Endothelial and neural factors functionally involved in the modulation of noradrenergic vasoconstriction in healthy pig internal mammary artery
The role of endothelial and neural factors as modulators of neurogenic- and noradrenaline-induced vasoconstriction was examined in healthy pig internal mammary artery (IMA). Tetrodotoxin-, guanethidine-sensitive electrical field stimulation (EFS)-, and noradrenaline-elicited contractions were significantly diminished by prazosin (n=8, P0.001) and less so by rauwolscine, indicating functional α₁- and α₂-adrenoceptor-mediated noradrenergic innervation of the IMA. Endothelium removal reduced neurogenic (n=8, P0.01) but augmented noradrenaline responses (n=8, P0.01), suggesting the release of two endothelium-dependent factors with opposite effects. In the presence of endothelium, neurogenic and…