Florence Strbik

Les semences de la plante parasite orobanche rameuse ont une dormance saisonnière qui varie au niveau intraspécifique et une faible mortalité au champ

L’orobanche rameuse (Phelipanche ramosa) est une plante parasite bioagresseur majeur du colza en France. Les connaissances sur la viabilité et la dormance de ses semences dans le sol sont cruciales pour contrôler l’orobanche mais restent à acquérir. La présente étude vise à quantifier ces processus grâce à une expérience d’enfouissement de semences au champ de deux ans. Deux populations génétiquement distinctes ont été étudiées, collectées sur colza d’hiver et chanvre respectivement. La mortalité des semences est très faible pour les deux populations (4-7% par an). Les semences montrent une dormance saisonnière dont le timing et l’amplitude varient en fonction de la population, avec une dor…

research product

Weed-DATA Base de données ‘Traits’ des plantes adventices des agroécosystèmes


research product

Trophic relationships between the parasitic plant species phelipanche ramosa (L.) and different hosts depending on host phenological stage and host growth rate

Prod 2018-285c INRA AGROSUP GESTAD SPE CT3 SPE CT1 EJ2 EA; International audience; Phelipanche ramosa (L.) Pomel (branched broomrape) is a holoparasitic plant that reproduces on crops and also on weeds, which contributes to increase the parasite seed bank in fields. This parasite extracts all its nutrients at the host’s expense so that host–parasite trophic relationships are crucial to determine host and parasite growth. This study quantified the intensity with which P. ramosa draws assimilates from its host and analyzed whether it varied with host species, host phenological stage and host growth rate. A greenhouse experiment was conducted on three host species: the crop species Brassica na…

research product

Modélisation des effets des systèmes de culture sur la dynamique de la plante parasite orobanche rameuse en interaction avec la flore adventice

National audience

research product

Weed seeds ability to emerge on the soil surface

International audience; Annual weeds have to produce seeds each year to maintain their populations. These seeds fallon the soil surface. Seeds exposed to light during their moistening (i.e. caused by rain) bettergerminate than seeds in the darkness (i.e. buried). However, rare studies quantified the unique andcombined effects of light, moisture and burial depth on the germination process. We investigated,in a greenhouse experiment in 2014, the impact of seed moisture (Moistened vs. Dried), lightduring moistening (Darkness vs. Light) and burial depth (Buried vs. Surface) on germination of 12annual weed species contrasted on their seed traits and germination periods (Alopecurusmyosuroides Hud…

research product

Tracking Ideal Varieties and Cropping Techniques for Agroecological Weed Management: A Simulation-Based Study on Pea.

Book of abstract p.110-111; International audience; Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is a key diversification crop but current varieties are not verycompetitive against weeds. The objective of this study was to identify, depending on the typeof cropping system and weed flora, (1) the key pea parameters that drive crop production,weed control and weed contribution to biodiversity, (2) optimal combinations of peaparameter values and crop-management techniques to maximise these goals. For this, virtualexperiments were run, using FLORSYS, a mechanistic simulation model (Colbach et al., 2021,Field Crops Res 261:108006). This individual-based 3D model simulates daily crop-weed seedand plant dynamics over t…

research product

The response of weed and crop species to shading: measurement and prediction from traits

International audience; Crops compete with weeds for light, and choosing competitive crop species is a major lever for managing weeds. The present study aimed to (1) measure the range of species parameters that drive light competition in contrasting crop and weed species of temperate European arable crops, (2) relate the parameter values which are difficult to measure to species traits that are easier to access, by establishing trait-parameter relationships, (3) integrate the measured parameter values into the FlorSys model which simulates weed dynamics and crop canopy growth in virtual fields over the years with a daily time step, and (4) run simulations to investigate which crop and weed …

research product

Quels traits des cultures et des adventices expliquent la perte de rendement due à la compétition pour la lumière ?

National audience; Cultures et adventices sont en compétition pour la lumière, et choisir des cultures compétitives est un levier majeur de gestion intégrée des adventices. L'objectif de cette étude était de : (1) mesurer les paramètres qui déterminent la compétition pour la lumière de 25 espèces adventices et 30 cultures ; (2) établir des relations fonctionnelles pour estimer ces paramètres difficiles à mesurer à partir de traits d'espèces faciles à mesurer ou accessibles dans des bases de données ; (3) intégrer les paramètres dans le modèle FLORSYS qui simule la dynamique de levée des adventices et la croissance des adventices et cultures dans un champ virtuel au fil des années; (4) ident…

research product

Modelling cropping system effects on branched broomrape dynamics in interaction with weeds

International audience; Branched broomrape, Phelipanche ramosa (L.) Pomel, is a parasitic plant which infects many crop and weed species. As a holoparasite, it entirely relies on host resources to survive and reproduce. It is a major pest in oilseed rape in France. Its management has to be thought as a part of the overall weed management because infected weeds either must be killed to limit crop infection or can be used to stimulate suicidal parasite germinations. In order to design efficient pest management strategies, we modelled the effects of cropping systems on P. ramosa dynamics in interaction with weeds in a model called PHERASYS. PHERASYS functions and parameters were based on the l…

research product

Response and effect traits of arable weeds in agro-ecosystems: a review of current knowledge.

25 pages; International audience; Integrating principles of ecological intensification into weed management strategies requires an understanding of the many relationships among weeds, crops and other organisms of agro-ecosystems in a changing context. Extensively used during the last two decades in weed science, trait-based approaches have provided general insights into weed community response to agricultural practices, and recently to understanding the effect of weeds on agro-ecosystem functioning. In this review, we provide a holistic synthesis of the current knowledge on weed response and effect functional traits. Based on the literature and recent advances in weed science, we review cur…

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