M Polidori

Fattibilità di una diversa configurazione della facility SPES-3

research product

Analysis of a full-scale integral test in PERSEO facility by using TRACE code

Over the last decades a lot of experimental researches have been done to increase the reliability of passive decay heat removal systems implementing in-pool immersed heat exchanger. In this framework, a domestic research program on innovative safety systems was carried out leading the design and the development of the PERSEO facility at the SIET laboratories. The configuration of the system consists of an heat exchanger contained in a small pool which is connected both at the bottom and at the top to a large water reservoir pool. Within the frame of a national research program funded by the Italian minister of economic development, the DEIM department of the University of Palermo in coopera…

research product

Validazione e Verifica (V&V) di CATHARE2 e TRACE sul Programma Sperimentale SPES-2

research product

Antiretroviral genotypic resistance in plasma RNA and whole blood DNA in HIV-1 infected patients failing HAART

The extent to which HIV-1 proviral DNA mutations cause clinically relevant antiretroviral resistance is still controversial. Paired plasma HIV-1 RNA and whole blood DNA were compared in patients failing HAART to investigate if the additional knowledge of archived mutations could improve the selection of potentially active drugs. Seventy-three HIV-1-infected patients with first/second HAART failure were studied before starting a new regimen based on RNA genotyping. Follow-up data after a 12-week therapy were available. DNA genotyping was retrospectively performed on stored whole blood samples and mutational profiles were compared to those from RNA. The mean number of IAS pol mutations was si…

research product

Analysis of a Station Black-Out transient in SMR by using the TRACE and RELAP5 code

The present paper deals with the investigation of the evolution and consequences of a Station Black-Out (SBO) initiating event transient in the SPES3 facility [1]. This facility is an integral simulator of a small modular reactor being built at the SIET laboratories, in the framework of the R&D program on nuclear fission funded by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and led by ENEA. The SBO transient will be simulated by using the RELAP5 and TRACE nodalizations of the SPES3 facility. Moreover, the analysis will contribute to study the differences on the code predictions considering the different modelling approach with one and/or three-dimensional components and to compare the capa…

research product

Transient analysis of "2 inch Direct Vessel Injection line break" in SPES-2 facility by using TRACE code

In the past few decades a lot of theoretical and experimental researches have been done to understand the physical phenomena characterizing nuclear accidents. In particular, after the Three Miles Island accident, several reactors have been designed to handle successfully LOCA events. This paper presents a comparison between experimental and numerical results obtained for the “2 inch Direct Vessel Injection line break” in SPES-2. This facility is an integral test facility built in Piacenza at the SIET laboratories and simulating the primary circuit, the relevant parts of the secondary circuits and the passive safety systems typical of the AP600 nuclear power plant. The numerical analysis her…

research product

Analyses of the TRACE V5 capability for the simulation of natural circulation and primary/containment coupling in BDBA condition typical of the MASLWR

In the short term period the use of advanced Small Modular Reactor (SMR) is one of the most promising options for the deployment of nuclear technology. The validation and assessment of the best estimate thermal hydraulic system code TRACE against SMR thermal hydraulic phenomena is a novel effort. In this framework the use of the natural circulation database developed at the OSU-MASLWR test facility, simulating the MASLWR reactor prototype, is of interest for analyses of the TRACE code capability in predicting natural circulation and primary/containment coupled behavior in SMR. The target of this paper is to analyze the TRACE V5 capability for the simulation of natural circulation phenomena,…

research product