Filippo Amato
Sottoazione A3) Studio dell'alimentazione della coturnice in natura
Le piante tossiche della flora trapanese (Sicilia)
Toxic plants of Trapani district (Sicily) – The results of the research refer to an investigation on the toxic plants of Trapani district (Sicily). The plants considered poisonous, a few anciently used also in the traditional medicine, amount to 70 taxa.
Contributo alla conoscenza della biodiversità e del paesaggio vegetale del S.I.C. Monte Triona e M. Colomba ( Sicilia centro- occidentale)
Aspetti botanici a supporto del progetto faunistico relativo all'incremento naturale delle popolazioni di coturnice siciliana e di coniglio selvatico
Boschi vetusti
Dracaena draco (Dracaenaceae) spontaneizzata a Palermo (Nord Sicilia)
Dracaena draco (Dracaenaceae), naturalized in Palermo (N Sicily). – Dracaena draco L., an evergreen tree from the Atlantic islands (Canary, Cape verde and Madera Islands) introduced in Sicily in the second half of the XIX Century as an ornamental plant, was found naturalized on the Mount Pellegrino slopes (Palermo). This new Sicilian finding, confirms, more than 20 years after the first record in the East Cost of Sicily, the naturalization of the species in Italy.
Prospetto delle piante vascolari native di potenziale impiego negli interventi di fitodepurazione in Sicilia
Checklist of the native vascular plants of potential use in phytoremediation in Sicily. A list of native vascular plants suitable for phytoremediation in Sicily is presented here. It includes 192 specific and intraspecific taxa, each provided with the relevantbiological form and subform, chorotype, and macrophyte classification. An index based on the aesthetic value of each taxon is also proposed.
The wild taxa utilized as vegetables in Sicily (Italy): a traditional component of the Mediterranean diet
Background: Wild vegetables in the Mediterranean Basin are still often consumed as a part of the diet and, in particular, there is a great tradition regarding their use in Sicily.In this study, an ethnobotanical field investigation was carried out to (a) identify the wild native taxa traditionally gathered and consumed as vegetables in Sicily, comparing the collected ethnobotanical data with those of other countries that have nominated the Mediterranean diet for inclusion in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and (b) highlight new culinary uses of these plants.Methods: Interviews were carried out in 187 towns and villages in Sicily between 2005 an…
Su un erbario del XVII secolo conservato presso il Museo Regionale di Messina: Stato di conservazione e proposte per il recupero e la salvaguardia
In this article the conservation status of a XVII Century herbarium from Messina is assessed. This herbarium is attributed to Pietro Castelli, the founder of the Botanical garden of Messina or, most probably, to a pupil of him. It consists of a single volume of 214 pages and is housed in the library od the Museum “Maria Accascina” in Messina. The large part of the specimens stay in poor conditions. Hypothesis for recovery and preservation both in short and long term of this precious heritage are given.
Innovative In Situ and Ex Situ Conservation Strategies of the Madonie Fir Abies nebrodensis
Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei is an endemic species of the north-west of Sicily located in an 84 ha area in the Madonie Regional park. The current population is limited to 30 relic adult trees and a fluctuating number of juveniles of natural regeneration. The species is defined as “Critically Endangered” in the Italian list of threatened plants and is classified as CR-D in the 2000 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. This article reports the key action undertaken by the LIFE4FIR project aimed at preserving A. nebrodensis, and the results obtained so far in three years of activity. OpenArrays SNPs genotyping revealed a high rate of inbreeding in the natural population and that the adult…
The Monumental Olive Trees as Biocultural Heritage of Mediterranean Landscapes: The Case Study of Sicily
Monumental olive trees, with their longevity and their remarkable size, represent an important information source for the comprehension of the territory where they grow and the human societies that have kept them through time. Across the centuries, olive trees are the only cultivated plants that tell the story of Mediterranean landscapes. The same as stone monuments, these green monuments represent a real Mediterranean natural and cultural heritage. The aim of this paper is to discuss the value of monumental trees as “biocultural heritage” elements and the role they play in the interpretation of the historical stratification of the landscape. We present the results of a survey of the most s…
Idrosemina Naturalistica
Le applicazioni di idrosemina generalmente tendono a ricostituire un adeguato livello di copertura vegetale, per migliorare l’efficacia contro fenomeni erosivi e di instabilità dei versanti, ma spesso trascurano l’aspetto naturalistico. Si utilizzano cioè miscele di specie erbacee che spesso pongono scarsa attenzione all’ecologia del sito di intervento. All’approccio tecnico occorre quindi affiancare quello naturalistico, che, dal contesto vegetazionale, scarti le specie alloctone e condizioni la scelta delle specie erbacee da utilizzare. Il caso studio della discarica di Termini Imerese (Palermo), prevedeva un ricoprimento vegetale di 7,4 ha mediante idrosemina direttamente sul terreno di …
Il progetto di censimento degli alberi monumentali dei Sicani, avviato circa 15 anni fa, ha consentito ad oggi di acquisire dati su 72 alberi che, sulla base dell’art.7 della legge n.10 /2013 e del DECRETO 23 ottobre 2014 del Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali, possono essere considerati monumentali. Alcuni di essi figurano già in pubblicazioni scientifiche e divulgative (Schicchi 2005, Schicchi e Raimondo 2006, 2007, 2010; Amato et al., 2012). Di esse, 56 sono localizzate in provincia di Palermo e 16 in quella di Agrigento. Complessivamente le piante individuate afferiscono ai seguenti taxa: Arbutus unedo L., Celtis australis L., Ceratonia siliqua L., Fraxinus angust…
IDPlanT: the Italian database of plant translocation
IDPlanT is the Italian Database of Plant Translocation, an initiative of the Nature Conservation Working Group of the Italian Botanical Society. IDPlanT currently includes 185 plant translocations. The establishment of a national database on plant translocation is a key step forward in data sharing and techniques improvement in this field of plant conservation. Supplemental data for this article is available online at https://doi.org/10.1080/11263504.2021.1985004.
Selezione e sperimentazione di specie autoctone di potenziale impiego nella fitodepurazione in Sicilia
Population trend in Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei
3.1 = POPULATION TREND IN ABIES NEBRODENSIS (LOJAC.) MATTEI ROSARIO SCHICCHI*,FILIPPO AMATO, GAETANO LA PLACA, PEPPUCCIO BONOMO Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali, Via Archirafi, 38 - 90123 Palermo, Italy. *e-mail: rosario.schicchi@unipa.it Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei is an endemic species of Sicily seriously threatened with extinction. Its natural population consists of individuals, occurring in a narrow area within the territory of the Madonie Regional Park. A. nebrodensis has been subject to specific conservation measures implemented by the University of Palermo, the Park Authority and the Regional Department of Forests of the Sicilian Region and other local partners for o…
IDPlanT: the Italian database of plant translocation
IDPlanT is the Italian Database of Plant Translocation, an initiative of the Nature Conservation Working Group of the Italian Botanical Society. IDPlanT currently includes 185 plant translocations. The establishment of a national database on plant translocation is a key step forward in data sharing and techniques improvement in this field of plant conservation. Supplemental data for this article is available online at https://doi.org/10.1080/11263504.2021.1985004 .