Leopoldo Márquez
Middle Triassic carbonate platforms in eastern Iberia: Evolution of their fauna and palaeogeographic significance in the western Tethys
Abstract This article reports the first integrated study of the Middle Triassic of Iberia, based on the stratigraphy, sedimentology, and fossil fauna of Muschelkalk facies of the Iberian Ranges and the Catalan Coastal Ranges in Spain. On the basis of this study, new palaeogeographic reconstructions of the westernmost Tethys are proposed, and the evolution of the different palaeogeographic domains of Iberia (e.g., Iberian, Mediterranean, and Levantine–Balearic) are described. In these domains, Muschelkalk facies record the development of wide carbonate platforms that were the consequence of the first two broad marine transgressions of the Mesozoic in Iberia, respectively, late Pelsonian–earl…
Application de la méthode de raréfaction a l'étude de la perte d'information produite par des processus taphonomiques dans une association de foraminifères fossiles: Résultats préliminaires
Resume Dans ce travail, la methode de la rarefaction est utilisee pour faire une estimation de la perte d'information due a des processus taphonomiques dans une association de foraminiferes benthiques. Les resultats preliminaires obtenus semblent indiquer que cette perte d'information est liee a des differences dans la taille des individus ainsi qu'a la composition et aux caracteristiques du test. Ainsi, les especes a test agglutine empruntant du materiel de grande taille sont specialement affectees, surtout les specimens plus petits. Dans le cas des formes a test porcelane on observe aussi des changements importants dans les proportions de quelques genres, lies aussi a la taille des specim…
A foraminiferal assemblage as a bioevent marker of the main Ladinian transgressive stage in the Betic Cordillera, southern Spain
Abstract The Betic Cordillera comprises the mountain range in the southern Iberian Peninsula that extends from Cadiz to Alicante, which displays typical features of alpine cordilleras. The Betic Cordillera includes two large geological tectonic domains, namely an External Zone, and an Internal Zone. The External Zone is essentially composed of epicontinental Triassic rocks that consist of the Buntsandstein, Muschelkalk and Keuper facies. The Buntsandstein facies rarely occur in outcrops, whereas the Keuper stratigraphic successions are truncated. The Muschelkalk facies frequently displays complete successions that are very useful for interpreting the Ladinian stage palaeogeography. The Musc…
Aspectos paleontológicos del Muschelkalk de la zona de Calanda (Provincia de Teruel)
El hallazgo de numerosos fósiles en el Muschelkalk superior del anticlinal de Calanda, motivó la realización de un muestreo detallado del mismo, así como el estudio de su bio-microfacies. Referente a la macrofauna, se hallan bien representados los bivalvos y en general con buen estado de conservación. Las especies Pseudocorbula gregaria (MUSTER), Placunopsis teruelensis WURM, Lakevellia subcostata (GOLDFUSS), Modiolus myoconchaeformis (PHILIPPI) y Gervillia joleaudi (SCHMIDT) son elementos muy característicos de las «Capas de Royuela» que constituyen los niveles terminales del Muschelkalk en toda la Cordillera Ibérica. Se hallan, aunque con menor número de ejemplares las especies Entolium d…
Una fauna de foraminíferos en el Mioceno continental de la localidad de Buñol (provincia de Valencia)
A fauna of benthonic forarninifera was found in the continental Miocene from Buñol (Valencia, Spain). This fauna was considered as autochthonous, Two species were identified: <i>Rosalina douvillei</i>(CUSHMAN) and <i>Quinqueloculinai seminula</i> (LINNÉ). A few number of planktonic individuals were found. These individuals were refered to the species <i>Globorotalia</i> cf. <i>mayeri</i> CUSHMAN & ELLISOR. The paleoenvironmental characteristics of this outcrops, taken into account the information obtained from benthonic foraminifera, and the bioestratigraphic data obtained from planktonic foraminifera are discussed.<br><br>En e…
Permian-Triassic Rifting Stage
International audience; The Permian-Triassic rifting represents the first of the two Mesozoic rifting stages recorded in the Iberian Peninsula. Its first phases of development started during the Early Permian, and were linked to the beginning of the break-up of Pangea, the large, unique and rheologically unstable supercontinent that mainly resulted from the collision of Gondwana and Laurussia. This chapter analyzes this first rifting stage in Iberia in two separate phases, an initial or tectonic phase, and a later mature phase. This analysis focuses on the main Permian-Triassic basins of the Iberian Peninsula: the Pyrenean, Iberian, Catalan, Ebro and Betic basins, as well as the basins loca…
Ciclos pelíticos de bahía Interdistributaria del nivel intramareal inferior del grupo Roda-Oroel (sector occidental del paleodelta de Ager, Lérida)
The deposits of the ancient Ager deltaic system (Lérida, Spain) are characterized in some way by the existence of cycles constituted, in a large scale, by alternances of pelites and sandstone bodies. According to geological literature these deposits represent bay marls and stream-mouth-bars, in the eastern-most counterpart. In this area sorne pelitic sections show a pronounced cyclical pattern devoid to repetitions of two terms: A marly bioturbated one, and the other one, constituted by undisturbed delicately laminated clays. Part of the deposits of the "Intramarea1 Inferior" level (''Tramo Superior" of the Roda-Oroel depositional system) in the area comprised between La Régola cementery an…