Bono R.
Anona si afferma in Calabria, più difficile l'adattamento in Sicilia.
I Millennial e i Nativi Digitali fra consapevolezza e sfide per il lavoro 4.0. Un esempio di buone prassi sperimentato dall’U.O. Placement dell’Ateneo di Palermo.
The paper faces a videly debated issue in the international literature that is the new challenges for millennials in terms of job and opportunties. In particular the difference between millenials and digital natives is considered when the approach on the finding of the job and hard and soft skill are similar between them but differs a lot when the comparation is made between the past generation.
La mediazione domanda offerta di lavoro ai tempi del Covid
In this paper we face the trade off between labour demand and supply for graduates in the Covid Era.