Produits transformés, entre science et science-fiction
En science-fiction, le futur de nos tables a souvent été mis en scène : des bouilles nutritives de Matrix aux pâtes d'insectes de Snowpiercer, ou bien aux légumes géants de Woody et les robots. Comment mangerons-nous dans le futur ? Nos goûts changeront-ils comme nos plats? Et dans l'espace, est-ce que la mayonnaise prendra sur l'ISS?
RNA Nanostructure Molecular Imaging
Atomic force and transmission electron microscopies (AFM/TEM) are powerful tools to analyze RNA-based nanostructures. While cryo-TEM analysis allows the determination of near-atomic resolution structures of large RNA complexes, this chapter intends to present how RNA nanostructures can be analyzed at room temperature on surfaces. Indeed, TEM and AFM analyses permit the conformation of a large population of individual molecular structures to be observed, providing a statistical basis for the variability of these nanostructures within the population. Nevertheless, if double-stranded DNA molecular imaging has been described extensively, only a few investigations of single-stranded DNA and RNA …