ÁLvaro Moreno-martínez

Down-Scaling Modis Vegetation Products with Landsat GAP Filled Surface Reflectance in Google Earth Engine

High spatial resolution vegetation products are fundamental in different fields, such as improving the understanding of crop seasonality at regional scales. Here, two new vegetation products such as the Leaf Area Index (LAI) and the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) are downscaled at continental scales. A novel HIghly Scalable Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (HIS-TARFM) is used to generate the gap-free time series of Landsat surface reflectance data by fusing MODIS and Landsat reflectance for the contiguous United States. An artificial neural network is trained to capture the relationship between the gap free Landsat surface reflectance and the MODI…

research product

Interpolation and Gap Filling of Landsat Reflectance Time Series

Products derived from a single multispectral sensor are hampered by a limited spatial, spectral or temporal resolutions. Image fusion in general and downscaling/blending in particular allow to combine different multiresolution datasets. We present here an optimal interpolation approach to generate smoothed and gap-free time series of Landsat reflectance data. We fuse MODIS (moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer) and Landsat data globally using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. The optimal interpolator exploits GEE ability to ingest large amounts of data (Landsat climatologies) and uses simple linear operations that scale easily in the cloud. The approach shows very good result…

research product

Multispectral high resolution sensor fusion for smoothing and gap-filling in the cloud

Remote sensing optical sensors onboard operational satellites cannot have high spectral, spatial and temporal resolutions simultaneously. In addition, clouds and aerosols can adversely affect the signal contaminating the land surface observations. We present a HIghly Scalable Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (HISTARFM) algorithm to combine multispectral images of different sensors to reduce noise and produce monthly gap free high resolution (30 m) observations over land. Our approach uses images from the Landsat (30 m spatial resolution and 16 day revisit cycle) and the MODIS missions, both from Terra and Aqua platforms (500 m spatial resolution and daily revisit cycle). We implem…

research product

Global Estimation of Biophysical Variables from Google Earth Engine Platform

This paper proposes a processing chain for the derivation of global Leaf Area Index (LAI), Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR), Fraction Vegetation Cover (FVC), and Canopy water content (CWC) maps from 15-years of MODIS data exploiting the capabilities of the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud platform. The retrieval chain is based on a hybrid method inverting the PROSAIL radiative transfer model (RTM) with Random forests (RF) regression. A major feature of this work is the implementation of a retrieval chain exploiting the GEE capabilities using global and climate data records (CDR) of both MODIS surface reflectance and LAI/FAPAR datasets allowing the global estim…

research product

Discovering Differential Equations from Earth Observation Data

Modeling and understanding the Earth system is a constant and challenging scientific endeavour. When a clear mechanistic model is unavailable, complex or uncertain, learning from data can be an alternative. While machine learning has provided excellent methods for detection and retrieval, understanding the governing equations of the system from observational data seems an elusive problem. In this paper we introduce sparse regression to uncover a set of governing equations in the form of a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The presented method is used to explicitly describe variable relations by identifying the most expressive and simplest ODEs explaining data to model releva…

research product

Growing stock volume from multi-temporal landsat imagery through google earth engine

Growing stock volume (GSV) is one of the most important variables for.forest management and is traditionally- estimated from ground measurements. These measurements are expensive and therefore sparse and hard to maintain in time on a regular basis. Remote sensing data combined with national forest inventories constitute a helpful tool to estimate and map forest attributes. However, most studies on GSV estimation from remote sensing data focus on small forest areas with a single or only a few species. The current study aims to map GSV in peninsular Spain, a rather large and very heterogeneous area. Around 50 000 wooded land plots from the Third Spanish National Forest Inventory (NFI3) were u…

research product

Learning main drivers of crop progress and failure in Europe with interpretable machine learning

