusing on religious practices between Orthodox Christians and Muslims Roma groups living in marginal conditions. The essay, finally, refers to the way in which the Italian state does not consider the religious practices of the Roma and the issue of human rights, stressing that the religious dimension is totally ignored at government level because of harmful categorization and discriminatory attitude.

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La Casa dei Padri e la Confraternita di San Filippo Neri. Da Convento a Museo

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Migranti e zingari a Palermo: diritti, comunità e territorio

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What Are the Success Factors of Multilingual Families? Relationships Between Linguistic Attitudes and Community Dynamics

The research focuses on the influence of emotional, cognitive, and social climate on the language choices of multilingual families, and the impact they can have on their general well-being, intergenerational relationships, and the community context. The methodological framework of reference is Grounded Theory. Collected data concern language practices, attitudes, emotions, and generational, trigenerational, and social interactive dynamics of multilingual families. The results include key insights into the variables underlying the linguistic attitudes of multicultural families. Two Network Views suggest that linguistic attitudes, such as the conscious management of specific and complex dynam…

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Il pensiero critico tra filosofia e antropologia. L'antropologia culturale di Remo Cantoni.

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Aggression and Peer Violence Manifestation in Youth Sport – The Case Study

This study was designed to detect aggression and peer violence manifestation forms in youth sports in Subotica. The sample consisted of athletes (N=255), aged between 11 and 18 years. Besides presenting descriptive statistics, the Mann-Whitney U test was used to assess the differences in variables (gender, school age, training years, sport type) among the forms of violence that can occur and among the ones that do occur. The results indicate the presence of aggression and violence. The most frequent place is in the dressing room, and the more common period is after or during training and while traveling to competitions, sports camps, etc. The study indicates significant differences in sexua…

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Le identità multiple delle famiglie multilingue: processi sottesi tra linguaggio e identità culturale

Il presente articolo ha l’obiettivo di analizzare il fenomeno del multilinguismo, dal punto di vista antropologico e psicologico, focalizzando l’attenzione sulle famiglie multilingue coinvolte nel progetto Europeo Tales@Home. Specificità del progetto è stata quella di indagare l’apprendimento non formale delle lingue all’interno di un particolare contesto familiare andando a comprendere quali siano state le modalità e le dinamiche di apprendimento e come queste siano andate ad interagire con emozioni, motivazioni e credenze della famiglia stessa. Il progetto, inoltre, si pone come ottimo strumento in grado di analizzare o fare emergere eventuali esigenze circa l’uso della lingua all’interno…

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Community Development and Social Participation

The paper presents the reslt of the action research project issued in Palermo (Southern Italy), in disadvantaged urban suburbs, methodologically based on Kurt Lewin's field theory - that is a three-step spiral process of planning which involves recoinnaissance; talking actions; and fact-finding about the results of the action - in order to develop the social participation and the social change. The principal aim of the project was the empowerment of participants, obtaining their collaboration through participation, giving them acquisition of knowledge for a real social change.

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Living in urban interstices: the survival practices of excluded Gypsies in Italian borderlands.

The paper focuses on the case-studies of nomad camps in Italy, where groups of “gypsies” live in condition of ghetto. The nomad camps generally constitute a world out of the city, as an encompassed microcosm. They represent a borderland or a grey zone. The only interaction between “them” and “us” happens when Romanì exit from the camp and cross the municipal streets. Roma people develop a capacity to survive in urban interstices. These practices consist in unusual welfare forms of material help for day by day survival, while living in a condition of human rights negation by majority society members.

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Il ponte o il guado: quale metafora per una sanità transculturale?

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"Il Progetto T.A.M. (Tradizioni Alimentari Mediterranee): un'esperienza di sinergia università-scuola-territorio nel settore della tradizione".

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"Introduzione" a Giuseppe Ferrari, "Saggio sulla poesia popolare italiana"

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Childhood in a rom/gypsy camp in southern-Italy:an anthropological perspective.

The object of the study is the Rom/gypsy/ camp in Palermo, Sicily, in the south of Italy, where three groups of so-called “gypsies” or "travellers” live together; they originally came from the Balkans and have been settled in this zone for twenty years. Out of a population of about 300 individuals, as many as 55 children go to 7 different schools. The study is carried out using the anthropological method of participant observation. The aim of the research, which is still going on, is to monitor the progress of their schooling and to study their parents’ roles; particular attention is given to the fundamental interplay of relationships and socioeducational intervention in the capable hands o…

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Comunità zingare e pratiche di intervento sociale: il caso dei rom di Palermo

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Antropologia urbana e marketing territoriale

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Fede e ordalia. Religiosità e cyber community a Catania.

The monograph presents n anthropological analysis of the religious feast os Saint Agata in Sicily (Italy), which is one of the most important in the Mediterranean area, gathering a very big number of faithful people, especially young, who live this commemorative moment like an unloose appointment with the patron saint of Catania, town of the Sicilian region in southern Italy. According to us, it represents not only a religious feast, consecrating the annual encounter between the Saint and her local community, but a kind of modern youth initiation rite.

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Studi di caso: Roma, Castel Volturno, Palermo, Mazara del Vallo

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Le nuove migrazioni. La dimensione socio-culturale della comunità cinese

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Etnostoria e pluralismo culturale in Sicilia

In epoca contemporanea, il leitmotiv ricorrente nell'immaginario collettivo è quello della rottura del sistema della trasmissione, talvolta di un mancato incontro intergenerazionale, in un contensto spesso percepito come globalizzato e, al contempo, sgretolato.

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Cohabiting in Multiethnic Community: Forms, Representations and Images of the Diversity

Modern culture, based on disinhibition of cultural trends and on heterodirection, is promoting openmindedness attitudes towards ethnic diversity, but on the other hand also new forms of social representations of the foreigner. Social representation is situated between the psychic field and the social one; it is the representation of oneself and of the other one, hanging between social categories and individual inner world. We will produce the results of a research on the representation of the foreigner, built on the type of prejudice prevailing among middle-low or middle-high educational qualification subjects, in which prejudicial attitudes seem to descend from precise mental images of the…

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La rappresentazione sociale di famiglia, matrimonio e convivenza. Un contributo di ricerca sui giovani-adulti palermitani

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