Pekka Matomäki
Does periodization work? Athletes perform better in major events than in minor competitions
Previous studies on periodization have led to the view that most athletes fail to peak at major events. These conclusions might be based on definitions of “peak performance” that are too narrow. In this study, a track and field athlete was defined as succeeding in a competition if their outcome was within the acceptable range from the best result of the season. The data are from seven championship finals and semifinals together with 42 Diamond League competitions from the 2010s, altogether 7,087 individual results. All field events and running events up to 400 m were included. The majority of athletes succeeded in major events (67.0% in sprint and 57.5% in field events). Overall, champions…
Pyöräilyn hyötysuhteiden yhteyksiä
Pyöräilytyössä hyötysuhdetta (ulkoisen polkemistyön suhdetta kokonaisenergiankulutukseen)on helppo tutkia ja tällaiseen metaboliseen tehokkuuteen onkin määritelty monia erilaisia mittareita. Fysiologisten ja biomekaanisten muuttujien vaikutuksia näihin eri tavoin määritettyihin hyötysuhteisiin tunnetaan hyvinkin, mutta tätä ennen ei olla juurikaan tutkittu mitkä ovat eri tavoin määriteltyjen hyötysuhteiden keskinäiset suhteet. Tutkimukseen osallistui 14 perustervettä fyysisesti aktiivista 31 ± 6 vuotiasta mies- (n = 12)ja naistutkittavaa (n = 2). Tutkittaville laskettiin kuusi erilaista metabolisen tehokkuuden arvoa: vakioteholla (150 W) kokonais- ja nettohyötysuhde, kaksi työhyötysuhdetta …
Corrected whole blood biomarkers : the equation of Dill and Costill revisited
An exercise bout or a dehydration often causes a reduction in plasma volume, which should be acknowledged when considering the change in biomarkers before and after the plasma changing event. The classic equation from Dill and Costill (1974, J. Appl. Physiol., 37, 247–248) for plasma volume shift is usually utilized in such a case. Although this works well with plasma and serum biomarkers, we argue in this note that this traditional approach gives misleading results in the context of whole blood biomarkers, such as lactate, white cells, and thrombocytes. In this study, we demonstrate that to calculate the change in the total amount of circulating whole blood biomarker, one should utilize a …
A Comparison of Methodological Approaches to Measuring Cycling Mechanical Efficiency
Background: Much is known about theoretical bases of different mechanical efficiency indices and effects of physiological and biomechanical factors to them. However, there are only a few studies available about practical bases and interactions between these efficiency indices, which were the aims of the present study. Methods: Fourteen physically active men (n = 12) and women (n = 2) participated in this study. From the incremental test, six different mechanical efficiency indices were calculated for cycling work: gross (GE) and net (NE) efficiencies, two work efficiencies (WE), and economy (T) at 150 W, and in addition delta efficiency (DE) using 3–5 observation points. Results: It was fou…
Liikkumisen taloudellisuus on monen tekijän summa
Liikkumisen taloudellisuuden mittarina käytetään energiankulutusta kuljettua matkaa kohti. Tiedämme myös, että taloudellisuus paranee harjoittelulla. Mutta ovatko nämä asiat näin selkeitä? nonPeerReviewed
Predicting running performance and adaptations from intervals at maximal sustainable effort
This study examined the predictive quality of intervals performed at maximal sustainable effort to predict 3-km and 10-km running times. In addition, changes in interval performance and associated changes in running performance were investigated. Either 6-week (10-km group, n = 29) or 2-week (3-km group, n = 16) interval training periods were performed by recreational runners. A linear model was created for both groups based on the running speed of the first 6x3-min interval session and the test run of the preceding week (T1). The accuracy of the model was tested with the running speed of the last interval session and the test run after the training period (T2). Pearson correlation was used…
Durability is improved by both low and high intensity endurance training
Introduction: This is one of the first intervention studies to examine how low- (LIT) and high-intensity endurance training (HIT) affect durability, defined as ‘time of onset and magnitude of deterioration in physiological-profiling characteristics over time during prolonged exercise’.Methods: Sedentary and recreationally active men (n = 16) and women (n = 19) completed either LIT (average weekly training time 6.8 ± 0.7 h) or HIT (1.6 ± 0.2 h) cycling for 10 weeks. Durability was analyzed before and after the training period from three factors during 3-h cycling at 48% of pretraining maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max): 1) by the magnitude and 2) onset of drifts (i.e. gradual change in energy ex…
Corrected whole blood biomarkers - the equation of Dill and Costill revisited.
Abstract An exercise bout or a dehydration often causes a reduction in plasma volume, which should be acknowledged when considering the change in biomarkers before and after the plasma changing event. The classic equation from Dill and Costill (1974, J. Appl. Physiol., 37, 247–248) for plasma volume shift is usually utilized in such a case. Although this works well with plasma and serum biomarkers, we argue in this note that this traditional approach gives misleading results in the context of whole blood biomarkers, such as lactate, white cells, and thrombocytes. In this study, we demonstrate that to calculate the change in the total amount of circulating whole blood biomarker, one should u…
Does periodization work? Athletes perform better in major events than in minor competitions
Previous studies on periodization have led to the view that most athletes fail to peak at major events. These conclusions might be based on definitions of “peak performance” that are too narrow. In this study, a track and field athlete was defined as succeeding in a competition if their outcome was within the acceptable range from the best result of the season. The data are from seven championship finals and semifinals together with 42 Diamond League competitions from the 2010s, altogether 7,087 individual results. All field events and running events up to 400 m were included. The majority of athletes succeeded in major events (67.0% in sprint and 57.5% in field events). Overall, championsh…
Maantiepyöräilyn lajianalyysi ja valmennuksen ohjelmointi
Biomekaniikka. Liikkeenä pyöräily jaetaan poljinkierrokseen, joka alkaa jalan ollessa yläasennossa ja loppuu seuraavaan yläasentoon. Pyöräilijän poljintiheys (eli kadenssi) vaihtelee ollen noin 60 110 kierrosta minuutissa. Koska pyöräilijöiden jalat ovat kiinnitetty ennalta määrättyä ympyrärataa tekevään kampeen, tekniikan muuttaminen tarkoittaa käytännössä yleensä alaraajojen lihasten aktivaatioaikojen tai -voimakkuuksien muuttamista. Lisäksi polkemisliike on lähes yksinomaan konsentrista työtä, jolloin pyöräilyssä ei voida hyödyntää juoksussa olennaisesti auttavaa venymis-lyhenemissykliä. Suurin voima tuotetaan 90 - 110 ◦ kulmalla poljinkierroksen alaspainamisvaiheessa ja vastaavasti ylös…