Abstract A wide variety of methods exist nowadays to address the important problem of estimating crop yields from available remote sensing and climate data. Among the different approaches, machine learning (ML) techniques are being increasingly adopted, since they allow exploiting all the information on crop progress and environmental conditions and their relations with crop yield, achieving reliable and accurate estimations. However, interpreting the relationships learned by the ML models, and hence getting insights about the problem, remains a complex and usually unexplored task. Without accountability, confidence and trust in the ML models can be compromised. Here, we develop interpretab…

research product

Interpretability of Recurrent Neural Networks in Remote Sensing

In this work we propose the use of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Networks for multivariate time series of satellite data for crop yield estimation. Recurrent nets allow exploiting the temporal dimension efficiently, but interpretability is hampered by the typically overparameterized models. The focus of the study is to understand LSTM models by looking at the hidden units distribution, the impact of increasing network complexity, and the relative importance of the input covariates. We extracted time series of three variables describing the soil-vegetation status in agroe-cosystems -soil moisture, VOD and EVI- from optical and microwave satellites, as well as available in si…

research product

Global Upscaling of the MODIS Land Cover with Google Earth Engine and Landsat Data

Image classification has become one of the most common applications in remote sensing yielding to the creation of a variety of operational thematic maps at multiple spatio-temporal scales. The information contained in these maps summarizes key characteristics related with the physical environment and provides fundamental information of the Earth for vegetation monitoring or land use status over time. However, high spatial resolution land cover maps are usually only produced for specific small regions or in an image tile. We present a general methodology to obtain a high spatial resolution land cover maps using Landsat spectral information, the powerful Google Earth Engine platform, and oper…

research product

A unified vegetation index for quantifying the terrestrial biosphere

[EN] Empirical vegetation indices derived from spectral reflectance data are widely used in remote sensing of the biosphere, as they represent robust proxies for canopy structure, leaf pigment content, and, subsequently, plant photosynthetic potential. Here, we generalize the broad family of commonly used vegetation indices by exploiting all higher-order relations between the spectral channels involved. This results in a higher sensitivity to vegetation biophysical and physiological parameters. The presented nonlinear generalization of the celebrated normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) consistently improves accuracy in monitoring key parameters, such as leaf area index, gross prim…

research product

Machine learning information fusion in Earth observation: A comprehensive review of methods, applications and data sources

This paper reviews the most important information fusion data-driven algorithms based on Machine Learning (ML) techniques for problems in Earth observation. Nowadays we observe and model the Earth with a wealth of observations, from a plethora of different sensors, measuring states, fluxes, processes and variables, at unprecedented spatial and temporal resolutions. Earth observation is well equipped with remote sensing systems, mounted on satellites and airborne platforms, but it also involves in-situ observations, numerical models and social media data streams, among other data sources. Data-driven approaches, and ML techniques in particular, are the natural choice to extract significant i…

research product

Quantifying uncertainty in high resolution biophysical variable retrieval with machine learning

The estimation of biophysical variables is at the core of remote sensing science, allowing a close monitoring of crops and forests. Deriving temporally resolved and spatially explicit maps of parameters of interest has been the subject of intense research. However, deriving products from optical sensors is typically hampered by cloud contamination and the trade-off between spatial and temporal resolutions. In this work we rely on the HIghly Scalable Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (HISTARFM) algorithm to generate long gap-free time series of Landsat surface reflectance data by fusing MODIS and Landsat reflectances. An artificial neural network is trained on PROSAIL inversion to p…

research product

Machine Learning Methods for Spatial and Temporal Parameter Estimation

Monitoring vegetation with satellite remote sensing is of paramount relevance to understand the status and health of our planet. Accurate and constant monitoring of the biosphere has large societal, economical, and environmental implications, given the increasing demand of biofuels and food by the world population. The current democratization of machine learning, big data, and high processing capabilities allow us to take such endeavor in a decisive manner. This chapter proposes three novel machine learning approaches to exploit spatial, temporal, multi-sensor, and large-scale data characteristics. We show (1) the application of multi-output Gaussian processes for gap-filling time series of…

research product

Gross Primary Production and false spring: a spatio-temporal analysis

<p>Phenological information can be obtained from different sources of data. For instance, from remote sensing data or products and from models driven by weather variables. The former typically allows analyzing land surface phenology whereas the latter provide plant phenological information. Analyzing relationships between both sources of data allows us to understand the impact of climate change on vegetation over space and time. For example, the onset of spring is advanced or delayed by changes in the climate. These alterations affect plant productivity and animal migrations.</p><p>Spring onset monitoring is supported by the Extended Spring Index (…

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