Silvia Eleonora Angileri


research product

CART-based gully types classification: a case study in Sicily (Italy)

Gulling is a complex process depending on several factors and involving a wide range of sub-processes. Different types of gullies were distinguished and described in literature. Their contribution to soil erosion changes in relation with the typology and their presence is influenced by different controlling factors. Mapping and classifying gullies is crucial for monitoring soil erosion. So far, no systematic definition of morphological characteristics of the different types of gullies and of their controlling factors has been made. The present work aims to suggest an innovative approach to automatically classify gullies by integrating remote sensing, GIS and a classification algorithm. The …

research product

GIS-analysis of gully erosion susceptibility: a key study in north-central Sicily,Italy

research product

Identification and assessment of geosites for territorial enhancement – the study and geoheritage exploitation of the Torre Salsa natural reserve (Sicily)

The “Ecological Cross-­‐border Networks Malta-­‐Sicily” (RE.MA.SI.) is an international research project founded by the Italia-­‐Malta 2007-­‐2013 Programme. A part of the project aims to carry out a multidisciplinary study for the identification and enhancement of geosites in the Maltese Islands and Sicily. Some areas have been picked out; these areas are spectacular and interesting for the tourists and can make a significant contribution to the understanding the geological and geomorphological history. Field surveys took place for the identification and classification of the most significant geomorphosites and the verification of the collected bibliographical data; in particular, the iden…

research product

A multi-scale regional landslide susceptibility assessment approach: the SUFRA_SICILIA (SUscettibilità da FRAna in Sicilia) project

The SUFRA project is based on a three level susceptibility mapping. According to the availability of more detailed data, the three scale for susceptibility mapping are increased respect to the ones suggested by the TIER group to 1:100,000, 1:50,000 and 1:25,000/1:10,000. The mapping levels exploit climatic, soil use (CORINE2009) and seismic informative layers, differentiating in the details of the core data (geology and topography), in the quality and resolution of the landslide inventory and in the modelling approach (Tab. 1). SUFRA_100 is based on a heuristic approach which is applied by processing a geologic layer (produced by ARTA integrating pre-CARG 1:100,000 geologic maps); the DEM e…

research product

Application of RUSLE model for the assessment of soil erosion in the western sector of Palermo Mountains (north-western Sicily)

The aim of this work is to study the impact of vegetation cover on water erosion phenomena by exploiting an integrated approach to the assessment of soil loss rates. The investigated area is located in the western portion of the mountainous group named “Monti di Palermo” and occupies an area of approximately 475 km2; this area, which extends from sea level up to about 1,300 m, is mainly characterized by the presence of lithosols and luvisols laying above carbonate and terrigenous substrates. The assessment of erosion intensity was indirectly obtained by applying the RUSLE model, that allowed to estimate soil loss produced by rill-interrill erosion phenomena. Starting from topographical and …

research product

Determining the optimal pixel size of topographical parameters for the prediction of hazardous geomorphological phenomenons of different magnitude: gullies and landslides

research product

Water erosion prediction by stochastic and empirical models in the Mediterranean: A case study in Northern Sicily (Italy)

The present thesis aimed to explore the methodological advantages as well as limitations in applying different modelling approaches to predict water soil erosion in Mediterranean environments. The research was accomplished in the central northern part of Sicily (Italy), considering this region to be representative of Mediterranean environmental conditions. In this region soil degradation problems, due to water erosion are becoming more and more serious. Consequently, defining models being able to predict erosion susceptibility and to discriminate environmental factors causing erosion is important to protect soil resources. The prediction of the spatial distribution of soil erosion processes…

research product

Evaluating the effects of man-induced topographic changes in landscape structure on soil erosion by water: a case study in Sicily

research product

Water erosion susceptibility mapping by applying Stochastic Gradient Treeboost to the Imera Meridionale River Basin (Sicily, Italy)

Abstract Soil erosion by water constitutes a serious problem affecting various countries. In the last few years, a number of studies have adopted statistical approaches for erosion susceptibility zonation. In this study, the Stochastic Gradient Treeboost (SGT) was tested as a multivariate statistical tool for exploring, analyzing and predicting the spatial occurrence of rill–interrill erosion and gully erosion. This technique implements the stochastic gradient boosting algorithm with a tree-based method. The study area is a 9.5 km 2 river catchment located in central-northern Sicily (Italy), where water erosion processes are prevalent, and affect the agricultural productivity of local commu…

research product

Bridging Malta and Sicily through geoheritage exploitation: Identification and assessment of geosites for territorial enhancement

Malta and Sicily show common geological and geomorphological features, having been also physically linked not later than the Last Glacial Maximum. At present both islands have a high tourist vocation, but their environmental potential is not fully exploited for attracting tourists and visitors. In the framework of an international research project, “Ecological Cross-border Networks Malta-Sicily” (RE.MA.SI.), a multidisciplinary study for the identification, selection and enhancement of geosites in the Maltese and Sicilian islands was carried out. A number of sites both in Malta and Sicily have been identified and qualitatively and quantitatively assessed applying a methodology already teste…

research product

Multi-scale regional landslide susceptibility assessment in Sicily (Italy): The Sufra Sicilia Project

research product

Un approccio multi-scala per la valutazione della suscettibilità da frana a livello regionale: il progetto SUFRA (SUscettibilità da FRAna) in Sicilia

