Tramuto F

Le strategie comunicative ed informative sulla vaccinazione antinfluenzale possono modificare le attitudini degli operatori sanitari (OS)? Risultati di otto anni di attività di promozione vaccinale nel principale Ospedale Universitario Siciliano

INTRODUZIONE Circa il 20% degli Operatori Sanitari (OS) contrae annualmente una patologia da virus influenzale e la vaccinazione stagionale è fortemente raccomandata quale migliore strategia di prevenzione tra gli OS. Diverse iniziative sono state messe in atto a livello nazionale per incrementare le scarse coperture vaccinali antinfluenzali evidenziate tra gli OS. In questo studio viene analizzato il trend di adesione vaccinale degli OS operanti presso l’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria (AOU) Policlinico di Palermo nelle ultime otto stagioni vaccinali, valutando l’impatto di differenti strategie comunicative ed informative messe in atto nel corso delle ultime tre stagioni vaccinali (2015/…

research product

Genomic analysis and lineage identification of SARS-CoV-2 strains isolated from migrants travelling through the Libyan route

Many African countries, representing the origin of the majority of refugees, asylum-seekers, and other migrants, toward regions bordering on the Mediterranean area, are experiencing sustained local transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Sicily is one of the main entry gates of migrants crossing into Europe. We conducted a pilot study, based on the full-genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 strains isolated from migrants coming to Sicily by crossing the Mediterranean Sea, with the aim to investigate the viral genome polymorphism and to describe their genetic variations and the phylogenetic relationships. On June 21, a nongovernmental organization vessel rescu…

research product

COVID-19 emergency in Sicily and intersection with the 2019-2020 influenza epidemic.


research product

Differential diagnosis of illness in patients under investigation for the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), Italy, February 2020

A novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has been identified as the causative pathogen of an ongoing outbreak of respiratory disease, now named COVID-19. Most cases and sustained transmission occurred in China, but travel-associated cases have been reported in other countries, including Europe and Italy. Since the symptoms are similar to other respiratory infections, differential diagnosis in travellers arriving from countries with wide-spread COVID-19 must include other more common infections such as influenza and other respiratory tract diseases.

research product