Cornelis Van Leeuwen

Changements récents dans la phénologie de la vigne. Conséquences sur le matériel végétal et les pratiques culturales

National audience

research product

Towards a unified terroir zoning methodology in viticulture

National audience

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Les terroirs viticoles : une méthodologie de zonage en fonction du sol

Terroir is a key-concept in viticulture that is more and more widely recognized to explain variations in wine quality and wine style. Terroir refers to an area and thus possesses a geographical dimension. Hence, zoning of viticultural terroir is necessary. This paper addresses soil related aspects of terroir zoning. The first step of the zoning process is a clear identification of the objectives that are being pursued: demarcation of production areas, the adaptation of the viticultural management practices to variations in soil types or the protection of viticultural landscapes. The second step is the definition of a scale adapted to the objectives. The precision of the zoning increases wit…

research product

Classification of varieties for their timing of flowering and veraison using a modelling approach: A case study for the grapevine species Vitis vinifera L.

16 pages; International audience; tUnderstanding differences in phenology for varieties of a given species is important for making informeddecisions on variety choice in the context of climate change and breeding new cultivars. Phenologicalmodels that incorporate temperature as a key environmental factor can be used to describe the differencesin phenological timing between cultivars. This paper outlines a methodology, based on a phenologicalmodel, for classifying the timing of flowering and veraison for a substantial number of varieties of thegrapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). 95 varieties were characterized for flowering and 104 varieties for veraison.Various statistical measures were used to …

research product

Adaptation to climate change of the French wine industry: a systemic approach – Main outcomes of the project LACCAVE

Présenté au 12. Congreso Internacional Terroir; Taking into account the major economical role and specificities of the French wine industry, adaptation to climate change is a very challenging issue. In 2011, 23 research teams launched a systemic and multidisciplinary program to analyze the impacts from the vine to the region, to define adaptation strategies combining technical, spatial and organizational options and to evaluate the perception by the actors and consumers of climate change issues. Thermal variability was studied at local scale to develop high resolution atmospheric models which better simulate future climate trends. Impacts on growth/developmental conditions and vine response…

research product

Hierarchy of factors impacting grape berry mass: separation of direct and indirect effects on major berry metabolites

Final berry mass, a major quality factor in wine production, is determined by the integrated effect of biotic and abiotic factors that can also influence berry composition. Under field conditions, interactions between these factors complicate study of the variability of berry mass and composition. Depending on the observation scale, the hierarchy of the impact degree of these factors can vary. The present work examines the simultaneous effects of the major factors influencing berry mass and composition to create a hierarchy by impact degree. A second objective was to separate the possible direct effects of factors on berry composition from an indirect effect mediated through their impact on…

research product

Changements climatiques. Quelles conséquences pour la production viti-vinicole en bordelais ?

National audience

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Impact of vine water status on berry mass and berry tissue development of Cabernet franc (Vitis vinifera L.), assessed at berry level

Background Berry size is considered an important quality factor in red wine production. The objective of this work was to study the effect of vine water status on berry mass in field conditions, with a specific focus on berry tissue masses. Results The study was carried out over 2 years in a plot located in Sicily (Italy). Two irrigation treatments were established. Dynamic evolution of berry mass and berry tissue masses at harvest were recorded. Berries produced under water deficit conditions were smaller and characterized by a higher skin-to-flesh ratio. However, this ratio did not change when berry mass varied independently from vine water status, showing coordinated growth of flesh and …

research product

Les modifications de l’expression du terroir induites par le changement climatique nécessitent une adaptation du matériel végétal et des techniques viticoles

National audience; Le terroir est un écosystème dans lequel la vigne est en interaction avec son environnement naturel, et en particulier avec le sol et le climat. Le climat influence le comportement de la vigne par les températures (effet sur la précocité du cycle), le rayonnement solaire (qui fournit l'énergie à la photosynthèse et joue sur l'Evapo- Transpiration Potentielle) et les précipitations. La production de grands vins qui expriment fortement l'identité de leur terroir est liée à une juste association cépage―climat. La précocité du cépage doit être en adéquation avec les conditions climatiques locales pour que les raisins ne mûrissent ni trop tard (ce qui aboutirait à la productio…

research product

Update in unified terroir zoning methodologies

International audience; The concept of terroir is based on the assumption that the quality and the typicity of an agricultural product are linked to its origin. The precise definition of an origin requires zoning. Because terroir expression in viticulture is largely driven by interactions between the vine and its natural environment, soil and climate play a key role in terroir zoning. For clarity, soil-based and climate-based zoning are presented separately in this paper. They are, however, ideally carried out simultaneously, because of the existence of multiple interactions between these terroir factors. Prior to the implementation of zoning, the objectives need to be carefully defined. Th…

research product

Phenological model performance to warmer conditions: application to Pinot noir in Burgundy.

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Aim</strong>: The current work aims to assess the performance of two phenological models - a linear model (<em>Grapevine Flowering</em> <em>Véraison</em> model, <em>GFV</em>) and a curvilinear model (<em>Wang and</em> <em>Engel</em> model, <em>WE</em>) - to warmer temperature conditions for the grapevine variety Pinot noir in Burgundy.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Methods and results</strong>: Simulations using historical data from the 1973-2005 period were similar between models and consistent with observations. To mimic pot…

research product

Water status modelling : impact of local rainfall variability in Burgundy (France)

6 pages; International audience; Water status is a key factor in vine development and berry ripening. Water status is strongly affected byenvironmental parameters such as soil and climate. Whereas at local scale the soil variability is frequentlyaccounted for, little scientific reports are available concerning the impact of local rainfall variability ongrapevine water status. In order to accurately register the space and time variations of rainfall at local scale, adense rain-gauges network has been installed in Burgundy. It is composed of 45 rain-gauges over a 28 km² area.Rainfall data collected by each rain-gauge in 2014 and 2015 was used as input variables in the grapevine waterbalance m…

research product

: J. Sci. Food Agric.

Background: The measurement of carbon isotopic discrimination in grape sugars at harvest (δ13 C) is an integrated assessment of water status during ripening. It is an efficient alternative to assess variability in the field and discriminate between management zones in precision viticulture, but further work is needed to completely understand the signal.; Results: This work, spanning over 3 years, performed in a hillslope toposequence in Burgundy, delineates the relationships between main soil properties (gravel amount, slope, texture) and the grapevine water status assessed by δ13 C. The highest δ13 C, indicating most severe water deficit, was recorded in gravelly soils on steep slopes. The…

research product

Assessment of future climatic conditions in French vineyards. Consequences for defining adaptation strategies.

International audience

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