Costantino C

Le strategie comunicative ed informative sulla vaccinazione antinfluenzale possono modificare le attitudini degli operatori sanitari (OS)? Risultati di otto anni di attività di promozione vaccinale nel principale Ospedale Universitario Siciliano

INTRODUZIONE Circa il 20% degli Operatori Sanitari (OS) contrae annualmente una patologia da virus influenzale e la vaccinazione stagionale è fortemente raccomandata quale migliore strategia di prevenzione tra gli OS. Diverse iniziative sono state messe in atto a livello nazionale per incrementare le scarse coperture vaccinali antinfluenzali evidenziate tra gli OS. In questo studio viene analizzato il trend di adesione vaccinale degli OS operanti presso l’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria (AOU) Policlinico di Palermo nelle ultime otto stagioni vaccinali, valutando l’impatto di differenti strategie comunicative ed informative messe in atto nel corso delle ultime tre stagioni vaccinali (2015/…

research product

A cross-sectional study on smartphone uses among pregnant women attending childbirth classes in the Metropolitan Area of Palermo, Italy: The Stop-Phone study

Background: Prevalence of mobile device addiction has increased over the years; both women and men have assimilated the mobile phone as a central component of their personal existence: integrating it into their lifestyle or becoming so dependent on it that life without it has become unimaginable. Smartphones generate radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. While short-term exposure in adults was considered quite safe, effects of long-term exposure or exposure during pregnancy on fetuses or during breastfeeding on newborns are not well studied yet. The objective of the present study was to investigate the prevalence and usage characteristics of smartphones among a sample of pregnant women, a…

research product

The immunohistochemical peptidergic expression of leptin is associated with recurrence of malignancy in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma.

Leptin is a peptide that plays a key role in the control of satiety, energy expenditure, food intake and various reproductive processes. In the last years, the expression of leptin had been found in malignant cells of various origins. The aim of this study is to evaluate leptin expression in human laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and to investigate its possible role in predicting prognosis. Leptin expression was determined by immunohistochemistry in pathological and healthy tissue specimens from 24 patients with laryngeal SCC. Specimens were stained with an anti-leptin antibody. All measurements were performed using a computer-based image analysis system and scale of staining intensi…

research product

[The key role of public health medical resident education for future public health challenges].

The Italian Committee of medical residents in Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health is a member of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health with the aim of developing a network among Italian resident in public health and promoting the educational path improvement through comparisons and debates between postgraduate medical schools. In this perspective, during last years account has been taken of some essential topics concerning education of public health medical residents, which represent future health-care and public health experts.Cross-sectional researches were conducted among Italian public health medical residents (PHMRs) through self-administered …

research product

[Abolishing mandatory routine medical and laboratory examination of food handlers may have influenced the reporting trends of foodborne diseases? Frequency of notified foodborne illnesses in Southern Italy from 1996 to 2009]

The aim of this study is to compare notifications of foodborne diseases in Southern Italy, before and after abolishing mandatory medical and laboratory examination routine. Data were obtained from the National Epidemiological Report of Health Ministry, that includes the annual summaries of foodborne infectious illnesses notified in Italy. The average number of foodborne diseases per million inhabitants per year decreased after the abolishment of health card for all examined conditions. There was a statistically significant reduction in all Regions for Salmonellosis and in Basilicata, Calabria, Campania and Sicily for Brucellosis. Abolishing health card of food handlers workers did not incre…

research product

COVID-19 emergency in Sicily and intersection with the 2019-2020 influenza epidemic.


research product