Angela Vincenti
Anisotropy and symmetry for elastic properties of laminates reinforced by balanced fabrics
In this article, we present a theoretical study on elastic properties of laminates composed by balanced fabric layers. Using the polar representation method for plane elastic tensors, we first describe some properties of symmetry of a general laminate composed by balanced fabrics and we write the formulas expressing positions of its axes of symmetry. Then, limiting our study to laminates composed of identical plies, we solve two problems of symmetry of the laminate elastic tensors: uncoupling and quasi-homogeneity. We found all the solutions of the uncoupling problem for the case of 3-, 4- and 5-ply laminate and all those of the quasi-homogeneity problem for the case of 4-, 5- and 6-ply lam…
Influence of orientation errors on quasi-homogeneity of composite laminates
This paper presents a study on the effects of layer orientation defects on the property of quasi-homogeneity for composite laminates: a measure of the deviation from quasi-homogeneity, introducing the concept of degree of quasi-homogeneity, is proposed. Complete theoretical developments which lead to exact formulae in the case of a single orientation error on a layer of the laminate are showed and the results of a wide numerical analysis in the case of orientation errors randomly distributed on the stacking sequence are also presented. All the theoretical and numerical calculations are developed thanks to the polar method of representation of fourth order tensors introduced by Verchery.