M.j. Puig
Morphological assessment of the umbilical cord with three-dimensional ultrasonography
ABSTRACTThe long cylindrical cord covered by a layer of amnion that extends from the umbilicus of the fetus to the fetal surface of the placenta is known as the umbilical cord, or, in older medical textbooks, as funiculis umbilicalis. The two umbilical arteries extend as branches of the internal iliac arteries that emerge from the fetal body at the umbilicus, and run a helical course through the umbilical cord carrying venous blood to the placenta. In most normal placentas, the umbilical arteries anastomose within 2 cm of insertion into the placenta. The fetal umbilical vein emerges from the placenta and carries oxygenated blood to the fetus. The cord vessels are supported by a matrix of my…
Útero septo con duplicación cervical: una anomalía mülleriana infrecuente
Resumen En el presente caso hemos descrito una variante mulleriana infrecuente (utero septo y cervix doble), que resulta inconsistente con la embriologia clasica. Asimismo, hemos realizado un diagnostico correcto mediante el empleo de ecografia tridimensional, que representa el primer caso de la bibliografia mundial descrito mediante esta tecnica ecografica. Por ultimo, hemos repasado las opciones terapeuticas y discutido su inclusion futura en la clasificacion de las malformaciones uterinas