Fabio Gómez-estern
Control of Power Converters with Hybrid Affine Models and Pulse-Width Modulated Inputs
In this paper, hybrid dynamical systems theory is applied to the analysis and control of switched converters with Pulse-Width Modulated (PWM) inputs. The system is described by a state-space model with continuous flows and discrete jumps, without averaged equations. The modulation effects are captured in full without using time-dependent signals, by enlarging the state vector to include the PWM waveform generation process. Furthermore, the sample-and-hold mechanism associated with the sampling frequency is also taken into account with this approach. A control law is proposed based on a Lyapunov function candidate. Furthermore, convergence sets and the steady state jitter, inherent to PWM-ba…
Hybrid Modelling and Control of a Class of Power Converters With Triangular-Carrier PWM Inputs
In this paper, a new control design procedure for a class of power converters based on hybrid dynamical systems theory is presented. The continuous-time dynamics, as voltage and current signals, and discretetime dynamics, as the on-off state of the switches, are captured with a hybrid model. This model avoids the use of averaged and approximated models and includes the PWM as well as the sample-and-hold mechanism, commonly used in the industry. Then, another simplified hybrid system, whose trajectories match with the original one, is selected to design the controller and to analyse stability properties. Finally, an estimation of the chattering in steady state of the voltage and current sign…
Avaluació continua con Goodle-GMS a més de 800 alumnes en Enginyeria Química.
L'objectiu d'aquesta experiència ha estat la d'establir un sistema d'avaluació contínua en assignatures amb gran quantitat d'alumnes de manera que no suposin un excessiu treball per al docent, que permeti generar una retroalimentació als alumnes ràpida, de manera que estimuli el treball dels estudiants. L'experiència ha estat realitzada simultàniament a 859 alumnes matriculats de l'assignatura "Química", corresponent a 1r dels Graus d'Enginyeria de l'Energia (85), Enginyeria Aeroespacial (137), Enginyeria de les Tecnologies Industrials (459) i Enginyeria Química (141), durant el segon quadrimestre a l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de la Universitat de Sevilla. S'han plantejat 5 probl…