Vicente Palop
Weight Gain Associated with Cinnarizine
OBJECTIVE: To report four cases of cinnarizine-induced weight gain. DATA SOURCES: Case reports from a local obesity center and review articles. DATA EXTRACTION: Data were abstracted from spontaneous comments made by patients to one of the authors, who was a doctor at the clinic, and reviewed by the remaining authors. DATA SYNTHESIS: We reviewed the cases of four women, aged 50–57 years without endocrine or metabolic pathologies, that showed weight gain associated with the intake of cinnarizine for one to two years. No other drugs usually were administered during the period in which the women gained weight, although in two cases cinnarizine was associated with dihydroergocristine in the same…
Effectiveness of a transdiagnostic internet-based protocol for the treatment of emotional disorders versus treatment as usual in specialized care: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Emotional disorders (depression and anxiety disorders) are highly prevalent mental health problems. Although evidence showing the effectiveness of disorder-specific treatments exists, high comorbidity rates among emotional disorders limit the utility of these protocols. This has led some researchers to focus their interest on transdiagnostic interventions, a treatment perspective that might be more widely effective across these disorders. Also, the current way of delivering treatments makes it difficult provide assistance to all of the population in need. The use of the Internet in the delivery of evidence-based treatments may help to disseminate treatments among the population. In this stu…
Vitamin K, and Anaphylactic Shock
El ecofeminismo
El Ecofeminismo, más allá de una tendencia, es un modo de ver la vida y los procesos que de ella subyacen, es por tanto una filosofía de trabajo. Este modo de entender la existencia, basado en la reivindicación de modelos no patriarcales y holísticos, está surcado por diferentes tendencias, desde experiencias diversas, pero nacen de un tronco común y complementan un modo de estar del mundo: la conciencia de ser naturaleza. Estos principios de trabajo, por la riqueza de los mismos, podrían muy bien ayudar a hilvanar el discurso transversal de un programa formativo basado en el humanismo muy en sintonía con la Educación Popular.
Utilización de muestras clínicas para la investigación científica

 SUMARIO: 1. Introducción. 2. Clasificación de las muestras con fundamento en criterios que afecten al régimen de su utilización para la investigación. 2.1. Clasificación de las muestras atendiendo a la posible identificación de su origen. 2.2. Otros tipos relevantes de clasificaciones de muestras clínicas. 3. Consentimiento informado en materia sanitaria y consentimiento para la utilización de datos personales. 3.1. Normas que aparentemente regulan la utilización de muestras para la docencia y la investigación. 3.2. Sentido y funcionalidad del consentimiento informado. 3.3. Remisión a la protección a la intimidad. 4. Algunas cuestiones jurídicas previas en orden a la determinación de…
A prospective study of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized children
Aims There are few publications of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) among paediatric patients, though ADR incidence is usually stated to be higher during the first year of life and in male patients. We have carried out a prospective study to assess the extent, pattern and profile risk for ADRs in hospitalized patients between 1 and 24 months of age. Methods An intensive events monitoring scheme was used. A total of 512 successive admissions to two medical paediatric wards (47 beds) were analysed. The hospital records were screened daily during two periods (summer, 105 days and winter, 99 days), and adverse clinical events observed were recorded. Results A total of 282 events were detected; of …
Weight Gain Induced by Long-Term Propranolol Treatment
Effects of Methoxamine on Spontaneous Uterine Activity and Blood Flow of the Rat Uterus ‘in vivo’
The vascular (blood pressure, heart rate and peripheral blood flow) and uterine (spontaneous motility) responses to intravenous methoxamine were studied in anaesthetized rats pre-treated with diethylstilboestrol. Methoxamine produced an increase (0.5-2 mg/kg) or did not modify (0.01 and 3 mg/kg) spontaneous uterine motility. The alpha 1-agonist also induced a hypertensive effect (0.1-3 mg/kg) accompanied by bradycardia at the highest doses, and a decrease in blood flow significantly greater in intestinal than uterine tissues. These effects were abolished by prazosin. The uterine action of methoxamine in vivo appears to result from the balance between myometrial alpha 1-excitatory effect and…
The Effects of Epinine on Arterial Blood Pressure and Regional Vascular Resistances in Anesthetized Rats
1. We carried out experiments in anesthetized rats to study the hemodynamic effects of intravenous injections of epinine. 2. Epinine (1-320 micrograms/kg) produced a biphasic effect on mean arterial blood pressure (n = 30). At doses lower than 40 micrograms/kg, arterial blood pressure decreased (by as much as 21.5 +/- 3.4%), though at higher doses it increased dose dependently (by as much as 73.2 +/- 14.5%). Epinine also produced bradicardia in a dose-dependent manner (by as much as 26.4 +/- 4.9%). Sulpiride (100 micrograms/kg) suppressed the hypotensive effect of epinine but did not change the hypertensive effect. In the presence of prazosin (1,000 micrograms/kg), arterial blood pressure r…
A prospective study of adverse drug reactions as a cause of admission to a paediatric hospital
1A total of 512 consecutive paediatric hospital admissions of children 2 years old or less were evaluated to assess the extent and pattern of admission caused by suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs). The proportion of suspected ADRs related to hospital admissions was 4.3%. 2The organ-systems most commonly implicated were the central nervous system (40.5%), digestive system (16.7%), and skin and appendages (14.3%). Together, they accounted for 71.5% of admissions attributed to ADRs. The most common clinical manifestations inducing admission were convulsions (4 cases), dizziness (4), vomiting (3), and tremor, fever, itching and apnoea (2 cases each). 3The four classes of drugs most frequen…
Criterio para establecer el plazo de recurrir el silencio administrativo negativo
En nuestro ordenamiento vigente hay normas y principios contradictorios relativos a la existencia de un plazo preclusivo para la interposición del recurso contencioso en el supuesto de desestimación por silencio administrativo de las solicitudes o recursos presentados por los interesados. Una amplia corriente jurisprudencial del TC ampara, al menos, la ampliación de los plazos legales establecidos en la LJ aunque no los ha declarado, expresamente, inconstitucionales, mientras que el TS carece de una posición unitaria en la materia. El trabajo pretende la individualización de un criterio para armonizar la obligación de la Administración de resolver de forma expresa y, el correlativo derecho …