Andreas H. Fink
Moroccan Climate in the Present and Future: Combined View from Observational Data and Regional Climate Scenarios
The impact of climate change on water availability in the Middle East and the Upper Jordan catchment (UJC) is investigated by dynamic downscaling of ECHAM4 time slices and subsequent hydrological modelling. Two time slices (1961–90 and 2070–99) of the global climate scenario B2 of ECHAM4 were dynamically downscaled with the meteorological model MM5 in two nesting steps of 54 km and 18 km resolution. The meteorological fields were used to drive a physically based hydrological model, computing in detail the surface and subsurface water flow and water balance of the UJC.
Statistical-Dynamical Forecasting of Sub-Seasonal North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Occurrence
AbstractWhile previous research on sub-seasonal tropical cyclone (TC) occurrence has mostly focused on either the validation of numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, or the development of statistical models trained on past data, the present study combines both approaches to a statistical–dynamical model for probabilistic forecasts in the North Atlantic basin. Although state-of-the-art NWP models have been shown to lack predictive skill with respect to sub-seasonal weekly TC occurrence, they may predict the environmental conditions sufficiently well to generate predictors for a statistical model. Therefore, an extensive predictor set was generated, including predictor groups representin…
Birth of the Biscane
This paper describes the unprecedented storm Stephanie, which exhibited tropical characteristics over the Bay of Biscay on 15 September 2016. Remote sensing observations reveal a cloud-free area surrounded by a circular precipitation pattern and an axisymmetric wind field, while buoy observations show an abrupt drop in wind speed during the passage of the storm centre. Model analysis further corroborates an ongoing tropical transition from a frontal cold-core to a symmetric warm-core system. By analogy with ‘Medicanes’ (Mediterranean hurricanes), we name this storm a ‘Biscane’ (Biscay hurricane). Weather systems of this kind may become more frequent in a warmer climate.
Assessing the predictability of Medicanes in ECMWF ensemble forecasts using an object-based approach
The predictability of eight southern European tropical-like cyclones, seven of which Medicanes, is studied evaluating ECMWF operational ensemble forecasts against operational analysis data. Forecast cyclone trajectories are compared to the cyclone trajectory in the analysis by means of a dynamic time warping technique, which allows to find a match in terms of their overall spatio-temporal similarity. Each storm is treated as an object and its forecasts are analysed using metrics that describe intensity, symmetry, compactness, and upper-level thermal structure. This object-based approach allows to focus on specific storm features, while tolerating their shifts in time and space to some exten…
Prediction of Dry-Season Precipitation in Tropical West Africa and Its Relation to Forcing from the Extratropics
Abstract Precipitation during the boreal winter dry season in tropical West Africa is rare but occasionally results in significant impacts on the local population. The dynamics and predictability of this phenomenon have been studied very little. Here, a statistical evaluation of the climatology, dynamics, and predictions of dry-season wet events is presented for the region 7.5°–15°N, 10°W–10°E. The analysis is based upon Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) merged satellite–gauge pentad rainfall estimates and 5-day 40-yr European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Re-Analysis (ERA-40) precipitation forecasts, and covers the 23 dry seasons (November–February) during…
Waves to Weather: Exploring the Limits of Predictability of Weather
AbstractPrediction of weather is a main goal of atmospheric science. Its importance to society is growing continuously due to factors such as vulnerability to natural disasters, the move to renewable energy sources, and the risks of climate change. But prediction is also a major scientific challenge due to the inherently limited predictability of a chaotic atmosphere, and has led to a revolution in forecasting methods as we have moved to probabilistic prediction. These changes provide the motivation for Waves to Weather (W2W), a major national research program in Germany with three main university partners in Munich, Mainz, and Karlsruhe. We are currently in the second 4-yr phase of our pla…
Large-scale Rossby wave and synoptic-scale dynamic analyses of the unusually late 2016 heatwave over Europe
This paper analyses the late summer heatwave over Europe in 2016. Central, western and southwestern Europe were primarily affected by the high temperatures. Seville, Spain, for example, experienced the highest September temperature on record on 5 September 2016, reaching a maximum of 44.8°C, and temperatures in Trier, Germany reached 34.2°C on 13 September 2016. The heatwave was marked by three distinct peaks, accompanied by record‐breaking values for 500hPa geopotential heights and, to a lesser extent, 850hPa temperatures. These peaks were associated with the arrival of high‐amplitude Rossby wave packets in western Europe. The latter originated several days before the event over western No…
Tropical Transition of Hurricane Chris (2012) over the North Atlantic Ocean: A Multi-Scale Investigation of Predictability
Tropical cyclones that evolve from a non-tropical origin may pose a special challenge for predictions, as they often emerge at the end of a multi-scale cascade of atmospheric processes. Climatological studies have shown that the 'tropical transition' (TT) pathway plays a prominent role in cyclogenesis, in particular over the North Atlantic Ocean. Here we use operational European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts ensemble predictions to investigate the TT of North Atlantic Hurricane Chris (2012), whose formation was preceded by the merger of two potential vorticity (PV) maxima, eventually resulting in the storm-inducing PV streamer. The principal goal is to elucidate the dynamic and …
Dry-Season Precipitation in Tropical West Africa and Its Relation to Forcing from the Extratropics
Abstract Precipitation is a major socioeconomic factor in the Guineo-Soudanian zone of tropical West Africa with its distinct summer rainy season from May to October. Albeit rare, precipitation during the dry season can have substantial impacts on the local hydrology and human activities reaching from the rotting of harvests to improved grazing conditions. This study provides an observationally based synoptic and dynamical analysis of an abundant rainfall event during the dry season of 2003/04 that affected the countries of Nigeria, Benin, Togo, and Ghana. The results point to a forcing of the rainfalls from the extratropics in the following ways: 1) Upper-level clouds and moisture to the e…
Linking Northern Hemisphere temperature extremes to Rossby wave packets
Sensitivity of low-level clouds and precipitation to anthropogenic aerosol emission in southern West Africa: a DACCIWA case study
Abstract. During the West African summer monsoon, pollutants emitted in urbanized coastal areas modify cloud cover and precipitation patterns. The Dynamics-Aerosol-Chemistry-Cloud-Interactions in West Africa (DACCIWA) field campaign provided numerous aircraft-based and ground-based observations, which are used here to evaluate two experiments made with the coupled WRF-CHIMERE model, integrating both the direct and indirect aerosol effect on meteorology. During one well-documented week (1–7 July 2016), the impacts of anthropogenic aerosols on the diurnal cycle of low-level clouds and precipitation are analyzed in detail using high and moderate intensity of anthropogenic emissions in the expe…