Luis Roca Zamora
The $(\pi^-,\gamma\gamma)$ reaction in nuclei and the $\sigma$ meson in the medium
A theoretical analysis of the $(\pi^-,\gamma\gamma)$ reaction in nuclei is made in order to find the viability of this reaction to test modifications of the $\sigma$ meson mass in nuclear matter. The $\pi\pi$ correlation in the scalar-isoscalar channel in nuclear matter could, in principle, manifest itself in this reaction since it plays an important role in the $\pi\pi\to\gamma\gamma$ mechanism. But we conclude that this effect is hardly visible in this reaction due to the strong background of the pion-Bremsstrahlung terms. Only with some special cuts and for some polarization states are the effect visible at the cost of a strong reduction in the cross section.
Decay of axial-vector mesons into VP and P gamma
We propose a phenomenological Lagrangian for the decay of the SU(3) nonets of the axial-vector mesons of $J^{PC}=1^{+-},1^{++}$ into a vector meson and a pseudoscalar constructed with tensor fields for the vector and axial-vector mesons. The formulation leads to a good reproduction of the different decay branching ratios and assuming vector meson dominance (VMD) it also leads to good results for the radiative decay of the $a_1$ into pion and photon, and in agreement with the structure proposed in the chiral tensor formulation of radiative decay of axial-vector mesons. The two SU(3) parameters and the mixing angle of $K_{1A}$ and $K_{1B}$ needed to give the physical $K_1(1270)$ and $K_1(1400…
Chiral Dynamics of Hadrons in Nuclei
In this talk I report on selected topics of hadron modification in the nuclear medium using the chiral unitary approach to describe the dynamics of the problems. I shall mention how antikaons, $\eta$, and $\phi$ are modified in the medium and will report upon different experiments done or planned to measure the $\phi$ width in the medium.
LHCb pentaquark as a D^* Sigma_c-D^* Sigma_c^* molecular state
We perform a theoretical analysis of the Λb→J/ψK−p reaction from where a recent LHCb experiment extracts a Λ(1405) contribution in the K−p spectrum close to threshold and two baryon states of hidden charm in the J/ψp spectrum. We recall that baryon states of this type have been theoretically predicted matching the mass, width and JP of the experiment; concretely some states built up from the J/ψN, D¯∗Λc, D¯∗Σc, D¯Σ∗c and D¯∗Σ∗c coupled channels. We assume that the observed narrow state around 4450 MeV has this nature and we are able to describe simultaneously the shapes and relative strength of the the K−p mass distribution close to threshold and the peak of the J/ψp distribution, with valu…
$A$ dependence of the $\gamma$- and $p$-induced production of the $\Lambda(1520)$ from nuclei
Using results of a recent calculation of the $\Lambda(1520)$ in the nuclear medium, which show that the medium width is about five times the free width, we study the A dependence of the $\Lambda(1520)$ production cross section in the reactions $\gamma ~A \to K^+ \Lambda(1520) A^\prime$ and $p~ A \to p~ K^+ \Lambda(1520) A^\prime$. We find a sizable A dependence in the ratio of the nuclear cross sections for heavy nuclei with respect to a light one due to the large value of the $\Lambda(1520)$ width in the medium, showing that devoted experiments, easily within reach in present facilities, can provide good information on that magnitude by measuring the cross sections studied here.
eta ->pi(0)gamma gamma decay within a chiral unitary approach revisited
n view of the recent experimental developments on the experimental side in the η→π0γγ decay, and the fact that the Particle Data Group in the on line edition of 2007 reports sizable changes of the radiative decay widths of vector mesons used as input in the theoretical calculations of \cite{eta}, a reevaluation of the decay width of the η in this channel has been done, reducing its uncertainty by almost a factor of two. The new input of the PDG is used and invariant mass distributions and total widths are compared with the most recent results from AGS, MAMI and preliminary ones of KLOE. The agreement of the theory with the AGS and MAMI data is very good, both for the total rates as well as …
Role of meson loops in the f(0)(1370), f(0)(1500), and f(0)(1710) decays into V gamma
We investigate the relevance of the meson loops in the f0(1710) scalar meson decay into one photon and one vector meson, (ρ, ω and ϕ). In particular we estimate the size of the loops coming from the decay of the f0(1710) into two pseudoscalar mesons, containing three pseudoscalar mesons in the loop or two pseudoscalar and one vector meson. The results, despite having large uncertainties, manifest that the contribution of the meson loops to these radiative decays is quite relevant and should be taken into account by the theoretical calculations which use this observables as a test of the possible glueball nature of this resonance.
