Peter M. Schulze

Einige Bemerkungen zu den regionalstatistischen Einheiten der Europäischen Gemeinschaften

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Testing for intraregional economic homogeneity : a comment

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Once again : testing for regional homogeneity

. Summarizing the foregoing discussions in this journal on testing for regional homogeneity the present note shows that in the model of Zellner's seemingly unrelated regressions one test statistic may be used not only to test for overall homogeneity but also to examine for individual coefficient homogeneity. This aim is achieved by varying the linear restrictions in the test statistic according to different problems. To illustrate these tests regional consumption functions for the 11 Bundeslader (States) of the Federal Republic of Germany are used.

research product

Forecasting container transshipment in Germany

International audience; In this paper, we examine container transshipment at German ports using the seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA) model and the Holt-Winters exponential smoothing approach. Our models are designed especially to take account of the seasonal behavior of the quarterly data used. We consider the dynamic development in this sector for the whole container throughput and also the destinations Asia, Europe and North America, which are the world's three main economic regions. Our data runs from the first quarter of 1989 to the fourth quarter of 2006. We provide detailed quarterly forecasts for the year 2007 and 2008. According to forecasting error measures such as Mean Square Error and The…

research product

The solution of a ‘ fixed-target’—model by an approach of system analysis

Abstract A general approach fur economic systems is combined with a concrete ‘ fixed-target’—model. The consideration of convergence leads—under conditions of a stable solution and two targets—to the result that five numerical restrictions must be recognized when treating the two instruments. Generalizations of the discussed illustrative model are possible.

research product

Bemerkungen zu einem Aufsatz von Wintgen: Einige Folgerungen für die wirtschaftstheoretischen und ökonometrischen Begriffe Modell und Struktur

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