Rainer Zerbe
Effects of Kinetin and Different Light Qualities on the Content of Carbohydrates
Summary The effects of kinetin on the content of soluble redueing sugars, starch, soluble proteins and various components of the photosynthetic apparatus were studied with primary leaves of Sinapis alba, which were grown under different light qualities (white, red, blue Jight conditions). It was especially the content of soluble reducing sugars that was most influenced by kinetin. The enhancement of the sugar content was dependent on the duration of application as well as on the concentration of kinetin. The doseresponse curve shows that the sugar content strongly increased at low kinetin eoneentrations (0.01 to 1 mg · 1-1), whereas from 1 mg · 1-1 onwards the inerease was slower and linear…
Die Wirkung unterschiedlicher Lichtintensitäten auf die Nitratreduktase-Aktivität, den Gehalt an löslichen Proteinen und löslichen reduzierenden Zuckern von Sinapis alba im Verlauf der Entwicklung von der Keimung bis zum Blühen
Summary Plants of Sinapis alba (white mustard) grown under strong light conditions have a higher content of soluble reducing sugars, of soluble proteins and a higher dry wight during growth from germination to flowering. Furthermore, in these plants the nitrate reductase activity is essentially higher during the vegetative development, but before the beginning of the flowering phase the activity is less than the level of plants grown under low light intensities. The results obtained indicate a direct correlation between nitrate reductase activity and the content of soluble proteins. In the high-light plants both components show distinct maxima 13—14 days after sowing the seeds. The enhancem…