Terence A. Etchells
Clustering categorical data: A stability analysis framework
Clustering to identify inherent structure is an important first step in data exploration. The k-means algorithm is a popular choice, but K-means is not generally appropriate for categorical data. A specific extension of k-means for categorical data is the k-modes algorithm. Both of these partition clustering methods are sensitive to the initialization of prototypes, which creates the difficulty of selecting the best solution for a given problem. In addition, selecting the number of clusters can be an issue. Further, the k-modes method is especially prone to instability when presented with ‘noisy’ data, since the calculation of the mode lacks the smoothing effect inherent in the calculation …
An integrated framework for risk profiling of breast cancer patients following surgery.
Objective: An integrated decision support framework is proposed for clinical oncologists making prognostic assessments of patients with operable breast cancer. The framework may be delivered over a web interface. It comprises a triangulation of prognostic modelling, visualisation of historical patient data and an explanatory facility to interpret risk group assignments using empirically derived Boolean rules expressed directly in clinical terms. Methods and materials: The prognostic inferences in the interface are validated in a multicentre longitudinal cohort study by modelling retrospective data from 917 patients recruited at Christie Hospital, Wilmslow between 1983 and 1989 and predictin…
A principled approach to network-based classification and data representation
Measures of similarity are fundamental in pattern recognition and data mining. Typically the Euclidean metric is used in this context, weighting all variables equally and therefore assuming equal relevance, which is very rare in real applications. In contrast, given an estimate of a conditional density function, the Fisher information calculated in primary data space implicitly measures the relevance of variables in a principled way by reference to auxiliary data such as class labels. This paper proposes a framework that uses a distance metric based on Fisher information to construct similarity networks that achieve a more informative and principled representation of data. The framework ena…