Lippold R
Endoventricular patch plasty improves results of LV aneurysmectomy.
From May 1985 to December 1991 52 patients were operated upon for postischemic left ventricular aneurysm (LV-A). Between May 1985 and July 1989 25 patients (group I) with a mean age of 59 (46-72) years underwent conventional aneurysmectomy with direct closure of the left ventricle (LV) and a mean of 1.9 (0-3) additional bypass grafts (54% triple-vessel disease). The hospital mortality was 8% (2/25) and the late mortality during a median follow-up time of 34 months was 28% (7/25) with a 4-year survival of 66%. Improvement in the quality of life (NYHA from 2.6 to 2.1, P = 0.078) and global left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) (from 35 to 38%) proved to be unsatisfactory in conjunction with…
Prognostic Parameters in Renal Cell Carcinoma - a New Approach(1)
The prognostic potential of the parameters TNM staging, Robson staging, grading, cell type, growth pattern, and patient age was investigated for 431 patients with operated renal cell carcinoma (RCC). In the individual analyses, staging and grading attained the best results, whereby Robson staging proved to be superior to TNM staging by comparison. Morphological parameters had a more modest effect on the prognosis, but this should not be underestimated. A scale of points based on a comparative biometric evaluation of the various parameters was devised. From this scale, three significantly distinct prognostic groups evolved with a correct prognosis of over 80% on the average for an individual…