Harri Helajärvi

Long-term determinants of changes in television viewing time in adults: Prospective analyses from the Young Finns Study

Purpose The long-term effects of sociodemographic and health characteristics on television viewing (TV) time changes have not been identified in adulthood. We aimed to examine the modifiable and non-modifiable determinants of changes in TV-time in young adults over 10 years. Methods Participants (N = 2929) aged 24-39 years were recruited between 2001 and 2011 from the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. Data were collected using questionnaires and a medical examination. The determinants of changes in TV-time were estimated using latent growth modeling for men and women separately. Results For men, inverse associations with initial levels of TV-time were observed for students becoming …

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Physical inactivity from youth to adulthood and adult cardiometabolic risk profile

Adults with a low physical activity (PA) level are at increased risk for cardiometabolic diseases, but little is known on the association between physical inactivity since youth and cardiometabolic health in adulthood. We investigated the association of persistent physical inactivity from youth to adulthood with adult cardiometabolic risk factors. Data were drawn from the ongoing Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study with seven follow-ups between 1980 and 2011 (baseline age 3–18 years, n = 1961). Physical activity data from a standardized questionnaire was expressed as a PA-index. Using the PA-index, four groups were formed: 1)persistently physically inactive (n = 246), 2)decreasingly ac…

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Tracking of Television Viewing Time during Adulthood: The Young Finns Study.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the tracking of television viewing (TV) time as an indicator of sedentary behavior among adults for a period of 25 yr. Methods: A random sample of 1601 subjects (740 men) age 18, 21, and 24 yr participated in the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study in 1986. TV time during leisure time was measured with a single self-report question at baseline and in 2001, 2007, and 2011. Tracking of TV time was analyzed using Spearman rank correlations and simplex models. Level and change of TV time were examined using linear growth modeling. Results: The 4- and 6-yr integrated TV time stability coefficients, adjusted for measurement errors, were Q0.60…

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Kasvu, sukupuolinen kypsyminen ja kehitys sekä niiden merkitys liikuntatieteissä

Kasvu sekä sukupuolinen kypsyminen ja kehitys ovat keskeisiä käsitteitä kaikissa lapsia ja nuoria käsittelevissä tutkimuksissa sekä lasten ja nuorten fyysisen aktiivisuuden seurannassa ja urheiluvalmennuksessa. Kasvun sekä sukupuolisen kypsymisen ja kehityksen seurauksena eri elinjärjestelmissä tapahtuu muutoksia, jotka vaikuttavat fyysisiin ominaisuuksiin ja niiden kehittymiseen fyysisen aktiivisuuden seurauksena (Armstrong ja van Mechelen 2017). Fyysinen aktiivisuus voi vaikuttaa myös kasvuun sekä sukupuoliseen kypsymiseen ja kehitykseen – joko negatiivisesti tai positiivisesti. nonPeerReviewed

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Long-term determinants of changes in television viewing time in adults : Prospective analyses from the Young Finns Study

Purpose: The long‐term effects of sociodemographic and health characteristics on television viewing (TV) time changes have not been identified in adulthood. We aimed to examine the modifiable and non‐modifiable determinants of changes in TV‐time in young adults over 10 years.Methods: Participants (N = 2929) aged 24‐39 years were recruited between 2001 and 2011 from the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. Data were collected using questionnaires and a medical examination. The determinants of changes in TV‐time were estimated using latent growth modeling for men and women separately.Results: For men, inverse associations with initial levels of TV‐time were observed for students becoming…

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Associations Between Trajectories of Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Television Viewing Time Across Adulthood: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.

Background: The purpose of this study was to examine trajectories of leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) and television-viewing (TV) time and their associations in adults over 10 years. Methods: The sample comprised 2934 participants (men, 46.0%) aged 24–39 years in 2001 and they were followed up for 10 years. LTPA and TV time were assessed using self-report questionnaires in 2001, 2007, and 2011. Longitudinal LTPA and TV-time trajectories and their interactions were analyzed with mixture modeling. Results: Three LTPA (persistently highly active, 15.8%; persistently moderately active, 60.8%; and persistently low active, 23.5%) and 4 TV time (consistently low, 38.6%; consistently moderate,…

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Physical Inactivity from Youth to Adulthood and Risk of Impaired Glucose Metabolism

Introduction: Physical activity (PA) is important in the prevention and treatment of impaired glucose metabolism. However, association of physical inactivity during the transition between childhood and adulthood with glucose metabolism is unknown. Therefore, we studied the association of persistent physical inactivity since childhood with glucose metabolism in adulthood. Methods: Data were drawn from the ongoing, Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study with repeated follow-ups between 1980 and 2011 (baseline age, 3-18 yr; n = 3596). Impaired glucose metabolism was defined as having impaired fasting glucose (6.1-6.9 mmol·L-1) or type 2 diabetes in adulthood. Leisure-time PA habits were repe…

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Sedentary behaviours and obesity in adults: the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study

Objective Sedentary behaviour may contribute to the development of obesity. We investigated the relations between different types of sedentary behaviour and adiposity markers in a well-characterised adult population after controlling for a wide range of potential confounders. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Multicenter Study. Participants Sedentary time (TV viewing, computer time, reading, music/radio listening and other relaxation) was assessed with a questionnaire for 1084 women and 909 men aged 30–45 years. Other study variables included occupational and leisure-time physical activity, sleep duration, socioeconomic status, smoking, alcohol con…

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Physical Inactivity from Youth to Adulthood and Risk of Impaired Glucose Metabolism

INTRODUCTION: Physical activity (PA) is important in the prevention and treatment of impaired glucose metabolism. However, association of physical inactivity during the transition between childhood and adulthood with glucose metabolism is unknown. Therefore, we studied the association of persistent physical inactivity since childhood with glucose metabolism in adulthood. METHODS: Data were drawn from the ongoing, Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study with repeated follow-ups between 1980 and 2011 (baseline age, 3-18 yr; n = 3596). Impaired glucose metabolism was defined as having impaired fasting glucose (6.1-6.9 mmol·L) or type 2 diabetes in adulthood. Leisure-time PA habits were repeat…

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