Effects of Extracellular Acidosis on Glial Cell Intracellular pH: Evidence for a Glial Spatial H+-Buffering Mechanism?
Acidosis and in particular lactacidosis from anaerobic metabolism are considered of primary significance among the consequences of cerebral ischemia, seizures,, and head injury (Siesjo 1981). A marked decrease in brain tissue pH has been demonstrated in cerebral ischemia - even more so in hyperglycemic subjects - where lactic acid may accumulate to 20–30 mM and higher concentrations (Rehncrona et al. 1980; Katsura et al. 1991). Tissue pH may drop to pH 5.5 (Chopp et al. 1988). In consequence, acidosis has since long been suspected as a mediator of brain damage (Siesjo 1981).