D. V. Harrach

Nuclear Contact Times in Dissipative Heavy Ion Collsions Measured Via γ-Ray Spectroscopy

Electron spectra have been measured for elastic and dissipative U + Au collisions at 8.6 MeV/u and analysed within a simple schematic model which describes γ-ray emission in the presence of a nuclear contact time and a total kinetic energy loss (TKEL). A nearly linear dependence of the mean nuclear contact time τ and TKEL was found, reaching τ = 1.1 * 10-21 s with a variance σ = ±0.4 * 10-21 s for a TKEL of (400 ± 50) MeV.

research product

The COMPASS experiment at CERN

Abstract The recently approved COMPASS experiment attempts a measurement of the gluon polarization around η ⋍ 0.1 with a precision of δ(Δ g / g ) ⋍ 0.1. The experiment uses open charm muo-production and large PT hadron pairs to tag the photon-gluon fusion process. COMPASS will also cover a rich spin-physics program in polarized DIS.

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Nucleon structure functions from deep inelastic muon scattering

Abstract Recent experimental results from the CERN NA37 (NMC) experiment on deep inelastic muon scattering on hydrogen and deuterium are presented. Absolute structure functions have been measured at 90 and 280 GeV incident energy covering the kinematical range 0.006 2 2 . The new results help to resolve the severe discrepancies between the data of the previous experiments. In addition data on the structure function ratio F 2 n /F 2 p are reviewed. Evidence for a non-leading twist at × ⪆ 0.20 is extracted from the Q 2 dependence of the structure function ratio. Its effect on the determination of the Gottfried sum rule is discussed.

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The electron-nucleus collider project

Abstract In the context of the discussion about the future physics program of the GSI laboratory the physics potential of an electron-nucleus collider at about s = 1000GeV2 is being explored.

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Strangeness of the nucleon

Abstract Strangeness observables of the nucleon are discussed. Emphasis is put on the strange vector form factors as they are measured in current parity violating electron scattering experiments. Recent results are presented and the evidence for non-vanishing strangeness contributions is shown.

research product

Photoemission of spinpolarized electrons from strained GaAsP

Strained layer GaAs.95P.05 photo cathodes are presented, which emit electron beams spinpolarized to a degree of P = 75% typically. Quantum yields around QE = 0.4% are observed routinely. The figure of merit P2 × QE = 2.3 × 10−3 is comparable to that of the best strained layer cathodes reported in literature. The optimum wavelength of irradiating light around 830 nm is in convenient reach of Ti:sapphire lasers or diode lasers respectively. The cathodes are produced using MOCVD-techniques. A GaAs.55P.45-GaAs.85P.15 superlattice structure prevents the migration of dislocations from the substrate and bottom layers to the strained overlayer. The surface is protected by an arsenic layer so that n…

research product

<title>Spin-polarized electron kinetics under high-intensity picosecond excitation</title>

ABSTRACT Spin-polarized electron kinetics is studied by time-resolved polarized photoemission with picosecond resolution. The re-sponse time of strained layer photocathodes is found to be in a range of a few picosecond offering an ultrafast response andhigh spin-polarization of emitted electrons. The studies of the sub-picosecond spin dynamics are facilitated in high-intensityexcitation regime when the length of the emission pulse is enlarged due to the dispersion of acceleration time and Coulombrepulsion ofthe electrons in their flight in the vacuum.Keywords: optical orientation, spin kinetics, strained semiconductor layer, time-resolved emission. 1. INTRODUCTION GaAs, layers are known to …

research product

The COMPASS trigger system for muon scattering

Abstract The trigger system of the COMPASS experiment at the CERN polarized muon beam is presented. It detects muon scattering events on (polarized) nucleons with a relative energy loss exceeding a selectable value y min independent of the four-momentum transfer. The requirement of a minimum energy deposit in a hadron calorimeter rejects background events like scattering on electrons, elastic and quasi-elastic radiative events as well as events from beam halo tracks. The trigger system which can be considered as a tagger for quasi-real photon events is now, along with larger trigger hodoscope system for deep inelastic scattering events, in regular use for the measurement of the gluon polari…

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