Kalle Pajunen

The institutional heterogeneity of Europe as a regional market

research product

Institutional distance and international networking

We focus on how small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) adapt to differences in institutional logics (values, beliefs, and rules) in their networking when they enter an institutionally distant market. We address gaps in the literature, relating to the role of institutional logics in SME internationalization, and how institutional distance affects the formation of network ties. We show how the social interaction involved in internationalization is embedded in the institutional logics followed by partnering actors. Specifically, we demonstrate how institutional distance may constrain the networking activities of SMEs and identify practices that may support successful internationalization. …

research product

Two Family Firms in Comparison: Ahlström and Schauman During the 20th Century

Ahlstrom and Schauman are among the most prominent companies in Finnish industrial history, being family firms engaged in different branches of economic activity. At first both were mechanical wood processing companies, but diversified later into the pulp and paper industry as well. Ahlstrom is even still today an important paper producer, whilst Schauman merged in 1987 with the Kymmene Corporation, and is nowadays a part of the UPM-Kymmene Corporation. This paper analyses the strategic decision processes undertaken in the named companies during the 20 century. The companies were not the most typical ones in the Finnish wood processing industry, but were, perhaps, typical examples of old fa…

research product

Temporality and firm de-internationalization : Three historical approaches

This paper contributes to process-oriented international business research by showing how three distinct historical approaches can enrich theoretical understanding concerning temporality in firm de-internationalization. First, we show how comparative historical analysis unleashes the causal structure of the process and provides explanatory understanding of the temporal grounding of the mechanisms driving the process. Second, we explicate how interpretive history reveals the embeddedness of de-internationalization in the prevailing spirit of the time. Finally, we consider how poststructuralist history enables us to focus on the strong subjectivity of individuals in which multiple temporaliti…

research product

To survive or succeed? : An analysis of biotechnology firms

In this paper, we address the question whether there exists differences in the determinants that support survival versus success of small and medium-sized high-tech firms. We examine this question in the context of Finnish biotechnology industry by analyzing the survival of all dedicated biotechnology firms in the period of 1978–2008. We argue and show that the success and survival of firms are not necessarily driven by similar determinants. Specifically, we find that while the role of different types of alliances, focused market scope as well as legitimacy of the industry seem to be important both ensuring in survival and enhancing successful performance, determinants related to sources of…

research product

Strategisen johtamisen muuttuvat kontekstit

Strategisen johtamisen professorijuhlaluento Jyväskylän yliopistossa 11.12.2013 nonPeerReviewed

research product

Causal complexity of new product development processes : a mechanism-based approach

The outcomes of new product development (NPD) processes are dependent on the interplay of several interdependent activities. One product development activity can be dependent on the presence or absence of other activities, different kinds of NDP processes may lead to the same outcome, and specific kinds of activities may have a positive effect in one process but no effect in other processes. However, we currently lack means to examine and explain this causal complexity inherent in NPD processes. To address this issue, we introduce mechanism-based approach as a way to capture conjunctural and equifinal causal relations. We build this approach on the philosophical literature on mechanism-base…

research product

Explaining corporate short-termism: self-reinforcing processes and biases among investors, the media and corporate managers

Based on the related literature in economics, organizational sociology and the sociology of finance, this article constructs a novel conceptual explanation for corporate short-termism, that is, the ...

research product

Suunnanmuutoksen toteuttaminen 1900-luvun alun paperiteollisuusyrityksissä : tutkimukset Kankaan paperitehtaan ja Kymin Osakeyhtiön saneerauksista

research product