Description of the f(2)(1270), rho(3)(1690), f(4)(2050), rho(5)(2350), f(6)(2510) resonances as multi-rho(770) states
In a previous work regarding the interaction of two rho(770) resonances, the f(2)(1270) (J(PC) = 2(++)) resonance was obtained dynamically as a two-rho molecule with a very strong binding energy, 135 MeV per rho particle. In the present work we use the rho rho interaction in spin 2 and isospin 0 channel to show that the resonances rho(3)(1690) (3(--)), f(4)(2050) (4(++)), rho(5)(2350) (5(--)), and f(6)(2510) (6(++)) are basically molecules of increasing number of rho(770) particles. We use the fixed center approximation of the Faddeev equations to write the multibody interaction in terms of the two-body scattering amplitudes. We find the masses of the states very close to the experimental v…
Predictions for the Lambda(b) -> J/psi Lambda (1405) decay
We calculate the shape of the pi Sigma and (K) over bar N invariant mass distributions in the Lambda(b) -> J/psi pi Sigma and Lambda(b) -> J/psi (K) over bar N decays that are dominated by the Lambda (1405) resonance. The weak interaction part is the same for both processes and the hadronization into the different meson-baryon channels in the final state is given by symmetry arguments. The most important feature is the implementation of the meson-baryon final-state interaction using two chiral unitary models from different theoretical groups. Both approaches give a good description of antikaon-nucleon scattering data, the complex energy shift in kaonic hydrogen and the line shapes of pi Sig…
Composite nature of the Lambda (1520) resonance
Recently, the Weinberg compositeness condition of a bound state was generalized to account for resonant states and higher partial waves. We apply this extension to the case of the Lambda (1520) resonance and quantify the weight of the meson-baryon components in contrast to other possible genuine building blocks. This resonance was theoretically obtained from a coupled channels analysis using the s-wave pi Sigma* and K Xi* and the d-wave (K) over bar N and pi Sigma channels, applying the techniques of the chiral unitary approach. We obtain the result that this resonance is essentially dynamically generated from these meson-baryon channels, leaving room for only 15% weight of other kinds of c…
Scattering of unstable particles in a finite volume: the case of pi rho scattering and the a1(1260) resonance
We present a way to evaluate the scattering of unstable particles quantized in a finite volume with the aim of extracting physical observables for infinite volume from lattice data. We illustrate the method with the $\pi\rho$ scattering which generates dynamically the axial-vector $a_1(1260)$ resonance. Energy levels in a finite box are evaluated both considering the $\rho$ as a stable and unstable resonance and we find significant differences between both cases. We discuss how to solve the problem to get the physical scattering amplitudes in the infinite volume, and hence phase shifts, from possible lattice results on energy levels quantized inside a finite box.
Unitary coupled channel analysis of the Lambda(1520) resonance
We study the $\Lambda(1520)$ resonance in a coupled channel approach involving the $\pi\Sigma(1385)$, $K\Xi(1530)$, $\bar{K}N$ and $\pi\Sigma$ channels. Implementing unitarity in coupled channels, we make an analysis of the relative importance of the different mechanisms which contribute to the dynamical structure of this resonance. From experimental information on some partial wave amplitudes and constraints imposed by unitarity, we get a comprehensive description of the amplitudes and hence the couplings to the different channels. We test these amplitudes in different reactions like $K^-p\to\Lambda\pi\pi$, $\gamma p\to K^+K^-p$, $\gamma p\to K^+\pi^0\pi^0\Lambda$ and $\pi^- p\to K^0 K^-p$…
eta ->pi(0)gamma gamma decay within a chiral unitary approach
We improve the calculations of the η⃗ π0γγ decay within the context of meson chiral Lagrangians. We use a chiral unitary approach for the meson-meson interaction, thus generating the a0(980) resonance and fixing the long standing sign ambiguity on its contribution. This also allows us to calculate the loops with one vector meson exchange, thus removing a former source of uncertainty. In addition we ensure the consistency of the approach with other processes, first, by using vector meson dominance couplings normalized to agree with radiative vector meson decays and, second, by checking the consistency of the calculations with the related γγ⃗ π0η reaction. We find an η⃗ π0γγ decay width of 0.…
Clues for the existence of two K-1(1270) resonances
The axial-vector meson K1(1270) was studied within the chiral unitary approach, where it was shown that it has a two-pole structure. We reanalyze the high-statistics WA3 experiment K-p-->K-pi+pi-p at 63 GeV, which established the existence of both K1(1270) and K1(1400), and we show that it clearly favors our two-pole interpretation. We also reanalyze the traditional K-matrix interpretation of the WA3 data and find that the good fit of the data obtained there comes from large cancellations of terms of unclear physical interpretation.
Radiative decay into $\gamma P$ of the low lying axial-vector mesons
We evaluate the radiative decay into a pseudoscalar meson and a photon of the whole set of the axial-vector mesons dynamically generated from the vector-pseudoscalar meson ($VP$) interaction. We take into account tree level and loop diagrams coming from the axial-vector decay into a vector and a pseudoscalar meson. We find a large span for the values of the radiative widths of the different axial-vector mesons. In particular, we evaluate the radiative decay into $K \gamma$ of the two $K_1(1270)$ states, recently claimed theoretically, and discuss the experimental values quoted so far on the assumption of only one state.