Hannu Karhunen

Alueellinen koulutuspääoma Suomessa 1970-2005 : koulutus ja kasvu

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Economic studies on higher education and productivity

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Opiskeluaikainen työssäkäynti ja työmarkkinatilanne valmistumisen jälkeen: havaintoja rekisteriaineistosta

research product

International Student Migration in Finland

There is increasing attention on the retention of international students with many stakeholders desiring to keep international students for long-term economic growth. This study examines the factors affecting international students to stay in Finland five years after initial enrolment with particular focus on the role graduation plays in students staying or leaving. Tracking 11 (years) entering cohorts for five years across national (Finland) data registries, we found evidence of an inverse relationship between graduation, degree type, and the probability of staying; higher the degree level of graduation, the decrease in probability an international student stays. We conclude that while gra…

research product

Do they stay or go? Analysis of international students in Finland

The increase in international student mobility raises questions of how many international students choose to stay in their host country and the reasons why some stay and others leave. This study ex...

research product

Korkeakoulutus ja yritystuet tuottavuuden näkökulmasta

research product

Working while studying: does it lead to greater attachment to the regional labour market?

This chapter studies the link between working while studying and migration. Understanding this link is important because policy-makers are often calling for actions that would cut down the hours students spend on working to shorten the graduation time. The chapter’s analysis focuses on graduates from Finnish universities, polytechnics and vocational schools in 1991–2004. It uses rich register-based longitudinal microdata constructed by Statistics Finland, and find a negative relationship between working while studying and graduate migration. An increase in student employment can thus partly explain the decline in geographic mobility among Finnish graduates from higher education.

research product

Determinants of Prescription Opioid Use : Population‐Based Evidence from Finland

Background and aims Previous studies have shown that prescription opioid use is more common in the socioeconomically disadvantaged communities in the US. This study examined the area and individual‐level determinants of prescription opioid use in Finland during the period 1995‐2016. Design Logistic regression analysis using nationwide data on filled opioid‐related prescriptions dispensed at Finnish pharmacies and covered by the National Health Insurance. Opioid consumption was linked, using personal identification codes, to population‐based data maintained by Statistics Finland, which records individual background and area‐level characteristics. Setting and participants Working‐age populati…

research product

Suomeen valmistumisen jälkeen jääneet tutkinto-opiskelijat tilastojen valossa

Tarkastelemme kirjoituksessamme ulkomaalaisia tutkinto-opiskelijoita, jotka valmistuivat Suomen ammattikorkeakouluista tai yliopistoista vuosien 1999 ja 2011 välisenä aikana. Pyrimme kuvailemaan Tilastokeskuksen rekisteritietojen avulla, kuinka moni valmistuneista on edelleen Suomessa kolme vuotta valmistumisen jälkeen ja mitkä taustatekijät ovat yhteydessä päätökseen jäädä maahan. Kiinnitämme tarkastelussa erityistä huomiota siihen, kuinka valmistumisen jälkeen Suomeen jääminen käsitteellisesti määritellään mittausta varten. Lisäksi vertaamme maahan jääneiden henkilöiden tilannetta ja työmarkkinatulemia suomalaisten vastaaviin tulemiin finanssikriisin jälkeisenä aikana. Tulosten mukaan ulk…

research product

Determinants of prescription opioid use: population‐based evidence from Finland

BACKGROUND AND AIMS Previous studies have shown that prescription opioid use is more common in socio-economically disadvantaged communities in the United States. This study examined the area and individual-level determinants of prescription opioid use in Finland during the period 1995-2016. DESIGN Logistic regression analysis using nation-wide data on filled opioid-related prescriptions dispensed at Finnish pharmacies and covered by National Health Insurance. Opioid consumption was linked, using personal identification codes, to population-based data maintained by Statistics Finland, which records individual background and area-level characteristics. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS Working-age pop…

research product

Do they stay or go? Analysis of international students in Finland

The increase in international student mobility raises questions of how many international students choose to stay in their host country and the reasons why some stay and others leave. This study examines factors affecting international students to stay in Finland three years after graduation. Tracking 13 (years) graduating cohorts across national (Finland) data registries, we find family ties and labour market opportunities relate to an increased probability an international student stays in Finland three years after graduation. peerReviewed

research product

A tale of two trade-offs: Effects of opening pathways from vocational to higher education

Abstract This paper studies the effects of a vocational secondary school reform implemented in Finland between 1999 and 2001. The reform extended vocational two-year programs to three years and made all graduates eligible to apply for university. For identification, we exploit the gradual implementation of the reform, and use a differences-in-differences approach and administrative register data up to 13 years after the reform. We find no long-term effect on enrollment in further education or labor market outcomes. However, our results illustrate that the reform increased the dropout probability. Thus, the benefits of opening pathways from vocational to higher education may be outweighed by…

research product

R&D subsidies and productivity in SMEs

This paper examines the effect of R&D subsidies on labour productivity. We use firm-level data on Finnish SMEs from 2000 to 2012 and apply a combined matching and difference-in-differences method to control for selection bias. We find no significant positive effect on labour productivity over the five-year period after a subsidy is granted. However, the results vary over time and indicate a 2–4 % negative effect on SMEs’ annual productivity growth one to 2 years after the subsidy year. Nevertheless, subsidies generate a positive employment effect and enhance firm survival. Additional scrutiny reveals that subsidies positively affect the human capital level of low-skill firms. peerReviewed

research product

PT Policy Brief : Koronakriisin ja sen hillitsemiseksi asetettujen rajoitusten talousvaikutuksista

Tähän PT Policy Briefiin on koottu eri lähteistä tietoa ja omia laskelmia koronakriisin toistaiseksi aiheuttamista talousvaikutuksista. Tarkastelun keskiössä ovat rajoitustoimet koronaviruksen aiheuttaman taudin hillitsemiseksi, jotka samalla aiheuttavat suuria hyvinvointitappioita. Kyse näissä tappioissa ei ole pelkästään rahasta, vaan esimerkiksi aiemmat syvät taloustaantumat ovat aiheuttaneet niin ikään esimerkiksi kansalaisten selkeästi huonontuneen terveyden. Tilannekuva on, että koronakriisin aiheuttama taantuma esimerkiksi mitattuna lomautettujen lukumäärällä on ollut poikkeuksellisen nopea verrattuna vuoden 2009 finanssikriisiin. Esittelemme mallin, jonka avulla hahmotellaan, että l…

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