Ineta Salmane
The importance of the moss layer in sustaining biological diversity of Gamasina mites in coniferous forest soil
Summary The feather moss layer of boreal coniferous forests is known to buffer the underlying soil temperature and to be a major component in the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles by efficient scavenging of nutrients from throughfall and direct precipitation. Through indirect or direct effects the feather moss layer may also play a significant role in forming soil organism communities. In this 4-year experimental field study, the predatory Gamasina mite diversity was estimated in plots where the feather moss layer was removed or disturbed by turning over, in relation to that in control plots. Species richness, Shannon's diversity and equitability in spring but not autumn were decreased when th…
Preliminary Studies on Microbial Biomass and the Microarthropod Community as Soil Health and Quality Indicators in Urban Grasslands, Rīga as an Example / Sākotnējie Pētījumi Par Augsnes Mikrobiālo Biomasu Un Augsnes Sīkposmkāju Sabiedrībām Kā Augsnes Veselības Un Kvalitātes Indikatoriem Rīgas Pilsētas Urbānajos Zālājos
Antropogēnais piesārņojums tiek uzskatīts par vienu no galvenajiem faktoriem, kas ietekmē augsni pilsētās. 2014. gadā uzsākts pētījums par augsnes kvalitāti urbānajos zālājos Rīgā. Pētījuma mērķis bija noteikt augsnes mikrobiālo biomasu un augsnes sīkposmkāju kopienu dažādu zālāju augsnēs Rīgā un izvērtēt iespējas tos izmantot kā pilsētvides augsnes veselības un kvalitātes rādītājus. Rīgā atšķirīgos pilsētas rajonos tika izvēlēti seši dažāda lieluma parauglaukumi ar atšķirīgām vietas apbūves īpatnībām, ielu un dzelzceļu tīkla blīvumu un transporta noslogojumu, vidi piesārņojošo objektu iespējamo ietekmi, kā arī citām, urbānu vidi raksturojošām īpatnībām. Substrāta izraisītas elpošanas metod…
Detection of tick-borne encephalitis virus in I. ricinus ticks collected from autumn migratory birds in Latvia.
Birds have a potential of spreading ticks via bird migration routes. In this study, we screened 170 ticks removed during autumn 2010 from 55 birds belonging to 10 species for the presence of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV). In total, TBEV RNA was detected in 14% of I. ricinus tick samples obtained from different birds species. The results of this study indicate the possible role of migrating birds in the dispersal of TBEV-infected ticks along the southward migration route.
Investigation of European shot-hole borer, Xyleborus dispar (Coleoptera, Scolytidae), in apple orchards of Latvia
European shot-hole borer is known to occur on a wide range of deciduous trees and frequently found on fruit trees in most of the Holarctic. During the last years increased activity of this beetle<em> </em>contributed necessity for investigation of it in apple orchards of Latvia. Because of the latent behavior it is difficult to control distribution of <em>Xyleborus dispar</em>. Often insecticides are not effective, especially if not used in an appropriate time and methods of integrated or biological plant protection are needed. In the current study, results of two year monitoring of <em>X. dispar</em> flying activity and effectiveness of two types of stic…
Ecology and Diversity of Urban Pine Forest Soil Invertebrates in Rīga, Latvia / Augsnes Bezmugurkaulnieku Bioloģiskā Daudzveidība Urbānajos Priežu Mežos Rīgā, Latvijā
Abstract A study on ecology and diversity of soil invertebrates of urban pine and mixed pine forests was carried out in seven different sampling plots in Rīga during 2014. Ninety eight soil samples were processed and in total, 40 426 specimens were extracted (of them, 25 237 specimens were identified to species level and 15 189 to order level). Indices (abundance, community similarity etc.) characterising faunal diversity and species communities of Rīga city soil fauna were estimated. The most numerous soil invertebrate groups were Collembola, Oribatida and Mesostigmata, accounting for 95% of all collected animals. There was rather high diversity of soil invertebrates in the disturbed urban…
Mesostigmata ērču fauna un sadalījums dzīvotnēs Latvijā
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus
Prevalence of tick-borne pathogens in ticks collected from migratory birds in Latvia.
Migratory birds act as hosts and long-distance vectors for several tick-borne infectious agents. Here, feeding Ixodes ticks were collected from migratory birds during the autumn migration period in Latvia and screened for the presence of epidemiologically important non-viral pathogens. A total of 93 DNA samples of ticks (37 larvae and 56 nymphs) removed from 41 birds (order Passeriformes, 9 species) was tested for Lyme borreliosis spirochaetes, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Rickettsia spp., and Babesia spp. Borrelia burgdorferi DNA was detected in 18% of the tick samples, and a majority of infected ticks were from thrush (Turdus spp.) birds. Among the infected ticks, Borrelia valaisiana was de…