Allan Wilson
Supracrustal gneisses in southern Swaziland: a basalt-sandstone assemblage of the upper Mozaan Group deformed in the Neoarchaean
Archaean Granitoid–Greenstone Geology of the Southeastern Part of the Kaapvaal Craton
The southeastern Kaapvaal Craton is a Palaeoarchaean granitoid–greenstone terrain. Supracrustal rocks are dominated by metamorphosed mafic–ultramafic volcanic rocks intercalated with minor felsic volcanic and chemical sedimentary rocks, including carbonaceous chert and minor iron formation. Siliciclastic sedimentary rocks are rare. The greenstones occur in the Schapenburg and Dwalile fragments close to the Barberton greenstone belt, the Assegaai, De Kraalen, Witrivier and Commondale fragments in the vicinity of Piet Retief, and the Nondweni and Ilangwe greenstone belts together with several smaller fragments in the southern part of the craton. The greenstones are locally in tectonic contact…