Sébastien Guyot

Assessing the effect of changes of agricultural practices accompanying herbicide-tolerant crops on agricultural biodiversity. A simulation study with a weed dynamics model

International audience

research product

The role of models in management and conservation of weeds

Session 7 - Options and perspectives in weed managementEASPEEcolDurCT1; Weeds are both a harmful crop pest and an important component of biodiversity. Moreover, herbicide use must be reduced to limit its impact on environment, and weed control must now combine numerous management techniques with partial efficiency aiming at preventing weed occurrence. Biological regulations of weeds by other biotic components could also contribute to control infestations. Thus, new cropping systems are needed, combining numerous techniques and aiming at both maximising weed-related biodiversity and minimising weed harmfulness.[br/]Weed dynamics models are increasingly used to design innovative cropping syst…

research product

Changing agricultural practices modifies the species and trait composition of the weed flora. A simulation study using a cropping system model

International audience; Cropping systems change over time to adapt to socio-economical and environmental constraints and to profit from technological innovations. These changes can result in unexpected side-effects which are difficult to determine in fields. The objective of the present study was to use a cropping system model to evaluate the impacts of modified agricultural practices ex ante on weeds. The FLORSYS model quantifies the effect of crop succession, management techniques and climate on multi-specific weed dynamics over the years; it was parameterized with functional relationships predicting model parameters (e.g. pre-emergent seedling mortality) from species traits (e.g. seed ma…

research product

Le rôle des modèles pour l'évaluation multicritère et la conception multi-objectif de systèmes de culture pour la gestion des adventices

Weeds are both harmful for crop production and important for biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Moreover, we need to reduce herbicide use to limit environmental impacts. We therefore must design new cropping systems optimising all cultural techniques and reconciling agricultural production on one hand, herbicide reduction and biodiversity on the other hand. The objective of our study was to illustrate how to (1) develop models quantifying the effects of cropping systems on weed dynamics, (2) integrate interactions between weeds and other biotic components, (3) translate weed flora into a series of indicators of the impact on production and biodiversity, (4) use the model for multicrit…

research product

Simulation study of the effects of intensified crop management in genetically manipulated maize on arable weed flora and associated fauna

International audience; Cultivation of GM crops with herbicide tolerance is mostly associated with changes in crop and weed management, like simplified rotations, simplified tillage and change from selective herbicides to the broadband glyphosate. All of these management practices decrease weed densities in crops and change their composition. Although weeds cause yield loss and harvest problems, they are an important part of arable biodiversity and offer food and habitat for different groups of animals. A simulation study was conducted to analyse indirect effects of intensified cropping in GM maize on biodiversity. The dynamic crop: weed model FlorSys was used to simulate weed densities and…

research product

How to model crop-weed competition for soil resources: Connecting the STICS soil submodel to the FLORSYS weed dynamics model

International audience

research product

Changing agricultural practices modify the species and trait composition of the weed flora. A simulation study using a cropping system model

International audience

research product

Changing agricultural practices modifies the species and trait composition of the weed flora. A simulation study using a model of cropping system effects on weed dynamics

International audience; Cropping systems change to adapt to socio-economical and environmental constraints (e.g. simplified tillage) and to profit from technological innovations (e.g. genetically-modified crops). These changes can result in unexpected side-effects which are difficult to determine in fields. The objective of the present study was to use a model, FLORSYS, to evaluate such impacts ex ante on weeds. FLORSYS quantifies the effects of crop succession, management techniques and climate on multi-specific weed dynamics over the years; it was parameterized with functional relationships predicting model parameters (e.g. seed mortality) from species traits (e.g. seed coat thickness). C…

research product