Kimmo Tolonen

Distance decay 2.0 – a global synthesis of taxonomic and functional turnover in ecological communities

AbstractUnderstanding the variation in community composition and species abundances, i.e., β-diversity, is at the heart of community ecology. A common approach to examine β-diversity is to evaluate directional turnover in community composition by measuring the decay in the similarity among pairs of communities along spatial or environmental distances. We provide the first global synthesis of taxonomic and functional distance decay along spatial and environmental distance by analysing 149 datasets comprising different types of organisms and environments. We modelled an exponential distance decay for each dataset using generalized linear models and extracted r2 and slope to analyse the streng…

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Local environment and space drive multiple facets of stream macroinvertebrate beta diversity

AIM: Understanding variation in biodiversity typically requires consideration of factors operating at different spatial scales. Recently, ecologists and biogeographers have recognized the need of analysing ecological communities in the light of multiple facets including not only species‐level information but also functional and phylogenetic approaches to improve our understanding of the relative contribution of processes shaping biodiversity. Here, our aim was to disentangle the relative importance of environmental variables measured at multiple levels (i.e., local, catchment, climate, and spatial variables) influencing variation in macroinvertebrate beta diversity facets (i.e., species, tr…

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Does catchment geodiversity foster stream biodiversity?

Abstract Context One approach to maintain the resilience of biotic communities is to protect the variability of abiotic characteristics of Earth’s surface, i.e. geodiversity. In terrestrial environments, the relationship between geodiversity and biodiversity is well recognized. In streams, the abiotic properties of upstream catchments influence stream communities, but the relationships between catchment geodiversity and aquatic biodiversity have not been previously tested. Objectives The aim was to compare the effects of local environmental and catchment variables on stream biodiversity. We specifically explored the usefulness of catchment geodiversity in explaining the species richness on …

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The relevance of ecological status to ecosystem functions and services in a large boreal lake

Summary Environmental conventions aim to protect ecosystem structures and functions to provide goods and services for mankind. The degree of aquatic ecosystem naturalness, or ecological status as it is defined in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the European Union, is notionally linked to supplies of ecosystem services. In practice, these links have rarely been documented or even investigated, and to justify conservation and management objectives based on the status indicators, it is essential to demonstrate their relationships to ecosystem functions and services. The WFD requires member states to classify their surface waters aiming to achieve good ecological status of water bodies. …

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Natural variation of profundal macroinvertebrate communities in boreal lakes is related to lake morphometry: implications for bioassessment

Modern biological assessment of aquatic systems is often based on the reference condition approach, which requires characterization of biota in undisturbed conditions. For this approach, it is essential to recognize the origins and degree of natural variation in communities. We used data from 55 minimally disturbed Finnish lake basins to investigate the natural variation of profundal macroinvertebrate community composition in relation to environmental factors. Partial canonical correspondence analysis showed that most (68% combined, 39% uniquely) of the total explained compositional variation (29%) was correlated with environmental variables insensitive to human activities, especially lake …

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Does trait-based joint species distribution modelling reveal the signature of competition in stream macroinvertebrate communities?

1. The occupancy and abundance of species are jointly driven by local factors, such as environmental characteristics and biotic interactions, and regional‐scale factors, such as dispersal and climate. Recently, it has been shown that biotic interactions shape species occupancies and abundances beyond local extents. However, for small ectothermic animals, particularly for those occurring in freshwater environments, the importance of biotic interactions remains understudied. Species‐to‐species associations from joint species distribution models (i.e. species associations while controlling for environmental characteristics) are increasingly used to draw hypotheses of which species possibly sho…

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Subtropical streams harbour higher genus richness and lower abundance of insects compared to boreal streams, but scale matters

Aim: Biological diversity typically varies between climatically different regions, and regions closer to the equator often support higher numbers of taxa than those closer to the poles. However, these trends have been assessed for a few organism groups, and the existing studies have rarely been based on extensive identical surveys in different climatic regions. Location: We conducted standardized surveys of wadeable streams in a boreal (western Finland) and a subtropical (south-eastern Brazil) region, sampling insects identically from 100 streams in each region and measuring the same environmental variables in both regions. Taxon: Aquatic insects. Methods: Comparisons were made at the scale…

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Alusveden hapetuksen vaikutukset Vesijärven pohjaeläimistöön - vuoden 2012 tulokset

