Angel De La Fuente
The financial impact of Spanish pension reform: A quick estimate
In this paper, we present a preliminary estimate of the financial impact of the recent reform of the Spanish pension system. After updating the projections of pension expenditure constructed in de la Fuente and Doménech (2010) for the period 2008-2060, we analyze the impact on this variable of raising the retirement age from 65 to 67 years, extending from 15 to 25 years the period over which wages are averaged to calculate the starting pension and increasing from 35 to 37 the number of contribution years required to obtain a 'full pension.' Conditional on a series of assumptions about the evolution of employment, productivity and demographics, our estimates suggest that these measures will …
Cross‐country data on skills and the quality of schooling: A selective survey
Scores in standardized international student achievement tests and some recent adult literacy studies provide interesting data on the quality of educational outputs and on the skill level of the population that can be a useful complement to the data on the quantity of schooling which have been most commonly used in the growth literature. This paper describes the most recent available primary data on the subject, reviews different attempts to organize, standardize, and summarize them, and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the existing indicators and their potential usefulness as explanatory variables in empirical analyses of the determinants of income and welfare levels and growth ra…
The Redistributive Effects of the EU Budget: An Analysis and Proposal for Reform
This paper was written as part of a research project cofinanced by the European Fund for Regional Development and Fundacion Caixa Galicia. Additional financial support was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture under grants SEC99-1189 and SEC99-0820.
Addressing the Net Balances Problem as a Prerequisite for EU Budget Reform: A Proposal
Presentado también como comunicación en el XI Encuentro de Economía Aplicada, celebrado del 5 al 7 de junio de 2008 en la Universidad de Salamanca (España)
EU cohesion aid to Spain: a data set. Part I: 2000-06 planning period
In this paper we construct a data set on EU cohesion aid to Spain during the planning period 2000-06. The data are disaggregated by region, year and function and attempt to approximate the timing of actual executed expenditure on assisted projects.
We construct a revised version of the Barro and Lee (1996) data set for a sample of OECD countries using previously unexploited sources and following a heuristic approach to obtain plausible time profiles for attainment levels by removing sharp breaks in the data that seem to reflect changes in classification criteria. It is then shown that these revised data perform much better than the Barro and Lee (1996) or Nehru et al (1995) series in a number of growth specifications. We interpret these results as an indication that poor data quality may be behind counterintuitive findings in the recent literature on the (lack of) relationship between educational investment and growth. Using our prefe…
Educational attainment in the OECD, 1960-2010. Updated series and a comparison with other sources
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. This paper describes the construction of updated series on the educational attainment of the adult population for a sample of 22 OECD countries covering the period 1960-2010. These series are then compared with (the OECD subsample of) the latest available version of other cross-country data sets on average years of schooling that are commonly used in the literature. Finally, statistical measures of the information content of the different series are constructed using the procedure developed by Krueger and Lindhal (K&L, 2001) and de la Fuente and Doménech (D&D, 2006). The exercise shows that there are important differences in quality across data sets and suggests that su…
EU cohesion aid to Spain: a data set. Part II: 1994-99 planning period
In this paper we construct a data set on EU cohesion aid to Spain during the planning period 1994-99. The data are disaggregated by region, year and function and attempt to approximate the timing of actual executed expenditure on assisted projects. Data available for download: Excel 1 | Excel 2