S La Placa
Effects of clinical and laboratory variables at admission and of in-hospital treatment with cardiovascular drugs on short term prognosis of ischemic stroke. The GIFA study at admission and of in-hospital treatment with cardiovascular drugs on short term prognosis of ischemic stroke. The GIFA study.
INTRODUCTION: No information exists, to our knowledge, about the possible role of cardiovascular drug administration in the acute phase of ischemic stroke and possible effects on stroke outcome. The aim of our study was to evaluate the relationship between in-hospital treatment with cardiovascular drugs in patients with acute ischemic stroke and some outcome indicators. METHODS AND RESULTS: 1096 subjects enrolled in the GIFA study, who had a main discharge diagnosis of ischemic stroke represent the final sample. Drugs considered for the analysis were the following: ACE-inhibitors (ACEI), angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), statins, calcium-channel-blockers (CCBs), antiplatelet (APL) dr…
Effects of clinical and laboratory variables at admission and of in-hospital treatment with cardiovascular drugs on short term prognosis of ischemic stroke. The GIFA study.
Abstract Introduction No information exists, to our knowledge, about the possible role of cardiovascular drug administration in the acute phase of ischemic stroke and possible effects on stroke outcome. The aim of our study was to evaluate the relationship between in-hospital treatment with cardiovascular drugs in patients with acute ischemic stroke and some outcome indicators. Methods and Results 1096 subjects enrolled in the GIFA study, who had a main discharge diagnosis of ischemic stroke represent the final sample. Drugs considered for the analysis were the following: ACE-inhibitors (ACEI), angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), statins, calcium-channel-blockers (CCBs), antiplatelet (…
Il dosaggio del lattato in neonati con distensione addominale come fattore prognostico di sindrome da compartimento addominale
L'ipertensione intraaddominale (IAH) e la risultante sindrome da compartimento addominale (ACS), caratterizzata da incremento della pressione >20 mmHg e insufficienza d’organo o multiorgano, sono state descritte in neonati con patologie addominali chirurgiche. La gestione effettiva e preventiva dell'IAH è associata a minore morbidità. In uno studio retrospettivo abbiamo analizzato 20 neonati con distensione addominale persistente per individuare fattori predittivi di IAH ed ACS. Il Gold-Standard della misurazione dell'IAH è la misurazione pressoria intravescicale ancora non standardizzata c/o le UTIN. Per definire l'IAH abbiamo quindi utilizzato il monitoraggio della saturazione di ossigeno…