[Johdanto] Tämän Lahden Vesijärveä koskevan pohjaeläinselvityksen tavoitteena oli selvittää vuonna 2010 aloitetun laajamittaisen alusveden hapetuksen vaikutuksia järven syvännepohjaeläimistön tilaan. Hapetuksen vaikutusten esiin saamiseksi hapetusvuosien tilaa verrattiin vuonna 2009 tehtyyn esiselvitykseen (Hynynen & Salmelin 2010), jossa selvitettiin Lahden Vesijärven pohjaeläimistöä ennen järven syvänteiden hapetusta sekä kahden ensim-mäisen hapetusvuoden tuloksiin (Hynynen 2011, Tolonen & Hynynen 2012). Lahden edustalla sijaitsevaa Enonselän syvännealuetta hapetetaan yhdeksällä päällysvettä alusveteen pumppaavalla hapettimella (Salmi et al. 2010). Hankkeista vastaa Lahden kaupungin tekni…

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Do the ecological drivers of lake littoral communities match and lead to congruence between organism groups?

AbstractLake littoral environments are heterogeneous, and different organisms typically show specific responses to this environmental variation. We examined local environmental and spatial factors affecting lake littoral biodiversity and the structuring of assemblages of phytoplankton, zooplankton and macroinvertebrates within and among three basins of a large lake system. We explored congruence of species composition and species richness among the studied organism groups to evaluate their general indicator potential to represent spatial variation in other groups. We expected that effects of water chemistry on plankton assemblages were stronger than effects of habitat characteristics. In co…

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Alusveden hapetuksen ja PHOSLOCK-käsittelyn vaikutukset Kymijärven syvännepohjaeläimistöön - vuoden 2012 tulokset.

[Johdanto] Tämä toinen Kymijärven syvännepohjaeläimistöä koskeva tutkimus toteutettiin syksyllä 2012. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää järven kunnostustoimena toteutetun hapetuksen sekä kesällä 2012 suoritetun PHOSLOCK-käsittelyn vaikutuksia Kymijärven syvänteiden pohjaeläimistöön ja ekologiseen tilaan. Järven pohjoista Myllypohjan syvännettä on hapetettu kesästä 2008 alkaen hapekasta päällysvettä alusveteen pumppaavalla Mixox-hapettimella (Kukkonen 2011). Alkukesästä 2012 eteläisessä Lapinkiven syvänteessä on järven kunnostustoimena lisäksi toteutettu PHOSLOCK-käsittely, jossa bentoniittisaveen liitetyt lantaani kationit (La³⁺) sitovat pohjaan laskeutuessaan valtaosan veden reaktiiv…

research product

Ecological niche features override biological traits and taxonomic relatedness as predictors of occupancy and abundance in lake littoral macroinvertebrates

The degree to which species ecological and biological traits determine their distribution and abundance has intrigued ecologists for a long time, and it has seen a revival in recent years. This topic is important because it provides information about the determinants of species rarity and their conservation implications. We examined the effects of niche breadth, niche position, biological traits and taxonomic relatedness on the interspecific occupancy–abundance relationship, as well as on occupancy and abundance, in lake littoral macroinvertebrates. We sampled 48 lakes in a boreal lake district, found altogether 155 species, and calculated regional occupancy (as the proportion of sites occu…

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Vertical sediment migrations of dominant midge species in subtropical lakes with implications for bioassessment

Abstract Propsilocerus akamusi (Diptera: Chironomidae) is a dominant species in numerous eutrophic lakes and they could burrow into deep sediments (>30 cm) during summer months. However, common-used grab samplers are efficient in collecting surface-dwelling species (

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Catastrophic effects of sand mining on macroinvertebrates in a large shallow lake with implications for management

Sand mining is a human activity that is increasing in inland waters and has profound effects on entire aquatic ecosystems. However, current knowledge of the effects of sand mining on freshwater lake ecosystems remains limited, especially for biotic communities. Here, we investigated the responses of macroinvertebrates to indiscriminate sand mining in a large shallow lake of China. Our results indicated that sand mining significantly increased the content of suspended particulate matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and chlorophyll a in the water column both in the sand mining area and the area adjacent to the dredging activities. While there was significantly lower total nitrogen and th…

research product

The adaptations to tube-dwelling life of Propsilocerus akamusi (Diptera: Chironomidae) larvae and its eutrophication-tolerant mechanisms

