Résistance du vulpin aux herbicides. Son importance et sa répartition en Côte d'Or
BlACKGRASS lN WHEAT: A MAP OF HERBICIDE RESISTANCE Since the years 1990, the spread of herbicide resistance in wheatis more and more important within weed species as blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroidesHuds,). Resistanceto the fenoxaprop-P-ethyl within blackgrass population wasfirst was detected in the Côte d'Or departement. ln this context, a map of the herbicide resistance of blackgrass was undertaken at the scale of this departement. 149 fields were used for this study with for each an agronomic investigation and harvests of blackgrass seeds. Almost the whole of the populations of blackgrass tested present at least 50% of plants resistant to fenoxaprop-P-ethyl, and 53% and 9% of these popu…