Petra Netter
[Non-indicated insulin treatment].
171 adult- and aged-onset diabetic patients treated with insulin primarily or secondarily were subjected to an attempted therapy with the additional administration of oral antidiabetic drugs. The new potent antidiabetic drug, glybenclamide (HB 419 = Daonil), was employed on a vast scale in order to carry out an oral monotherapy in the proper indications also combined with biguanides. In the 52 % of patients in study with the additional oral therapy the insulin dose could be remarkably decreased, in the 24 % of cases insulin could be at all abolished. In another 24 % of controlled cases no decrease in insulin need was found. A body weight decrease could be obtained rather in the group of pat…
Catecholamine Response Curves of Male Hypertensives Identified by Lehmacher's Two Sample Configural Frequency Analysis
A new application of LEHMACHER'S (1980) marginal homogeneity sign tests is given by analysis of bivariate response curves (or response surfaces) in two unpaired samples of hypertensive versus normotensive patients. Rationale and computations are illustrated by empirical data from sympathomedullary stress research.
Erweiterter Cross-Over-Plan zur Beurteilung der Schmerzbeeinflussung
Schmerzversuche werden oft nach einem Cross-over-Plan durchgefuhrt, um die individuelle Variabilitat auszuschalten. Durch uberhangseffekte und Wechselwirkungen kann dieser Vorteil verlorengehen. Es wird ein erweiterter Zweiperiodenplan, der unter anderem auch die Cross-over-Anordnung enthalt und die Schatzung von uberhangseffekten und Wechselwirkungen zulast, beschrieben und auf einen Schmerzversuch angewendet. Obwohl die Wirkung des gepruften Analgeticums auf den experimentellen Schmerz schwach ist, last sich der Nutzen des beschriebenen Plans praktisch zeigen.
Relationship of subjective helplessness and pain perception after electric skin stimuli
Objective and subjective controllability of painful stimuli are important factors in pain perception. The present study investigated direct and indirect effects of uncontrollability on perceived pain intensity in humans. Forty-eight healthy male volunteers participated in a laboratory experiment using a reaction time paradigm to induce controllable or uncontrollable feedback conditions in two randomly selected groups. Under controllable conditions, unpleasant electric skin shocks were applied, only when the actual time exceeded an individual threshold; under uncontrollable conditions, skin shocks were applied randomly using a yoked control design. Subjective helplessness, perceived pain int…