Johannes Konert

Who is the Perfect Match?

Abstract Using digital tools for teaching allows to unburden teachers from organizational load and even provides qualitative improvements that are not achieved in traditional teaching. Algorithmically supported learning group formation aims at optimizing group composition so that each learner can achieve his or her maximum learning gain and learning groups stay stable and productive. Selecting and weighting relevant criteria for learning group formation is an interdisciplinary challenge. This contribution presents the status quo of algorithmic approaches and respective criteria for learning group formation. Based on this theoretical foundation, we describe an empirical study that investigat…

research product

PeerLA - Assistant for Individual Learning Goals and Self-Regulation Competency Improvement in Online Learning Scenarios

While online learning is already a part of university education and didactics, not all students have the necessary self-regulation competency to really learn on their own efficiently and effectively. In classroom a teacher can take over a moderating part, set intermediate goals and give feedback to one's progress, but participants of online learning courses (e.g. in blended scenarios or Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)) face a higher demand of self-regulation competency. This paper presents a course and content independent assistant, PeerLA, which assists in improving self-regulation competency. PeerLA allows setting of long-term goals, breakdown into intermediate goals and keeps track o…

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MoodlePeers: Factors Relevant in Learning Group Formation for Improved Learning Outcomes, Satisfaction and Commitment in E-Learning Scenarios Using GroupAL

High-scale and pure online learning scenarios (like MOOCs) as well as blended-learning scenarios offer great possibilities to optimize the composition of learning groups working together on the assigned (or selected) tasks. While the benefits and importance of peer learning for deep learning and improvement of e.g. problem-solving competency and social skills are indisputable, little evidences exist about the relevant factors for group formation and their combination to optimize the learning outcome for all participants (in all groups). Based on the GroupAL algorithm, MoodlePeers proposes an plugin solution for Moodle. Evaluated in a four-week online university mathematics preparation cours…

research product

Effects of Group Formation on Student Satisfaction and Performance: A Field Experiment

This study analyzes the relation of group formation on outcomes of a 4-week online course for prospective students. Group formation was experimentally manipulated based on predefined criteria, personality traits conscientiousness and extraversion. As research questions, groups were considered advantageous if they were formed (a) heterogeneously in extraversion, and (b) homogeneously in conscientiousness. As a result, no uniform outcome was identified. Most variance could be explained on group level, but no significant main effect for experimental grouping was found. Significant interaction between both main effects hint that the results do not provide final answers, but guidance for furthe…

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