T. Kurturkian-nieto

Relative proton andγwidths of astrophysically important states in30S studied in theβ-delayed decay of31Ar

Resonances just above the proton threshold in S-30 affect the P-29(p, gamma)S-30 reaction under astrophysical conditions. The (p,gamma)-reaction rate is currently determined indirectly and depends on the properties of the relevant resonances. We present here a method for finding the ratio between the proton and gamma partial widths of resonances in S-30. The widths are determined from the beta 2p- and beta p gamma-decay of Ar-31, which is produced at the ISOLDE radioactive ion beam facility at the European research organization CERN. Experimental limits on the ratio between the proton and gamma partial widths for astrophysical relevant levels in S-30 have been found for the first time. A le…

research product

Multiparticle emission in the decay ofAr31

A multihit capacity setup was used to study the decay of the dripline nucleus Ar-31, produced at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. A spectroscopic analysis of the beta-delayed three-proton decay of Ar-31 is presented for the first time together with a quantitative analysis of the beta-delayed 2p gamma decay. A new method for determination of the spin of low-lying levels in the beta p daughter 30S using proton-proton angular correlations is presented and used to determine that the spin of the 5.2-MeV level is most likely 3(+) with 4(+) also possible. The half-life of Ar-31 is found to be 15.1(3) ms. An improved analysis of the Fermi beta strength including the beta 3p-decay mode gives a total mea…

research product

Relative proton and γ widths of astrophysically important states in 30S studied in the β-delayed decay of 31Ar

Resonances just above the proton threshold in 30S affect the 29P(p,gamma)30S reaction under astrophysical conditions. The (p,gamma)-reaction rate is currently determined indirectly and depends on the properties of the relevant resonances. We present here a method for finding the ratio between the proton and gamma partial widths of resonances in 30S. The widths are determined from the beta-2p and beta-p-gamma decay of 31Ar, which is produced at the ISOLDE facility at the European research organization CERN. Experimental limits on the ratio between the proton and gamma partial widths for astrophysical relevant levels in 30S have been found for the first time. A level at 4688(5) keV is identif…

research product

Sizeable beta-strength in $^{31}$Ar (β3p) decay

5 pags. ; 7 figs. ; Open Access funded by SCOAP3 - Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics

research product

Multiparticle emission in the decay of Ar 31

A multihit capacity setup was used to study the decay of the dripline nucleus 31Ar, produced at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. A spectroscopic analysis of the β-delayed three-proton decay of 31Ar is presented for the first time together with a quantitative analysis of the β-delayed 2pγ decay. A new method for determination of the spin of low-lying levels in the βp daughter 30S using proton-proton angular correlations is presented and used to determine that the spin of the 5.2-MeV level is most likely 3+ with 4+ also possible. The half-life of 31Ar is found to be 15.1(3) ms. An improved analysis of the Fermi β strength including the β3p-decay mode gives a total measured branching ratio of 3.60…

research product

Multi-particle emission in the decay of $^{31}$Ar

A multi-hit capacity setup was used to study the decay of the dripline nucleus 31Ar, produced at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. A spectroscopic analysis of the beta-delayed three-proton decay of 31Ar is presented for the first time together with a quantitative analysis of the beta-delayed two-proton-gamma-decay. A new method for determination of the spin of low-lying levels in the beta-proton-daughter 30S using proton-proton angular correlations is presented and used for the level at 5.2 MeV, which is found to be either a 3+ or 4+ level, with the data pointing towards the 3+. The half-life of 31Ar is found to be 15.1(3) ms. An improved analysis of the Fermi beta-strength gives a total measure…

research product