Rosa Elena Spallino
Studio della struttura genetica di Ambrosina bassii L. (Araceae, Ambrosineae) in Sicilia, attraverso l’analisi del polimorfismo enzimatico
Genetic diversity in Sicilian populations of Quercus ilex (Fagaceae)
Raimondo, F. M., Scialabba, A., Guarino, R. & Spallino, R. E.: Genetic diversity in Sicilian populations of Quercus ilex (Fagaceae). — Fl. Medit. 23: 245-253. 2013. — ISSN: 1120-4052 printed, 2240-4538 online. Recent studies on the genetic structure of the Italian populations of Quercus ilex demonstrated their high diversity, particularly in the Sicilian metapopulation. In order to check if the holm oak stands in the mountains of NW Sicily could have some relationship with Q. ilex subsp. ballota (distributed in Spain and NW Africa), 26 specimens from the Sicilian most distinctive Q. ilex populations have been compared with some representative populations of the Italian Peninsula, North Afri…
Paraserianthes lophantha (Mimosaceae) nell’isola di Pantelleria e nell’arcipelago delle isole Eolie
Le malformazioni delle piante nell’iconografia: percorso storico-documentario
Plant malformations in iconography: historical-documentary journey -.The present contribution traces the progress of the iconography of plant anatomical anomalies. The cases illustrated in the most important works from the second half of the 17th to the 19th century are here reported.
Biologia riproduttiva in Ambrosina bassii L. (Araceae, Ambrosineae): osservazioni sulla fenologia e sulla morfologia del seme
Molecular approach for the characterization of ancient /degraded Cyperus sp.specimens
The aim of this work has been to apply and improve the efficiency of molecular tools for the identification of Cyperus sp. from difTerent sources. Total DNA was extracted from fresh, degraded and ancient specimens. DNA molecules were the template for in vitro amplification of specific target regions referred to rcbL plastid gene (ribulose-l,5 -biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit). Dedicated DNA extraction and amplification protocols have been applied specifically for fresh/degraded and ancient samples. Particularly, specific set of primer, annealing temperatures and reaction mixtures have been performed. The PCR products, single DNA fragments, were resolved on agarose gel electr…
Phylogenetic analysis of the Sicilian Hieracium taxa (Asteraceae) using "DNA barcoding": preliminary data
Conferma della presenza nella Sicilia occidentale di Retama raetam (Forssk.) Webb subsp. gussonei (Webb) W. Greuter (Fabaceae Cytiseae), specie a rischio della flora italiana
Diversità genetica in popolazioni meridionali di faggio
Applicazione di tecnologie innovative per il recupero e la conservazione preventiva dei materiali archivistici librari.
Schede 55-60 in MAZZOLA P. & RAIMONDO F.M. (ed.): Schede per la flora ornamentale siciliana
Plant teratologies as a result of phytoplasma infections
The direct correlation between teratological cases and phytoplasma infections was ascertained in spontaneous and cultivated plant species. Plants, belonging to 31 species and 12 families, showing symptoms of growth abnormalities were collected and analysed. Attempted detection of Rhodococcus fascians by isolation, PCR indexing and 16S rRNA sequencing from fasciated tissues allowed to exclude its presence. Nested PCR by universal primers and 16S rRNA sequence analyses indicated the presence of phytoplasmas, belonging to six groups, in the 44% of symptomatic samples. Among the infected species, Austrocylindropuntia exaltata, Opuntia subulata, Euphorbia characias, Euphorbia dendroides, Euphorb…