Propsilocerus akamusi (Diptera: Chironomidae) is a dominant macroinvertebrate species in many eutrophic lakes in subtropical and temperate zones. P. akamusi larvae can migrate deep into the sediment (>30 cm) during summer where is no oxygen. However, to our knowledge, the specific adaptive tactics of its tube-dwelling life (>30 cm) and underlying mechanisms why this species is favored by nutrient-rich lakes remain limited. With the understanding above-mentioned issues, we can provide important information for the development of sensitive biomonitoring. We examined monthly morphological dynamics and physiological adaptations of P. akamusi to anoxic conditions, and environmental relationships…

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Lakes in the era of global change: moving beyond single‐lake thinking in maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services

The Anthropocene presents formidable threats to freshwater ecosystems. Lakes are especially vulnerable and important at the same time. They cover only a small area worldwide but harbour high levels of biodiversity and contribute disproportionately to ecosystem services. Lakes differ with respect to their general type (e.g. land-locked, drainage, floodplain and large lakes) and position in the landscape (e.g. highland versus lowland lakes), which contribute to the dynamics of these systems. Lakes should be generally viewed as ‘meta-systems’, whereby biodiversity is strongly affected by species dispersal, and ecosystem dynamics are contributed by the flow of matter and substances among locati…

research product

Niche position drives interspecific variation in occupancy and abundance in a highly-connected lake system

Highlights • We studied interspecific variation in occupancy and abundance of freshwater species. • Occupancy and abundance correlated positively for both diatoms and macroinvertebrates. • Niche position had clearest effects on variation in occupancy and abundance. • The more marginal the niche position, the rarer a species is. We examined how niche position, niche breadth, biological traits and taxonomic relatedness affect interspecific variation in occupancy and abundance of two commonly-used biological indicator groups, i.e. diatoms and macroinvertebrates. We studied 291 diatom and 103 macroinvertebrate species that occupied the littoral zones of a large (305 km2) highly-connected freshw…

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Community size can affect the signals of ecological drift and niche selection on biodiversity

Made available in DSpace on 2020-12-12T01:24:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2020-06-01 Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) Academy of Finland Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) Ecological drift can override the effects of deterministic niche selection on small populations and drive the assembly of some ecological communities. We tested this hypothesis with a unique data set sampled identically in 200 streams in two regions (tropical Brazil and boreal Finland) that differ in macroinvertebrate community size by fivefold. Null models allowed us t…

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Beta diversity of stream insects differs between boreal and subtropical regions, but land use does not generally cause biotic homogenization

Made available in DSpace on 2021-06-25T10:17:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2021-03-01 Previous studies have found mixed results regarding the relationship between beta diversity and latitude. In addition, by influencing local environmental heterogeneity, land use maymodify spatial taxonomic and functional variability among communities causing biotic differentiation or homogenization. We tested 1) whether taxonomic and functional beta diversities among streams within watersheds differ between subtropical and boreal regions and 2) whether land use is related to taxonomic and functional beta diversities in both regions.Wesampled aquatic insects in 100 subtropical (Brazil…

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Environmental filtering and spatial effects on metacommunity organisation differ among littoral macroinvertebrate groups deconstructed by biological traits

We examined spatial and environmental effects on the deconstructed assemblages of littoral macroinvertebrates within a large lake. We deconstructed assemblages by three biological trait groups: body size, dispersal mode and oviposition behaviour. We expected that spatial effects on assemblage structuring decrease and environmental effects increase with increasing body size. We also expected stronger environmental filtering and weaker spatial effect on the assemblages of flying species compared with assemblages of non-flying species. Stronger effect of environmental filtering was expected on the assemblages with species attaching eggs compared with assemblages of species with free eggs. We u…

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Sampling effort and information quality provided by rare and common species in estimating assemblage structure

Made available in DSpace on 2020-12-12T01:06:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2020-03-01 Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) Academy of Finland Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) Reliable biological assessments are essential to answer ecological and management questions but require well-designed studies and representative sample sizes. However, large sampling effort is rarely possible, because it demands large financial resources and time, restricting the number of sites sampled, the duration of the study and the sampling effort at each site. In…

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Comparison of sampling methods and habitat types for detecting impacts on lake littoral macroinvertebrate assemblages along a gradient of human disturbance

We explored environmental variables structuring littoral macroinvertebrate communities in a large lake basin along a gradient of nutrient enrichment. Furthermore, we evaluated sensitivity and cost-effi ciency of different sampling schemes (i.e. combinations of three habitat types and a number of standard sampling methods) to detect changes in macroinvertebrate communities along this anthropogenic disturbance gradient. Partial canonical ordination analysis showed that habitat characteristics accounted for a major part (56 % uniquely) of the explained variation in the species composition of invertebrate communities. When different mesohabitats were examined separately, assemblage variation of…

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