L’attuale versione del PAI (Piano Stralcio per l'Assetto Idrogeologico) disponibile per il territorio siciliano è fortemente dipendente dallo scenario di dissesti passati censiti e catalogati, sulla base dei quali, utilizzando un sistema di matrici di valutazione, è possibile ricavare le condizioni di rischio geomorfologico associato. Questo stadio costituisce un primo grande avanzamento delle conoscenze a partire dal quale è ora necessario procedere alla valutazione della suscettibilità da frana e all’adozione dunque di uno strumento di analisi territoriale con carattere previsionale. La realizzazione di una cartografia della suscettibilità da frana a scala regionale pone d’altra parte una…

research product

An integrated geomorphologic-economic approach for valuing direct damage in agricultural areas caused by erosion process in a mediterranean environment (Italy)

research product

Modelli predittivi di morfologie erosive e di frana nell'area di testata del bacino del fiume Imera Meridionale, Sicilia (Italia)

research product

Gully erosion susceptibility assessment by means of GIS-based logistic regression: A case of Sicily (Italy)

article i nfo Article history: This research aims at characterizing susceptibility conditions to gully erosion by means of GIS and multivariate statistical analysis. The study area is a 9.5 km 2 river catchment in central-northern Sicily, where agriculture ac- tivities are limited by intense erosion. By means of field surveys and interpretation of aerial images, we prepared a digitalmap of thespatial distribution of 260 gulliesinthestudy area.Inaddition,fromavailable thematicmaps, a 5 m cell size digital elevation model and field checks, we derived 27 environmental attributes that describe the variability of lithology, land use, topography and road position. These attributes were selected f…

research product

Comparing Logistic Regression and MARS approaches for gully erosion susceptibility evaluation in central-northern Sicily

research product

Using topographical attributes to evaluate gully erosion proneness (susceptibility) in two mediterranean basins: advantages and limitations

Empirical multivariate predictive models represent an important tool to estimate gully erosion susceptibility. Topography, lithology, climate, land use and vegetation cover are commonly used as input for these approaches. In this paper, two multivariate predictive models were generated for two gully erosion processes in San Giorgio basin (Italy) and Mula River basin (Spain) using only topographical attributes as independent variables. Initially, nine models (five for San Giorgio and four for Mula) with pixel sizes ranging from 2 to 50 m were generated, and validation statistics were calculated to estimate the optimal pixel size. The best models were selected based on model performance using…

research product

Modeling landslide susceptibility by using GIS-analysis and multivariate adaptive regression splines

Landslide susceptibility may be evaluated by defining statistical relationships between the spatial distribution of past slope failures and the variability of landslide triggering factors. In this research, susceptibility to landsliding was assessed by employing multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), a statistical model that has been rarely used to this aim. The experiment was carried out in an area of central Sicily (Italy), which is severely affected by shallow landslides mainly occurring during the wet autumn- winter semester. Bedrock lithology and a set of primary and secondary topographic attributes were exploited as proxies of main landslide driving factors. The robustness o…

research product

Multi-parametric GIS analysis to assess gully erosion susceptibility: a test in southern Sicily, Italy

: A GIS-analysis was carried out in a test basin of southern Sicily, the Magazzolo River basin, in order to assess susceptibility conditions to gully erosion phenomena. The linear density of ephemeral and permanent gullies computed within each class of nine environmental variables was used to generate a gully erosion susceptibility map for the area. A validation procedure carried out in order to test the reliability of the adopted method highlighted a clear correlation between the occurrence of gullies and the computed susceptibility levels

research product

Geositi nel paesaggio mediterraneo: confronto tra aree costiere maltesi e siciliane

research product

Elaboración de modelos 3D de diferentes morfologías y escalas utilizando técnicas Structure-from-Motion y fotografías terrestres

En este trabajo se evalúan los métodos de foto-reconstrucción automatizada basados en el uso conjunto de las técnicas Structure from Motion (SfM) y Multi-View Stereo (MVS) para medir, monitorizar y cuantificar la dinámica de tres formas geomorfológicas: i) el glaciar rocoso del Corral del Veleta (Granada, España), ii) un paisaje de cárcavas de tipo calanchi (Sicilia, Italia) y ii) cinco pequeñas cabeceras de cárcava (Cáceres, España). Se incluyen en este trabajo los resultados sobre la precisión, utilidad y aplicabilidad de estas técnicas. Para la cuantificación de la precisión se utilizan el error cuadrático medio (RMSE) de los puntos de control que se emplean en la georreferenciación y la…

research product

Monitoraggio dell’espansione delle aree a calanchi tramite la mappatura della vegetazione

research product

A GIS-based approach for gully erosion susceptibility modelling: a test in Sicily, Italy

The aim of this study is to analyze the susceptibility conditions to gully erosion phenomena in the Magazzolo River basin and to test a method that allows for driving the factors selection. The study area is one of the largest (225 km2) watershed of southern Sicily and it is mostly characterized by gentle slopes carved into clayey and evaporitic sediments, except for the northern sector where carbonatic rocks give rise to steep slopes. In order to obtain a quantitative evaluation of gully erosion susceptibility, statistical relationships between the spatial distributions of gullies affecting the area and a set of twelve environmental variables were analyzed. Stereoscopic analysis of aerial …

research product