C Greco
P4613Long-term impact of postnatal nutritional programming on cardiac sensitivity to ischemia-reperfusion injury in vivo and on cardio-protective pathways in mice
Abstract Introduction Nutritional disturbances during the postnatal period may be responsible for a predisposition, or “programming”, to increased cardio-metabolic risk and to a progressive alteration of left ventricular contractility in adulthood. This nutritional perinatal programming may also lead to an alteration of cellular pathways involved in cardiac protection, such as the specific RISK and SAFE pathways, highlighted during pre- and post-ischemic conditioning or those of sirtuins (SIRT), histone deacetylases involved in the regulation of essential biological process. Purpose Our aim was to evaluate in mice the impact of postnatal overfeeding (PNOF) on cardiac sensitivity to ischemia…
La produzione di ceramica da mensa a Solunto: un esempio di continuità tecnologica dallʼetà arcaica a quella ellenistico-romana.
Solunto is one of the most important Phoenician-Punic colonies of north-western Sicily. Archaeometric researches carried out in the last years ascertained a local production of transport amphorae during Archaic and Classic age (7th-5th century B.C.) through mineralogical, petrographical and chemical analysis of ceramic samples, kiln refuses and local raw materials (clays and alluvial sands). In connection with these earliest works, the present paper was focused on some specific forms of fine-tempered table ware of Archaic age and/or Classic-Hellenistic age. This pottery has been recurrently brought to light in Solunto and it is furthermore suspected to be, at least to some extent, a local r…